#![allow(nonstandard_style)] // Generated from VisitorCalc.g4 by ANTLR 4.8 use super::visitorcalcparser::*; use antlr_rust::tree::{ParseTreeVisitor, ParseTreeVisitorCompat}; /** * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced * by {@link VisitorCalcParser}. */ pub trait VisitorCalcVisitor<'input>: ParseTreeVisitor<'input, VisitorCalcParserContextType> { /** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link VisitorCalcParser#s}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_s(&mut self, ctx: &SContext<'input>) { self.visit_children(ctx) } /** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code add} * labeled alternative in {@link VisitorCalcParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_add(&mut self, ctx: &AddContext<'input>) { self.visit_children(ctx) } /** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code number} * labeled alternative in {@link VisitorCalcParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_number(&mut self, ctx: &NumberContext<'input>) { self.visit_children(ctx) } /** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code multiply} * labeled alternative in {@link VisitorCalcParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_multiply(&mut self, ctx: &MultiplyContext<'input>) { self.visit_children(ctx) } } pub trait VisitorCalcVisitorCompat<'input>: ParseTreeVisitorCompat<'input, Node = VisitorCalcParserContextType> { /** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link VisitorCalcParser#s}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_s(&mut self, ctx: &SContext<'input>) -> Self::Return { self.visit_children(ctx) } /** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code add} * labeled alternative in {@link VisitorCalcParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_add(&mut self, ctx: &AddContext<'input>) -> Self::Return { self.visit_children(ctx) } /** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code number} * labeled alternative in {@link VisitorCalcParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_number(&mut self, ctx: &NumberContext<'input>) -> Self::Return { self.visit_children(ctx) } /** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code multiply} * labeled alternative in {@link VisitorCalcParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree */ fn visit_multiply(&mut self, ctx: &MultiplyContext<'input>) -> Self::Return { self.visit_children(ctx) } } impl<'input, T> VisitorCalcVisitor<'input> for T where T: VisitorCalcVisitorCompat<'input>, { fn visit_s(&mut self, ctx: &SContext<'input>) { let result = ::visit_s(self, ctx); *::temp_result(self) = result; } fn visit_add(&mut self, ctx: &AddContext<'input>) { let result = ::visit_add(self, ctx); *::temp_result(self) = result; } fn visit_number(&mut self, ctx: &NumberContext<'input>) { let result = ::visit_number(self, ctx); *::temp_result(self) = result; } fn visit_multiply(&mut self, ctx: &MultiplyContext<'input>) { let result = ::visit_multiply(self, ctx); *::temp_result(self) = result; } }