// Generated from CSV.g4 by ANTLR 4.8 #![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(nonstandard_style)] #![allow(unused_imports)] #![allow(unused_mut)] #![allow(unused_braces)] use super::csvlistener::*; use super::csvvisitor::*; use antlr_rust::atn::{ATN, INVALID_ALT}; use antlr_rust::atn_deserializer::ATNDeserializer; use antlr_rust::dfa::DFA; use antlr_rust::error_strategy::{DefaultErrorStrategy, ErrorStrategy}; use antlr_rust::errors::*; use antlr_rust::int_stream::EOF; use antlr_rust::parser::{BaseParser, Parser, ParserNodeType, ParserRecog}; use antlr_rust::parser_atn_simulator::ParserATNSimulator; use antlr_rust::parser_rule_context::{cast, cast_mut, BaseParserRuleContext, ParserRuleContext}; use antlr_rust::recognizer::{Actions, Recognizer}; use antlr_rust::rule_context::{BaseRuleContext, CustomRuleContext, RuleContext}; use antlr_rust::token::{OwningToken, Token, TOKEN_EOF}; use antlr_rust::token_factory::{CommonTokenFactory, TokenAware, TokenFactory}; use antlr_rust::token_stream::TokenStream; use antlr_rust::tree::*; use antlr_rust::vocabulary::{Vocabulary, VocabularyImpl}; use antlr_rust::PredictionContextCache; use antlr_rust::TokenSource; use antlr_rust::lazy_static; use antlr_rust::{TidAble, TidExt}; use std::any::{Any, TypeId}; use std::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut}; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; pub const T__0: isize = 1; pub const T__1: isize = 2; pub const T__2: isize = 3; pub const WS: isize = 4; pub const TEXT: isize = 5; pub const STRING: isize = 6; pub const RULE_csvFile: usize = 0; pub const RULE_hdr: usize = 1; pub const RULE_row: usize = 2; pub const RULE_field: usize = 3; pub const ruleNames: [&'static str; 4] = ["csvFile", "hdr", "row", "field"]; pub const _LITERAL_NAMES: [Option<&'static str>; 4] = [None, Some("','"), Some("'\r'"), Some("'\n'")]; pub const _SYMBOLIC_NAMES: [Option<&'static str>; 7] = [ None, None, None, None, Some("WS"), Some("TEXT"), Some("STRING"), ]; lazy_static! { static ref _shared_context_cache: Arc = Arc::new(PredictionContextCache::new()); static ref VOCABULARY: Box = Box::new(VocabularyImpl::new( _LITERAL_NAMES.iter(), _SYMBOLIC_NAMES.iter(), None )); } type BaseParserType<'input, I> = BaseParser< 'input, CSVParserExt<'input>, I, CSVParserContextType, dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'input, >; type TokenType<'input> = as TokenFactory<'input>>::Tok; pub type LocalTokenFactory<'input> = antlr_rust::token_factory::ArenaCommonFactory<'input>; pub type CSVTreeWalker<'input, 'a> = ParseTreeWalker<'input, 'a, CSVParserContextType, dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a>; /// Parser for CSV grammar pub struct CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { base: BaseParserType<'input, I>, interpreter: Arc, _shared_context_cache: Box, pub err_handler: H, } impl<'input, I, H> CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { pub fn get_serialized_atn() -> &'static str { _serializedATN } pub fn set_error_strategy(&mut self, strategy: H) { self.err_handler = strategy } pub fn with_strategy(input: I, strategy: H) -> Self { antlr_rust::recognizer::check_version("0", "3"); let interpreter = Arc::new(ParserATNSimulator::new( _ATN.clone(), _decision_to_DFA.clone(), _shared_context_cache.clone(), )); Self { base: BaseParser::new_base_parser( input, Arc::clone(&interpreter), CSVParserExt { _pd: Default::default(), }, ), interpreter, _shared_context_cache: Box::new(PredictionContextCache::new()), err_handler: strategy, } } } type DynStrategy<'input, I> = Box> + 'input>; impl<'input, I> CSVParser<'input, I, DynStrategy<'input, I>> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, { pub fn with_dyn_strategy(input: I) -> Self { Self::with_strategy(input, Box::new(DefaultErrorStrategy::new())) } } impl<'input, I> CSVParser<'input, I, DefaultErrorStrategy<'input, CSVParserContextType>> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, { pub fn new(input: I) -> Self { Self::with_strategy(input, DefaultErrorStrategy::new()) } } /// Trait for monomorphized trait object that corresponds to the nodes of parse tree generated for CSVParser pub trait CSVParserContext<'input>: for<'x> Listenable + 'x> + for<'x> Visitable + 'x> + ParserRuleContext<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>, Ctx = CSVParserContextType> { } antlr_rust::coerce_from! { 'input : CSVParserContext<'input> } impl<'input, 'x, T> VisitableDyn for dyn CSVParserContext<'input> + 'input where T: CSVVisitor<'input> + 'x, { fn accept_dyn(&self, visitor: &mut T) { self.accept(visitor as &mut (dyn CSVVisitor<'input> + 'x)) } } impl<'input> CSVParserContext<'input> for TerminalNode<'input, CSVParserContextType> {} impl<'input> CSVParserContext<'input> for ErrorNode<'input, CSVParserContextType> {} antlr_rust::tid! { impl<'input> TidAble<'input> for dyn CSVParserContext<'input> + 'input } antlr_rust::tid! { impl<'input> TidAble<'input> for dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'input } pub struct CSVParserContextType; antlr_rust::tid! {CSVParserContextType} impl<'input> ParserNodeType<'input> for CSVParserContextType { type TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>; type Type = dyn CSVParserContext<'input> + 'input; } impl<'input, I, H> Deref for CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { type Target = BaseParserType<'input, I>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.base } } impl<'input, I, H> DerefMut for CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.base } } pub struct CSVParserExt<'input> { _pd: PhantomData<&'input str>, } impl<'input> CSVParserExt<'input> {} antlr_rust::tid! { CSVParserExt<'a> } impl<'input> TokenAware<'input> for CSVParserExt<'input> { type TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>; } impl<'input, I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>> ParserRecog<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>> for CSVParserExt<'input> { } impl<'input, I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>> Actions<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>> for CSVParserExt<'input> { fn get_grammar_file_name(&self) -> &str { "CSV.g4" } fn get_rule_names(&self) -> &[&str] { &ruleNames } fn get_vocabulary(&self) -> &dyn Vocabulary { &**VOCABULARY } } //------------------- csvFile ---------------- pub type CsvFileContextAll<'input> = CsvFileContext<'input>; pub type CsvFileContext<'input> = BaseParserRuleContext<'input, CsvFileContextExt<'input>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct CsvFileContextExt<'input> { ph: PhantomData<&'input str>, } impl<'input> CSVParserContext<'input> for CsvFileContext<'input> {} impl<'input, 'a> Listenable + 'a> for CsvFileContext<'input> { fn enter(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.enter_every_rule(self); listener.enter_csvFile(self); } fn exit(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.exit_csvFile(self); listener.exit_every_rule(self); } } impl<'input, 'a> Visitable + 'a> for CsvFileContext<'input> { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut (dyn CSVVisitor<'input> + 'a)) { visitor.visit_csvFile(self); } } impl<'input> CustomRuleContext<'input> for CsvFileContextExt<'input> { type TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>; type Ctx = CSVParserContextType; fn get_rule_index(&self) -> usize { RULE_csvFile } //fn type_rule_index() -> usize where Self: Sized { RULE_csvFile } } antlr_rust::tid! {CsvFileContextExt<'a>} impl<'input> CsvFileContextExt<'input> { fn new( parent: Option + 'input>>, invoking_state: isize, ) -> Rc> { Rc::new(BaseParserRuleContext::new_parser_ctx( parent, invoking_state, CsvFileContextExt { ph: PhantomData }, )) } } pub trait CsvFileContextAttrs<'input>: CSVParserContext<'input> + BorrowMut> { fn hdr(&self) -> Option>> where Self: Sized, { self.child_of_type(0) } fn row_all(&self) -> Vec>> where Self: Sized, { self.children_of_type() } fn row(&self, i: usize) -> Option>> where Self: Sized, { self.child_of_type(i) } } impl<'input> CsvFileContextAttrs<'input> for CsvFileContext<'input> {} impl<'input, I, H> CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { pub fn csvFile(&mut self) -> Result>, ANTLRError> { let mut recog = self; let _parentctx = recog.ctx.take(); let mut _localctx = CsvFileContextExt::new(_parentctx.clone(), recog.base.get_state()); recog.base.enter_rule(_localctx.clone(), 0, RULE_csvFile); let mut _localctx: Rc = _localctx; let mut _la: isize = -1; let result: Result<(), ANTLRError> = (|| { //recog.base.enter_outer_alt(_localctx.clone(), 1); recog.base.enter_outer_alt(None, 1); { /*InvokeRule hdr*/ recog.base.set_state(8); recog.hdr()?; recog.base.set_state(10); recog.err_handler.sync(&mut recog.base)?; _la = recog.base.input.la(1); loop { { { /*InvokeRule row*/ recog.base.set_state(9); recog.row()?; } } recog.base.set_state(12); recog.err_handler.sync(&mut recog.base)?; _la = recog.base.input.la(1); if !(((_la) & !0x3f) == 0 && ((1usize << _la) & ((1usize << T__0) | (1usize << T__1) | (1usize << T__2) | (1usize << TEXT) | (1usize << STRING))) != 0) { break; } } } Ok(()) })(); match result { Ok(_) => {} Err(e @ ANTLRError::FallThrough(_)) => return Err(e), Err(ref re) => { //_localctx.exception = re; recog.err_handler.report_error(&mut recog.base, re); recog.err_handler.recover(&mut recog.base, re)?; } } recog.base.exit_rule(); Ok(_localctx) } } //------------------- hdr ---------------- pub type HdrContextAll<'input> = HdrContext<'input>; pub type HdrContext<'input> = BaseParserRuleContext<'input, HdrContextExt<'input>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct HdrContextExt<'input> { ph: PhantomData<&'input str>, } impl<'input> CSVParserContext<'input> for HdrContext<'input> {} impl<'input, 'a> Listenable + 'a> for HdrContext<'input> { fn enter(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.enter_every_rule(self); listener.enter_hdr(self); } fn exit(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.exit_hdr(self); listener.exit_every_rule(self); } } impl<'input, 'a> Visitable + 'a> for HdrContext<'input> { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut (dyn CSVVisitor<'input> + 'a)) { visitor.visit_hdr(self); } } impl<'input> CustomRuleContext<'input> for HdrContextExt<'input> { type TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>; type Ctx = CSVParserContextType; fn get_rule_index(&self) -> usize { RULE_hdr } //fn type_rule_index() -> usize where Self: Sized { RULE_hdr } } antlr_rust::tid! {HdrContextExt<'a>} impl<'input> HdrContextExt<'input> { fn new( parent: Option + 'input>>, invoking_state: isize, ) -> Rc> { Rc::new(BaseParserRuleContext::new_parser_ctx( parent, invoking_state, HdrContextExt { ph: PhantomData }, )) } } pub trait HdrContextAttrs<'input>: CSVParserContext<'input> + BorrowMut> { fn row(&self) -> Option>> where Self: Sized, { self.child_of_type(0) } } impl<'input> HdrContextAttrs<'input> for HdrContext<'input> {} impl<'input, I, H> CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { pub fn hdr(&mut self) -> Result>, ANTLRError> { let mut recog = self; let _parentctx = recog.ctx.take(); let mut _localctx = HdrContextExt::new(_parentctx.clone(), recog.base.get_state()); recog.base.enter_rule(_localctx.clone(), 2, RULE_hdr); let mut _localctx: Rc = _localctx; let result: Result<(), ANTLRError> = (|| { //recog.base.enter_outer_alt(_localctx.clone(), 1); recog.base.enter_outer_alt(None, 1); { /*InvokeRule row*/ recog.base.set_state(14); recog.row()?; } Ok(()) })(); match result { Ok(_) => {} Err(e @ ANTLRError::FallThrough(_)) => return Err(e), Err(ref re) => { //_localctx.exception = re; recog.err_handler.report_error(&mut recog.base, re); recog.err_handler.recover(&mut recog.base, re)?; } } recog.base.exit_rule(); Ok(_localctx) } } //------------------- row ---------------- pub type RowContextAll<'input> = RowContext<'input>; pub type RowContext<'input> = BaseParserRuleContext<'input, RowContextExt<'input>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct RowContextExt<'input> { ph: PhantomData<&'input str>, } impl<'input> CSVParserContext<'input> for RowContext<'input> {} impl<'input, 'a> Listenable + 'a> for RowContext<'input> { fn enter(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.enter_every_rule(self); listener.enter_row(self); } fn exit(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.exit_row(self); listener.exit_every_rule(self); } } impl<'input, 'a> Visitable + 'a> for RowContext<'input> { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut (dyn CSVVisitor<'input> + 'a)) { visitor.visit_row(self); } } impl<'input> CustomRuleContext<'input> for RowContextExt<'input> { type TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>; type Ctx = CSVParserContextType; fn get_rule_index(&self) -> usize { RULE_row } //fn type_rule_index() -> usize where Self: Sized { RULE_row } } antlr_rust::tid! {RowContextExt<'a>} impl<'input> RowContextExt<'input> { fn new( parent: Option + 'input>>, invoking_state: isize, ) -> Rc> { Rc::new(BaseParserRuleContext::new_parser_ctx( parent, invoking_state, RowContextExt { ph: PhantomData }, )) } } pub trait RowContextAttrs<'input>: CSVParserContext<'input> + BorrowMut> { fn field_all(&self) -> Vec>> where Self: Sized, { self.children_of_type() } fn field(&self, i: usize) -> Option>> where Self: Sized, { self.child_of_type(i) } } impl<'input> RowContextAttrs<'input> for RowContext<'input> {} impl<'input, I, H> CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { pub fn row(&mut self) -> Result>, ANTLRError> { let mut recog = self; let _parentctx = recog.ctx.take(); let mut _localctx = RowContextExt::new(_parentctx.clone(), recog.base.get_state()); recog.base.enter_rule(_localctx.clone(), 4, RULE_row); let mut _localctx: Rc = _localctx; let mut _la: isize = -1; let result: Result<(), ANTLRError> = (|| { //recog.base.enter_outer_alt(_localctx.clone(), 1); recog.base.enter_outer_alt(None, 1); { /*InvokeRule field*/ recog.base.set_state(16); recog.field()?; recog.base.set_state(21); recog.err_handler.sync(&mut recog.base)?; _la = recog.base.input.la(1); while _la == T__0 { { { recog.base.set_state(17); recog.base.match_token(T__0, &mut recog.err_handler)?; /*InvokeRule field*/ recog.base.set_state(18); recog.field()?; } } recog.base.set_state(23); recog.err_handler.sync(&mut recog.base)?; _la = recog.base.input.la(1); } recog.base.set_state(25); recog.err_handler.sync(&mut recog.base)?; _la = recog.base.input.la(1); if _la == T__1 { { recog.base.set_state(24); recog.base.match_token(T__1, &mut recog.err_handler)?; } } recog.base.set_state(27); recog.base.match_token(T__2, &mut recog.err_handler)?; } Ok(()) })(); match result { Ok(_) => {} Err(e @ ANTLRError::FallThrough(_)) => return Err(e), Err(ref re) => { //_localctx.exception = re; recog.err_handler.report_error(&mut recog.base, re); recog.err_handler.recover(&mut recog.base, re)?; } } recog.base.exit_rule(); Ok(_localctx) } } //------------------- field ---------------- pub type FieldContextAll<'input> = FieldContext<'input>; pub type FieldContext<'input> = BaseParserRuleContext<'input, FieldContextExt<'input>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct FieldContextExt<'input> { ph: PhantomData<&'input str>, } impl<'input> CSVParserContext<'input> for FieldContext<'input> {} impl<'input, 'a> Listenable + 'a> for FieldContext<'input> { fn enter(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.enter_every_rule(self); listener.enter_field(self); } fn exit(&self, listener: &mut (dyn CSVListener<'input> + 'a)) { listener.exit_field(self); listener.exit_every_rule(self); } } impl<'input, 'a> Visitable + 'a> for FieldContext<'input> { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut (dyn CSVVisitor<'input> + 'a)) { visitor.visit_field(self); } } impl<'input> CustomRuleContext<'input> for FieldContextExt<'input> { type TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>; type Ctx = CSVParserContextType; fn get_rule_index(&self) -> usize { RULE_field } //fn type_rule_index() -> usize where Self: Sized { RULE_field } } antlr_rust::tid! {FieldContextExt<'a>} impl<'input> FieldContextExt<'input> { fn new( parent: Option + 'input>>, invoking_state: isize, ) -> Rc> { Rc::new(BaseParserRuleContext::new_parser_ctx( parent, invoking_state, FieldContextExt { ph: PhantomData }, )) } } pub trait FieldContextAttrs<'input>: CSVParserContext<'input> + BorrowMut> { /// Retrieves first TerminalNode corresponding to token TEXT /// Returns `None` if there is no child corresponding to token TEXT fn TEXT(&self) -> Option>> where Self: Sized, { self.get_token(TEXT, 0) } /// Retrieves first TerminalNode corresponding to token STRING /// Returns `None` if there is no child corresponding to token STRING fn STRING(&self) -> Option>> where Self: Sized, { self.get_token(STRING, 0) } } impl<'input> FieldContextAttrs<'input> for FieldContext<'input> {} impl<'input, I, H> CSVParser<'input, I, H> where I: TokenStream<'input, TF = LocalTokenFactory<'input>> + TidAble<'input>, H: ErrorStrategy<'input, BaseParserType<'input, I>>, { pub fn field(&mut self) -> Result>, ANTLRError> { let mut recog = self; let _parentctx = recog.ctx.take(); let mut _localctx = FieldContextExt::new(_parentctx.clone(), recog.base.get_state()); recog.base.enter_rule(_localctx.clone(), 6, RULE_field); let mut _localctx: Rc = _localctx; let result: Result<(), ANTLRError> = (|| { recog.base.set_state(32); recog.err_handler.sync(&mut recog.base)?; match recog.base.input.la(1) { TEXT => { //recog.base.enter_outer_alt(_localctx.clone(), 1); recog.base.enter_outer_alt(None, 1); { recog.base.set_state(29); recog.base.match_token(TEXT, &mut recog.err_handler)?; } } STRING => { //recog.base.enter_outer_alt(_localctx.clone(), 2); recog.base.enter_outer_alt(None, 2); { recog.base.set_state(30); recog.base.match_token(STRING, &mut recog.err_handler)?; } } T__0 | T__1 | T__2 => { //recog.base.enter_outer_alt(_localctx.clone(), 3); recog.base.enter_outer_alt(None, 3); {} } _ => Err(ANTLRError::NoAltError(NoViableAltError::new( &mut recog.base, )))?, } Ok(()) })(); match result { Ok(_) => {} Err(e @ ANTLRError::FallThrough(_)) => return Err(e), Err(ref re) => { //_localctx.exception = re; recog.err_handler.report_error(&mut recog.base, re); recog.err_handler.recover(&mut recog.base, re)?; } } recog.base.exit_rule(); Ok(_localctx) } } lazy_static! { static ref _ATN: Arc = Arc::new(ATNDeserializer::new(None).deserialize(_serializedATN.chars())); static ref _decision_to_DFA: Arc>> = { let mut dfa = Vec::new(); let size = _ATN.decision_to_state.len(); for i in 0..size { dfa.push(DFA::new(_ATN.clone(), _ATN.get_decision_state(i), i as isize).into()) } Arc::new(dfa) }; } const _serializedATN: &'static str = "\x03\u{608b}\u{a72a}\u{8133}\u{b9ed}\u{417c}\u{3be7}\u{7786}\u{5964}\x03\ \x08\x25\x04\x02\x09\x02\x04\x03\x09\x03\x04\x04\x09\x04\x04\x05\x09\x05\ \x03\x02\x03\x02\x06\x02\x0d\x0a\x02\x0d\x02\x0e\x02\x0e\x03\x03\x03\x03\ \x03\x04\x03\x04\x03\x04\x07\x04\x16\x0a\x04\x0c\x04\x0e\x04\x19\x0b\x04\ \x03\x04\x05\x04\x1c\x0a\x04\x03\x04\x03\x04\x03\x05\x03\x05\x03\x05\x05\ \x05\x23\x0a\x05\x03\x05\x02\x02\x06\x02\x04\x06\x08\x02\x02\x02\x25\x02\ \x0a\x03\x02\x02\x02\x04\x10\x03\x02\x02\x02\x06\x12\x03\x02\x02\x02\x08\ \x22\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0a\x0c\x05\x04\x03\x02\x0b\x0d\x05\x06\x04\x02\x0c\ \x0b\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0d\x0e\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0e\x0c\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0e\ \x0f\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0f\x03\x03\x02\x02\x02\x10\x11\x05\x06\x04\x02\x11\ \x05\x03\x02\x02\x02\x12\x17\x05\x08\x05\x02\x13\x14\x07\x03\x02\x02\x14\ \x16\x05\x08\x05\x02\x15\x13\x03\x02\x02\x02\x16\x19\x03\x02\x02\x02\x17\ \x15\x03\x02\x02\x02\x17\x18\x03\x02\x02\x02\x18\x1b\x03\x02\x02\x02\x19\ \x17\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1a\x1c\x07\x04\x02\x02\x1b\x1a\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1b\ \x1c\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1c\x1d\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1d\x1e\x07\x05\x02\x02\x1e\ \x07\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1f\x23\x07\x07\x02\x02\x20\x23\x07\x08\x02\x02\x21\ \x23\x03\x02\x02\x02\x22\x1f\x03\x02\x02\x02\x22\x20\x03\x02\x02\x02\x22\ \x21\x03\x02\x02\x02\x23\x09\x03\x02\x02\x02\x06\x0e\x17\x1b\x22";