use antimatter::capsule::common::{CellReader, Column, RowReader, SpanTag}; use antimatter::session::api_helper::domains; use antimatter::session::session::SessionError::APIError; use antimatter::session::session::{EncapsulateConfig, SessionError}; use antimatter_api::models; use antimatter_api::models::data_policy_clause::Operator; use antimatter_api::models::fact_policy_rules_inner_arguments_inner::Source::Any; use antimatter_api::models::new_data_policy_rule::{TokenFormat, TokenScope}; use antimatter_api::models::root_encryption_key_test_response::Status::Healthy; use antimatter_api::models::AddReadContext; use antimatter_api::models::{ fact_policy_rules_inner, FactPolicyRulesInner, FactPolicyRulesInnerArgumentsInner, NewDomainPolicyRule, PolicyRuleOperation, PolicyRuleResult, }; use antimatter_api::models::{ActiveRootEncryptionKeyId, FactTuple}; use antimatter_api::models::{ AddWriteContext, CapabilityExpression, ClassifierRule, DataPolicyClause, DataPolicyRuleChanges, DataPolicyRuleEffect, FactExpression, FactExpressionArgumentsInner, LlmClassifierConfig, NewDataPolicy, NewDataPolicyRule, RegexClassifierConfig, SetDataPolicyBinding, SetDataPolicyBindingReadContextsInner, TagExpression, WriteContextConfigInfo, }; use antimatter_api::models::{ Capability, DomainIdentityEmailPrincipalParams, DomainIdentityPrincipalDetails, DomainIdentityProviderDetails, DomainIdentityProviderPrincipalParams, GoogleOAuthDomainIdentityProviderDetails, GoogleOAuthDomainIdentityProviderDetailsGroupMappings, GoogleOAuthDomainIdentityProviderGroupCapabilityMappings, GoogleOAuthDomainIdentityProviderGroupMappingDetails, UpdatePrincipalParams, }; use antimatter_api::models::{DeleteTags, TagTypeField}; use antimatter_api::models::{NewFact, NewFactTypeDefinition, NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::Cursor; #[test] fn test_api_write_contexts() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let res = session .list_write_context() .expect("failed to list write contexts"); assert_eq!( res.write_contexts[0].name, "default", "unexpected write context name" ); let res = session .describe_write_context("default") .expect("failed to describe write context"); assert_eq!(res.imported, false, "unexpected imported value"); session .add_write_context( "test_write_context1", AddWriteContext { summary: "summary1".to_string(), description: "description1".to_string(), config: Box::new(WriteContextConfigInfo { key_reuse_ttl: Some(0), default_capsule_tags: Some(vec![]), required_hooks: vec![], }), }, ) .expect("failed to add write context"); let res = session .list_write_context() .expect("failed to list write contexts"); assert_eq!( res.write_contexts.len(), 3, "unexpected write context count" ); session .upsert_write_context_configuration( "test_write_context1", WriteContextConfigInfo { key_reuse_ttl: Some(60), default_capsule_tags: Some(vec![]), required_hooks: vec![], }, ) .expect("failed to upsert write context"); let res = session .describe_write_context("test_write_context1") .expect("failed to describe write context"); assert_eq!( res.config.key_reuse_ttl.unwrap_or(0), 60, "unexpected imported value" ); session .insert_write_context_classifier_rule( "test_write_context1", ClassifierRule { id: None, comment: None, span_tags: vec![], capsule_tags: vec![], regex_config: Some(Box::new(RegexClassifierConfig { pattern: "[0-9]{{3}}-[0-9]{{3}}-[0-9]{{4}}".to_string(), match_on_key: false, })), llm_config: None, }, ) .expect("failed to insert write context classifier rule"); session .insert_write_context_classifier_rule( "test_write_context1", ClassifierRule { id: None, comment: None, span_tags: vec![], capsule_tags: vec![], regex_config: None, llm_config: Some(Box::new(LlmClassifierConfig { model: "gpt-4".to_string(), prompt: "this is a test prompt".to_string(), })), }, ) .expect("failed to insert write context classifier rule"); session .insert_write_context_classifier_rule( "test_write_context1", ClassifierRule { id: None, comment: None, span_tags: vec![], capsule_tags: vec![], regex_config: Some(Box::new(RegexClassifierConfig { pattern: "[0-9]{{3}}".to_string(), match_on_key: false, })), llm_config: None, }, ) .expect("failed to insert write context classifier rule"); let res = session .list_write_context_classifier_rules("test_write_context1") .expect("failed to list write context classifier rules"); let x = res.rules.unwrap_or_default(); assert_eq!(x.len(), 3, "expected 3 write context classifier rules"); session .delete_write_context_classifier_rule( "test_write_context1", x[0].id.clone().unwrap_or_default().as_str(), ) .expect("failed to delete write context classifier rule"); let res = session .list_write_context_classifier_rules("test_write_context1") .expect("failed to list write context classifier rules"); assert_eq!( res.rules.unwrap_or_default().len(), 2, "expected 2 write context classifier rules" ); session .delete_write_context_classifier_rules("test_write_context1") .expect("failed to delete write context classifier rules"); let res = session .list_write_context_classifier_rules("test_write_context1") .expect("failed to list write context classifier rules"); assert_eq!( res.rules.unwrap_or_default().len(), 0, "expected 0 write context classifier rules" ); session .delete_write_context("test_write_context1") .expect("failed to delete write context"); let res = session .list_write_context() .expect("failed to list write contexts"); assert_eq!( res.write_contexts.len(), 2, "unexpected write context count" ); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_api_verification() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; // NOTE: The 400 is expected here as the domain has no emails pending. let _ = session .resend_verification_email("") .map_err(|e| { assert_eq!( e, APIError("error in response: status code 400 Bad Request".to_string()) ) }); } #[test] fn test_api_root_keys() { // TODO: Add in a test for `add_root_encryption_key`, this will require // either setting setting the GCP key's label, or AWS key's alias. The // same should be done for `delete_root_encryption_key`. For now it is okay // though as both v1 and v2 API integration do a full test of this // functionality. let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let res = session .list_root_encryption_keys() .expect("failed to fetch REK list"); assert_eq!( res.keys.unwrap_or_default().len(), 1, "unexpected REK count" ); let res = session .get_active_root_encryption_key() .expect("failed to fetch active REK"); assert_eq!(res.source, "default", "unexpected REK source"); let res = session .test_root_encryption_key(res.rek_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to test REK"); assert_eq!(res.status, Healthy, "expected REK to be HEALTHY"); session .set_active_root_encryption_key(ActiveRootEncryptionKeyId { key_id:, rotate_batch: None, }) .expect("failed to set active REK"); let res = session .rotate_encryption_keys() .expect("failed to rotate KEKs"); assert_eq!(res.has_more, false, "unexpected has_more value"); let res = session .list_key_providers() .expect("failed to list key providers"); assert_eq!( res.providers.unwrap_or_default().len() >= 2, true, "expected at least 2 key providers" ); } #[test] fn test_api_data_policy() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; session .add_read_context( "testreadctx1", AddReadContext { summary: "read context summary1".to_string(), description: "read context description1".to_string(), disable_read_logging: Some(false), key_cache_ttl: Some(0), required_hooks: Some(vec![]), read_parameters: Some(vec![]), }, ) .expect("failed to add read context"); let res = session .describe_read_context("testreadctx1", Some(false)) .expect("failed to get read context"); assert_eq!( res.summary, "read context summary1", "unexpected read context summary" ); let policy_id = session .create_data_policy(NewDataPolicy { name: "testpolicy1".to_string(), description: "test policy".to_string(), }) .expect("failed to create data policy") .policy_id; let rule_1_id = session .update_data_policy_rules( policy_id.as_str(), DataPolicyRuleChanges { delete_rules: None, new_rules: Some(vec![NewDataPolicyRule { comment: None, clauses: vec![DataPolicyClause { operator: Operator::AllOf, tags: None, capabilities: None, facts: Some(vec![ FactExpression{ r#type: "fact_type".to_string(), operator: antimatter_api::models::fact_expression::Operator::Exists, arguments: vec![FactExpressionArgumentsInner{ operator: antimatter_api::models::fact_expression_arguments_inner::Operator::In, values: Some(vec!["test".to_string()]), }], variables: None, }, ]), read_parameters: None, }], effect: DataPolicyRuleEffect::Allow, token_scope: Some(TokenScope::Capsule), token_format: Some(TokenFormat::Synthetic), priority: Some(0), assign_priority: None, }]), }, ) .expect("failed to add data policy rule #1").new_rules[0].clone(); let rule_2_id = session .update_data_policy_rules( policy_id.as_str(), DataPolicyRuleChanges { delete_rules: None, new_rules: Some(vec![NewDataPolicyRule { comment: None, clauses: vec![DataPolicyClause { operator: Operator::AllOf, tags: None, capabilities: Some(vec![CapabilityExpression { name: "test_cap".to_string(), values: Some(vec!["test_value".to_string()]), operator: antimatter_api::models::capability_expression::Operator::In, variables: None, }]), facts: None, read_parameters: None, }], effect: DataPolicyRuleEffect::Allow, token_scope: Some(TokenScope::Capsule), token_format: Some(TokenFormat::Synthetic), priority: Some(0), assign_priority: None, }]), }, ) .expect("failed to add data policy rule #2") .new_rules[0] .clone(); let rule_3_id = session .update_data_policy_rules( policy_id.as_str(), DataPolicyRuleChanges { delete_rules: None, new_rules: Some(vec![NewDataPolicyRule { comment: None, clauses: vec![DataPolicyClause { operator: Operator::AllOf, tags: Some(vec![TagExpression { name: "".to_string(), values: Some(vec!["test_value".to_string()]), operator: antimatter_api::models::tag_expression::Operator::In, variables: None, }]), capabilities: None, facts: None, read_parameters: None, }], effect: DataPolicyRuleEffect::Allow, token_scope: Some(TokenScope::Capsule), token_format: Some(TokenFormat::Synthetic), priority: Some(0), assign_priority: None, }]), }, ) .expect("failed to add data policy rule #3") .new_rules[0] .clone(); session .set_data_policy_binding( policy_id.as_str(), SetDataPolicyBinding { read_contexts: Some(vec![SetDataPolicyBindingReadContextsInner { name: "testreadctx1".to_string(), configuration: antimatter_api::models::set_data_policy_binding_read_contexts_inner::Configuration::Attached, }]), default_attachment: antimatter_api::models::set_data_policy_binding::DefaultAttachment::Attached, }, ) .expect("failed to set data policy binding"); session .describe_data_policy_rule(policy_id.as_str(), rule_1_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to get rule 1"); session .describe_data_policy_rule(policy_id.as_str(), rule_2_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to get rule 2"); session .describe_data_policy_rule(policy_id.as_str(), rule_3_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to get rule 3"); session .update_data_policy_rule( policy_id.as_str(), rule_1_id.as_str(), NewDataPolicyRule { comment: None, clauses: vec![DataPolicyClause { operator: Operator::AllOf, tags: None, capabilities: None, facts: Some(vec![ FactExpression{ r#type: "fact_type".to_string(), operator: antimatter_api::models::fact_expression::Operator::Exists, arguments: vec![FactExpressionArgumentsInner{ operator: antimatter_api::models::fact_expression_arguments_inner::Operator::In, values: Some(vec!["test".to_string()]), }], variables: None, }, ]), read_parameters: None, }], effect: DataPolicyRuleEffect::Allow, token_scope: Some(TokenScope::Capsule), token_format: Some(TokenFormat::Synthetic), priority: Some(5), assign_priority: None, }, ) .expect("failed to update data policy rule"); let res = session .describe_data_policy_rule(policy_id.as_str(), rule_1_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to get rule 1"); assert_eq!(res.priority, 5, "unexpected data policy rule priority"); let res = session .describe_data_policy(policy_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to describe data policy"); assert_eq!( res.rules.unwrap_or(vec![]).len(), 3, "expected 3 data policy rules" ); session .delete_data_policy_rule(policy_id.as_str(), rule_1_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to delete data policy rule"); let res = session .describe_data_policy(policy_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to describe data policy"); assert_eq!( res.rules.unwrap_or(vec![]).len(), 2, "expected 2 data policy rules" ); session .update_data_policy_rules( policy_id.as_str(), DataPolicyRuleChanges { new_rules: None, delete_rules: Some(vec![rule_2_id, rule_3_id]), }, ) .expect("failed to delete data policy rules"); let res = session .describe_data_policy(policy_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to describe data policy"); assert_eq!( res.rules.unwrap_or(vec![]).len(), 0, "expected 0 data policy rules" ); session .delete_read_context("testreadctx1") .expect("failed to delete read context"); let res = session .list_read_context() .expect("failed to list read contexts"); assert_eq!(res.read_contexts.len(), 1, "expected 1 read context"); } #[test] fn test_api_policies() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let res = session .list_policy_rules() .expect("failed to fetch policy rules"); assert_eq!(res.rules.len(), 31, "expected 31 policies"); let res = session .create_policy_rule(NewDomainPolicyRule { domain_identity: None, facts: Some(vec![FactPolicyRulesInner { operator: fact_policy_rules_inner::Operator::Exists, name: "fact1".to_string(), arguments: vec![FactPolicyRulesInnerArgumentsInner { source: Any, capability: Some("capability1".to_string()), value: None, }], }]), path: "log".to_string(), operation: PolicyRuleOperation::View, result: PolicyRuleResult::Allow, priority: 123, disabled: true, }) .expect("failed to create policy rules"); assert_eq!(res.priority, 123, "unexpected priority"); let resl = session .list_policy_rules() .expect("failed to fetch policy rules"); assert_eq!(resl.rules.len(), 32, "expected 32 policies"); session .update_policy_rule(, NewDomainPolicyRule { domain_identity: None, facts: Some(vec![FactPolicyRulesInner { operator: fact_policy_rules_inner::Operator::Exists, name: "fact1".to_string(), arguments: vec![FactPolicyRulesInnerArgumentsInner { source: Any, capability: Some("capability1".to_string()), value: None, }], }]), path: "log".to_string(), operation: PolicyRuleOperation::View, result: PolicyRuleResult::Allow, priority: 123, disabled: true, }, ) .expect("failed to update policy rule"); session .delete_policy_rule( .expect("failed to delete policy rule"); let res = session .renumber_policy_rules() .expect("failed to renumber policy"); assert_eq!(res.rules.len(), 31, "expected 31 policies"); } #[test] fn test_api_identity_providers() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; session .upsert_identity_providers( "testidp", DomainIdentityProviderDetails { google_o_auth: Some(Box::new(GoogleOAuthDomainIdentityProviderDetails { client_id: None, group_mappings: None, })), microsoft_o_auth: None, api_key: None, }, ) .expect("failed to create idp"); let res = session .list_identity_providers() .expect("failed to list idp"); assert_eq!( res.identity_providers.unwrap_or_default()[0].name, "apikey", "unexpected IDP name" ); let res = session .get_identity_provider("testidp") .expect("failed to fetch idp 1"); assert_eq!( res.supported_principals[0].to_string(), "Email", "unexpected IDP supported principal" ); let _ = session .upsert_identity_providers( "testidp", DomainIdentityProviderDetails { google_o_auth: Some(Box::new(GoogleOAuthDomainIdentityProviderDetails { client_id: Some("".to_string()), group_mappings: None, })), microsoft_o_auth: None, api_key: None, }, ) .expect("failed to upsert idp"); let res = session .get_identity_provider("testidp") .expect("failed to fetch idp 2"); let x = res.details.unwrap_or_default(); assert_eq!( x.google_o_auth .unwrap_or_default() .client_id .unwrap_or_default(), "", "unexpected IDP supported principal" ); session .insert_identity_provider_principal( "testidp", DomainIdentityProviderPrincipalParams { capabilities: vec![], details: Box::new(DomainIdentityPrincipalDetails::Email(Box::new( DomainIdentityEmailPrincipalParams { r#type: Default::default(), comment: Some("comment1".to_string()), email: "".to_string(), }, ))), }, ) .expect("failed to create idp principal 1"); session .insert_identity_provider_principal( "testidp", DomainIdentityProviderPrincipalParams { capabilities: vec![], details: Box::new(DomainIdentityPrincipalDetails::Email(Box::new( DomainIdentityEmailPrincipalParams { r#type: Default::default(), comment: Some("comment2".to_string()), email: "".to_string(), }, ))), }, ) .expect("failed to create idp principal 2"); let res = session .get_identity_provider_principals("testidp") .expect("failed to fetch idp principals"); assert_eq!(res.principals.len(), 2, "expected 2 principals"); session .update_identity_provider_principal( "testidp", res.principals[0].principal_id.as_str(), UpdatePrincipalParams { capabilities: vec![Capability { name: "admin".to_string(), value: None, }], comment: None, }, ) .expect("failed to update idp principal"); let resp = session .get_identity_provider_principal("testidp", res.principals[0].principal_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to get idp principal"); assert_eq!(resp.comment.len(), 8, "expected admin capability"); session .delete_identity_provider_principal("testidp", res.principals[0].principal_id.as_str()) .expect("failed to delete idp principal"); let res = session .get_identity_provider_principals("testidp") .expect("failed to fetch idp principals"); assert_eq!(res.principals.len(), 1, "expected 1 principals"); session .delete_identity_provider("testidp") .expect("failed to delete idp"); let res = session .list_identity_providers() .expect("failed to list idp"); assert_eq!( res.identity_providers.unwrap_or_default().len(), 3, "expected 3 idps" ); } #[test] fn test_idp_group_providers() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let res = session .list_identity_group_providers() .expect("failed to get IDP group info"); assert!(res.group_identity_providers.is_some()); let providers = res.group_identity_providers.clone().unwrap(); assert_eq!(providers.len(), 1); assert_eq!( providers[0].clone().name.unwrap(), "Google Domain Directory Group Membership Capability Mapping".to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_api_general() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let res = session .get_private_info() .expect("failed to get private info"); assert_eq!( res.default_display_name, session.get_domain_id(), "unexpected display name" ); let res = session .get_public_info() .expect("failed to get public info"); assert_eq!(, session.get_domain_id(), "unexpected display name"); let res = session.get_settings().expect("failed to fetch settings"); assert_eq!( res.active_admin_contacts.unwrap_or_default()[0], "", "unexpected active email" ); session.list_hooks().expect("failed to list hooks"); let res = session.list_resources().expect("failed to list resources"); assert_eq!( res.schema.len() > 10, true, "expected more than 10 resources" ); let res = session .query_access_logs(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) .expect("failed to fetch access logs"); assert_eq!(res.has_more, false, "expected no capsule access logs"); let res = session .query_control_log(None, None, None, None, None, None, None) .expect("failed to fetch access logs"); assert_eq!( res.results.len() > 0, true, "expected at least 1 control log" ); } #[test] fn test_api_facts() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let res = session .list_fact_types() .expect("failed to list fact types 1"); assert_eq!(res.fact_types.len(), 0, "expected 0 fact types"); session .add_fact_type( "testtype1", NewFactTypeDefinition { description: "a test fact type 1".to_string(), arguments: vec![ NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner { name: "name11".to_string(), description: "desc11".to_string(), }, NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner { name: "name12".to_string(), description: "desc12".to_string(), }, NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner { name: "name13".to_string(), description: "desc13".to_string(), }, ], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact type 1"); session .add_fact_type( "testtype2", NewFactTypeDefinition { description: "a test fact type 2".to_string(), arguments: vec![ NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner { name: "name21".to_string(), description: "desc21".to_string(), }, NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner { name: "name22".to_string(), description: "desc22".to_string(), }, NewFactTypeDefinitionArgumentsInner { name: "name23".to_string(), description: "desc23".to_string(), }, ], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact type 2"); let res = session .list_fact_types() .expect("failed to list fact types 2"); assert_eq!(res.fact_types.len(), 2, "expected 2 fact types"); let res = session .get_fact_type("testtype1") .expect("failed to get fact type"); assert_eq!(, "testtype1", "unexpected fact type name"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype2") .expect("failed to list fact types"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 0, "expected 0 facts of type"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "1".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 1"); session .add_fact( "testtype2", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "2".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 2"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "3".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 3"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype2") .expect("failed to list fact types"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 1, "expected 0 facts of type"); let res = session .get_fact("testtype2", res.facts[0].id.as_str()) .expect("failed to get fact by id"); assert_eq!(res.arguments[1], "mix", "unexpected fact argument"); session .delete_fact( "testtype1", Some(vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "1".to_string()]), None, ) .expect("failed to delete fact by arguments"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to list fact types"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 1, "expected 0 facts of type"); session .delete_fact("testtype1", None, Some(res.facts[0].id.as_str())) .expect("failed to delete fact by ID"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to list fact types"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 0, "expected 0 facts of type"); session .delete_fact_type("testtype2", "testtype2") .expect("failed to delete fact type"); let res = session .list_fact_types() .expect("failed to list fact types 2"); assert_eq!(res.fact_types.len(), 1, "expected 1 fact types"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "1".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 1"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "2".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 2"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "3".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 3"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "5".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 5"); session .add_fact( "testtype1", NewFact { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "4".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed to add fact 4"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to list fact types 2"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 5, "expected 5 fact types"); session .delete_fact_by_tuple( "testtype1", FactTuple { arguments: vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "2".to_string()], }, ) .expect("failed delete a fact by tuple"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to list fact types 3"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 4, "expected 4 fact types"); session .delete_fact( "testtype1", Some(vec!["cake".to_string(), "mix".to_string(), "4".to_string()]), None, ) .expect("failed delete a fact by tuple 2"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to list fact types 4"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 3, "expected 3 fact types"); session .delete_all_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to delete all facts"); let res = session .list_facts("testtype1") .expect("failed to list fact types 2"); assert_eq!(res.facts.len(), 0, "expected 0 fact types"); } // This endpoint was "not implemented" at time of writing. #[test] #[ignore] fn test_api_encryption() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; session .flush_encryption_keys() .expect("failed to flush encryption keys"); } #[test] fn test_api_domains() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; session .new_peer_domain( Some(vec!["nick".to_string(), "name".to_string()]), None, "child1".to_string(), None, "child1display".to_string(), Some(true), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ) .expect("failed to create peer 1"); session .new_peer_domain_link_all( Some(vec!["not".to_string(), "me".to_string()]), None, "child2".to_string(), None, "child2display".to_string(), ) .expect("failed to create peer 2"); let _ = session .get_peer(None, Some("child2")) .expect("failed to get peer 2"); let res = session.list_peers().expect("failed to create get peers"); assert_eq!(res.peers.len(), 2, "expected only 2 peers"); let peer_id = &session.list_peers().expect("failure").peers[0].id; let peer_conf = session .get_peer_config(peer_id) .expect("failed to get peer 1 config"); assert_eq!( peer_conf.display_name, "child1display", "unexpected display name pre update" ); session .update_peer( None, Some("name"), None, "updateddisplayname".to_string(), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, Some(42), None, None, None, None, None, ) .expect("failed to update peer 1"); let peer_conf = session .get_peer_config(peer_id) .expect("failed to get peer 1 config"); assert_eq!( peer_conf.display_name, "updateddisplayname", "unexpected display name post update" ); session .delete_peer(None, Some("me"), None) .expect("failed to delete peer 2"); let res = session.list_peers().expect("failed to create get peers"); assert_eq!(res.peers.len(), 1, "expected only 1 peer"); session.get_top_tags().expect("failed to get top tags"); let err = session .get_peer(None, Some("unknown")) .err() .expect("expected an error"); match err { SessionError::Status404(e) => {} _ => panic!("unexpected error type (expected 404): {:?}", err), } } #[test] fn test_api_capsules() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; let input_data = vec![vec!["row0, col0: example data element".as_bytes().to_vec()]]; let cell_readers = convert_to_readers(input_data.clone(), vec![vec![vec![]]]) .expect("failed to generate data"); let columns = vec![Column { name: "col0".to_string(), tags: vec![], skip_classification: false, }]; let cfg = EncapsulateConfig { write_context_name: "default".to_string(), extra: "some extra data".to_string(), subdomain: None, subdomain_from: None, create_subdomains: None, async_seal: false, }; // encapsulate the data let (mut reader, _meta) = session .encapsulate(columns, cell_readers, vec![], cfg) .expect("failed to encapsulate"); let mut capsule_data: Vec = Vec::new(); reader .read_to_end(&mut capsule_data) .expect("failed to read capsule data"); // reader seems to be linked to the session so if we don't drop it, we get // Err: cannot borrow `session` as mutable more than once at a time drop(reader); // open the sealed capsule let writer = Cursor::new(capsule_data); let mut iterator = session .open("default", HashMap::new(), HashMap::new(), writer) .expect("failed to open capsule"); let (_tags, output_data) = iterator.read_all(&[]).expect("failed to read all"); assert_eq!(input_data, output_data); // --- let res_list = session .list_capsules(None, None, None, None, None, None, None) .expect("failed to fetch capsule list"); assert_eq!(res_list.results.len(), 1, "expected only 1 capsule"); let res_info = session .get_capsule_info(res_list.results[0].id.as_str()) .expect("failed to fetch capsule list"); assert_eq!( res_info.capsule_tags.len(), 0, "expected 0 capsule tags pre delete" ); let cap_tags = vec![models::Tag { name: "name1".to_string(), value: "value1".to_string(), r#type: TagTypeField::String, source: "source1".to_string(), hook_version: Some("1.0.0".to_string()), }]; session .upsert_capsule_tags(res_list.results[0].id.as_str(), cap_tags) .expect("failed to upsert capsule tags"); let res_info = session .get_capsule_info(res_list.results[0].id.as_str()) .expect("failed to fetch capsule list"); assert_eq!(res_info.capsule_tags.len(), 1, "expected 1 capsule tags"); session .delete_capsule_tags( res_list.results[0].id.as_str(), DeleteTags { names: Some(vec!["name1".to_string()]), }, ) .expect("failed to delete capsule tags"); let res_info = session .get_capsule_info(res_list.results[0].id.as_str()) .expect("failed to fetch capsule list"); assert_eq!( res_info.capsule_tags.len(), 0, "expected 0 capsule tags post delete" ); } #[test] fn test_domain_capabilities() { let res = domains::create_domain("").expect("failed to create session"); let mut session = res.0; session .put_capability( "cap1", "summary1".to_string(), Some("desc1".to_string()), true, Some(true), ) .expect("failed to create capability 1"); session .put_capability( "cap2", "summary2".to_string(), Some("desc2".to_string()), false, None, ) .expect("failed to create capability 2"); let res = session .get_capability("cap1") .expect("failed to fetch capability 1"); assert_eq!(res.summary, "summary1", "unexpected description"); let list_res = session .list_capabilities() .expect("failed to fetch capability list pre delete"); assert_eq!( list_res.capabilities.len(), 5, "expected only 2 capabilities" ); session .delete_capability("cap1") .expect("failed to delete capability"); let list_res = session .list_capabilities() .expect("failed to fetch capability list post delete"); assert_eq!( list_res.capabilities.len(), 4, "expected only 1 capabilities" ); } fn convert_to_readers( elements: Vec>>, tags: Vec>>, ) -> Result, String> { if elements.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); } let col_count = elements[0].len(); // Validate column consistency. if elements.iter().any(|row| row.len() != col_count) { return Err("column length inconsistency".to_string()); } let rows = elements .clone() .into_iter() .zip(tags.into_iter()) .map(|(row, tags)| { let mapped = row .clone() .into_iter() .zip(tags.clone().into_iter()) .map(|(item_a, item_b)| to_data_element(item_a, item_b)) .collect::, String>>() .unwrap(); RowReader { tags: vec![], cells: mapped, } }) .collect::>(); Ok(rows) } fn to_data_element(element: Vec, tags: Vec) -> Result { CellReader::new(tags, std::io::Cursor::new(element.clone())) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to create reader for element: {}", e)) }