use anticipate_runner::{Error, Instruction, ScriptFile, ScriptParser}; use anyhow::Result; #[test] fn parse_pragma() -> Result<()> { let source = "#!../programs/"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Pragma(_)))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_sendline() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ sendline foo"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_readline() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ readline"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::ReadLine))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_sendline_raw() -> Result<()> { let source = "foo"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_sendline_raw_numeric() -> Result<()> { let source = "2"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_expect() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ expect bar"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Expect(_)))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_regex() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ regex [0-9]"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Regex(_)))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_sendcontrol() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ sendcontrol c"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::SendControl(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_sleep() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ sleep 500"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Sleep(_)))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_comment() -> Result<()> { let source = "# this is a comment"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; if let Some(Instruction::Comment(text)) = instructions.get(0) { assert_eq!(source, *text); } else { panic!("expected comment instruction"); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_send() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ send echo"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Send(_)))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_flush() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ flush"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Flush))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_wait() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ wait"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Wait))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_clear() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ clear"; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!(instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Clear))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_include() -> Result<()> { let file = "tests/fixtures/"; let file = ScriptFile::parse(file)?; let instructions = file.instructions(); assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); if let Some(Instruction::Include(source)) = instructions.get(0) { if let Some(Instruction::SendLine(val)) = source.borrow_instructions().get(0) { assert_eq!("echo hi", *val); } else { panic!("expected send line in include"); } assert!(matches!( source.borrow_instructions().get(1), Some(Instruction::ReadLine) )); if let Some(Instruction::SendLine(val)) = source.borrow_instructions().get(2) { assert_eq!("exit", *val); } else { panic!("expected send line in include"); } } else { panic!("expected include instruction"); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_include_many() -> Result<()> { let file = "tests/fixtures/"; let file = ScriptFile::parse(file)?; let instructions = file.instructions(); let mut it = instructions.iter(); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::Comment(_)))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::Include(_)))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::Wait))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::Comment(_)))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::Include(_)))); assert!(matches!(, Some(Instruction::Wait))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_comment_leading_whitespace() -> Result<()> { let source = r#" # comment with leading whitespace"#; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert!(matches!( instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::Comment(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_multi_whitespace() -> Result<()> { let source = r#"exe cmd -n "$FILE_NAME" "$FILE_INPUT""#; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(1, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.first(), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_escaped_multiline() -> Result<()> { let source = r#"exe cmd \ -n "$FILE_NAME" \ "$FILE_INPUT""#; let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(3, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.get(0), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); assert!(matches!( instructions.get(1), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); assert!(matches!( instructions.get(2), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_comment_heading() -> Result<()> { let source = include_str!("../../tests/fixtures/"); let instructions = ScriptParser::parse(source)?; assert_eq!(5, instructions.len()); assert!(matches!( instructions.get(0), Some(Instruction::SendLine(_)) )); assert!(matches!(instructions.get(1), Some(Instruction::Wait))); assert!(matches!(instructions.get(2), Some(Instruction::Comment(_)))); assert!(matches!(instructions.get(3), Some(Instruction::Comment(_)))); assert!(matches!(instructions.get(4), Some(Instruction::Comment(_)))); Ok(()) } // Errors #[test] fn parse_pragma_first_err() -> Result<()> { let source = r#" # comment before the pragma #!sh"#; let result = ScriptParser::parse(source); assert!(matches!(result, Err(Error::PragmaFirst))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_unknown() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$ foobar"; let result = ScriptParser::parse(source); assert!(matches!(result, Err(Error::UnknownInstruction(_)))); if let Err(Error::UnknownInstruction(cmd)) = result { assert_eq!("#$ foobar", cmd); } else { panic!("expected unknown instruction error"); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_unknown_empty() -> Result<()> { let source = "#$"; let result = ScriptParser::parse(source); assert!(matches!(result, Err(Error::UnknownInstruction(_)))); if let Err(Error::UnknownInstruction(cmd)) = result { assert_eq!("", cmd); } else { panic!("expected unknown instruction error"); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_include_missing() -> Result<()> { let file = "tests/fixtures/"; let result = ScriptFile::parse(file); assert!(matches!(result, Err(Error::Include(_, _)))); Ok(()) }