use crate::{ resolve_path, Error, Instruction, Instructions, Result, ScriptParser, }; use anticipate::{ log::{LogWriter, NoopLogWriter, PrefixLogWriter, StandardLogWriter}, repl::ReplSession, spawn_with_options, ControlCode, Expect, Regex, Session, }; use ouroboros::self_referencing; use probability::prelude::*; use std::io::{BufRead, Write}; use std::{ borrow::Cow, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, thread::sleep, time::Duration, }; use tracing::{span, Level}; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; const PROMPT: &str = "➜ "; #[cfg(unix)] const COMMAND: &str = "bash -noprofile -norc"; #[cfg(windows)] const COMMAND: &str = "pwsh -NoProfile -NonInteractive -NoLogo"; /// Source for probability distribution. struct Source(T); impl source::Source for Source { fn read_u64(&mut self) -> u64 { self.0.next_u64() } } /// Options for asciinema execution. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CinemaOptions { /// Delay in milliseconds. pub delay: u64, /// Type pragma command. pub type_pragma: bool, /// Deviation for gaussian delay modification. pub deviation: f64, /// Shell to run. pub shell: String, /// Terminal columns. pub cols: u64, /// Terminal rows. pub rows: u64, } impl Default for CinemaOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { delay: 75, type_pragma: false, deviation: 15.0, shell: COMMAND.to_string(), cols: 80, rows: 24, } } } /// Options for the interpreter. pub struct InterpreterOptions { /// Command to execute in the pty. pub command: String, /// Timeout for rexpect. pub timeout: Option, /// Options for asciinema. pub cinema: Option, /// Identifier. pub id: Option, /// Prompt. pub prompt: Option, /// Echo to stdout. pub echo: bool, /// Format IO logged to stdout. pub format: bool, /// Print comments. pub print_comments: bool, } impl Default for InterpreterOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { command: COMMAND.to_owned(), prompt: None, timeout: Some(10000), cinema: None, id: None, echo: false, format: false, print_comments: false, } } } impl InterpreterOptions { /// Create interpreter options. pub fn new( timeout: u64, echo: bool, format: bool, print_comments: bool, ) -> Self { Self { command: COMMAND.to_owned(), prompt: None, timeout: Some(timeout), cinema: None, id: None, echo, format, print_comments, } } /// Create interpreter options for asciinema recording. pub fn new_recording( output: impl AsRef, overwrite: bool, options: CinemaOptions, timeout: u64, echo: bool, format: bool, print_comments: bool, ) -> Self { let mut command = format!( "asciinema rec {:#?}", output.as_ref().to_string_lossy(), ); if overwrite { command.push_str(" --overwrite"); } command.push_str(&format!(" --rows={}", options.rows)); command.push_str(&format!(" --cols={}", options.cols)); Self { command, prompt: None, timeout: Some(timeout), cinema: Some(options), id: None, echo, format, print_comments, } } } /// Script file. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ScriptFile { path: PathBuf, source: ScriptSource, } impl ScriptFile { /// Path to the source file. pub fn path(&self) -> &PathBuf { &self.path } /// Source contents of the file. pub fn source(&self) -> &str { self.source.borrow_source() } /// Script instructions. pub fn instructions(&self) -> &Instructions<'_> { self.source.borrow_instructions() } } #[self_referencing] #[derive(Debug)] /// Script file. pub struct ScriptSource { /// Script source. pub source: String, /// Parsed instructions. #[borrows(source)] #[covariant] pub instructions: Instructions<'this>, } impl ScriptFile { /// Parse a collection of files. pub fn parse_files(paths: Vec) -> Result> { let mut results = Vec::new(); for path in paths { let script = Self::parse(path)?; results.push(script); } Ok(results) } /// Parse a single file. pub fn parse(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { let source = Self::parse_source(path.as_ref())?; Ok(ScriptFile { path: path.as_ref().to_owned(), source, }) } fn parse_source(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { let mut includes = Vec::new(); let source = std::fs::read_to_string(path.as_ref())?; let mut source = ScriptSourceTryBuilder { source, instructions_builder: |source| { let (instructions, mut file_includes) = ScriptParser::parse_file(source, path.as_ref())?; includes.append(&mut file_includes); Ok::<_, Error>(instructions) }, } .try_build()?; let mut num_inserts = 0; for raw in includes { let src = Self::parse_source(&raw.path)?; let instruction = Instruction::Include(src); source.with_instructions_mut(|i| { let index = raw.index + num_inserts; if index < i.len() { i.insert(index, instruction); } else { i.push(instruction); } num_inserts += 1; }); } Ok(source) } /// Execute the command and instructions in a pseudo-terminal. pub fn run(&self, options: InterpreterOptions) -> Result<()> { let cmd = options.command.clone(); let span = if let Some(id) = & { span!(Level::DEBUG, "run", id = id) } else { span!(Level::DEBUG, "run") }; let _enter = span.enter(); let instructions = self.source.borrow_instructions(); let is_cinema = options.cinema.is_some(); let prompt = options.prompt.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| PROMPT.to_owned()); std::env::set_var("PS1", &prompt); if let Some(cinema) = &options.cinema { // Export a vanilla shell for asciinema let shell = format!("PS1='{}' {}", &prompt,; std::env::set_var("SHELL", shell); } let pragma = if let Some(Instruction::Pragma(cmd)) = instructions.first() { Some(resolve_path(&self.path, cmd)?) } else { None }; let exec_cmd = if let (false, Some(pragma)) = (is_cinema, &pragma) { pragma.as_ref().to_owned() } else { cmd.to_owned() }; tracing::info!(exec = %exec_cmd, "run"); let timeout = options .timeout .as_ref() .map(|val| Duration::from_millis(*val)); let cmd = parse_command(&exec_cmd)?; if !options.echo && !options.format { let pty: Session = spawn_with_options(cmd, None, timeout)?; start(pty, prompt, options, pragma, instructions)?; } else if options.echo && !options.format { let pty = spawn_with_options( cmd, Some(StandardLogWriter::default()), timeout, )?; start(pty, prompt, options, pragma, instructions)?; } else if options.echo && options.format { let pty = spawn_with_options( cmd, Some(PrefixLogWriter::default()), timeout, )?; start(pty, prompt, options, pragma, instructions)?; } Ok(()) } } fn parse_command(cmd: &str) -> Result { let mut parts = comma::parse_command(cmd) .ok_or(Error::BadArguments(cmd.to_owned()))?; let prog = parts.remove(0); let mut command = Command::new(prog); command.args(parts); Ok(command) } fn start( session: Session, prompt: String, options: InterpreterOptions, pragma: Option>, instructions: &[Instruction<'_>], ) -> Result<()> { let mut p = ReplSession::new(session, prompt, None, false); if options.cinema.is_some() { p.expect_prompt()?; // Wait for the initial shell prompt to flush sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); tracing::debug!("ready"); } exec( &mut p, instructions, &options, pragma.as_ref().map(|i| i.as_ref()), )?; if options.cinema.is_some() { tracing::debug!("exit"); p.send(ControlCode::EndOfTransmission)?; } else { tracing::debug!("eof"); // If it's not a shell, ie: has a pragma command // which is a script this will fail with I/O error // but we can safely ignore it let _ = p.send(ControlCode::EndOfTransmission); } Ok(()) } fn type_text( pty: &mut ReplSession, text: &str, cinema: &CinemaOptions, ) -> Result<()> { for c in UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(text, true) { pty.send(c)?; pty.flush()?; let mut source = Source(rand::rngs::OsRng); let gaussian = Gaussian::new(0.0, cinema.deviation); let drift = gaussian.sample(&mut source); let delay = if (drift as u64) < cinema.delay { let drift = drift as i64; if drift < 0 { cinema.delay - drift.unsigned_abs() } else { cinema.delay + drift as u64 } } else { cinema.delay + drift.abs() as u64 }; sleep(Duration::from_millis(delay)); } pty.send("\n")?; pty.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn exec( p: &mut ReplSession, instructions: &[Instruction<'_>], options: &InterpreterOptions, pragma: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<()> { for cmd in instructions.iter() { tracing::debug!(instruction = ?cmd); match cmd { Instruction::Pragma(_) => { if let (Some(cinema), Some(cmd)) = (&options.cinema, &pragma) { if cinema.type_pragma { type_text(p, cmd, cinema)?; } else { p.send_line(cmd)?; } } } Instruction::Sleep(delay) => { sleep(Duration::from_millis(*delay)); } Instruction::Send(line) => { p.send(line)?; } Instruction::Comment(line) | Instruction::SendLine(line) => { if let (false, Instruction::Comment(_)) = (options.print_comments, cmd) { continue; } let line = ScriptParser::interpolate(line)?; if let Some(cinema) = &options.cinema { type_text(p, line.as_ref(), cinema)?; } else { p.send_line(line.as_ref())?; } } Instruction::SendControl(ctrl) => { let ctrl = ControlCode::try_from(*ctrl).map_err(|_| { Error::InvalidControlCode(ctrl.to_string()) })?; p.send(ctrl)?; } Instruction::Expect(line) => { p.expect(line)?; } Instruction::Regex(line) => { p.expect(Regex(line))?; } Instruction::ReadLine => { let mut line = String::new(); p.read_line(&mut line)?; } Instruction::Wait => { p.expect_prompt()?; } Instruction::Clear => { p.send_line("clear")?; } Instruction::Flush => { p.flush()?; } Instruction::Include(source) => { exec(p, source.borrow_instructions(), options, pragma)?; } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(15)); } Ok(()) }