use std::ffi::CString;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fs::{File, write};
use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Read};
pub struct LynchReader {
filepath: String,
content: String,
coded: String,
encoded: String,
impl LynchReader {
pub fn new(filepath: String) -> Self {
LynchReader {
content: String::new(),
coded: String::new(),
encoded: String::new(),
pub fn from_cstring(filepath: CString) -> Self {
let _string = filepath.to_str().unwrap().to_string();
Self {
filepath: _string.clone(),
content: String::new(),
coded: String::new(),
encoded: String::new(),
pub fn content_to_string(&mut self) -> String {
let _file = File::open(&self.filepath).expect("Could not open file.");
let mut _content = String::new();
let mut reader = BufReader::new(_file);
reader.read_to_string(&mut _content).expect("Could not read file.");
pub fn content_to_cstring(&mut self) -> CString {
let _content = self.content_to_string();
CString::new(_content).expect("Could not convert string to cstring.")
pub fn read_content(&mut self) {
let _content = self.content_to_string();
self.content = _content;
pub fn decode_lynch(&mut self) {
let _content = self.content_to_string();
let mut _result = String::new();
let mut _liste = Vec::new();
for _line in _content.split('\n') {
for _char in _line.chars() {
let mut _raw = String::new();
let code = match _char {
'a'..='z' => (_char as u8 - b'a' + 1).to_string(),
'A'..='Z' => (_char as u8 - b'A' + 1).to_string(),
'0'..='9' => format!("00{}", _char),
_ => _char.to_string(),
_liste.push("0".to_string()); }
_result = _liste.join(" ");
self.coded = _result;
pub fn encode_lynch(&mut self) {
let mut _result = String::new();
let mut _encoded_list = Vec::new();
let coded_content = &self.coded;
for code in coded_content.split_whitespace() {
let encoded_char = match code {
"1" => 'a',
"2" => 'b',
"3" => 'c',
"4" => 'd',
"5" => 'e',
"6" => 'f',
"7" => 'g',
"8" => 'h',
"9" => 'i',
"10" => 'j',
"11" => 'k',
"12" => 'l',
"13" => 'm',
"14" => 'n',
"15" => 'o',
"16" => 'p',
"17" => 'q',
"18" => 'r',
"19" => 's',
"20" => 't',
"21" => 'u',
"22" => 'v',
"23" => 'w',
"24" => 'x',
"25" => 'y',
"26" => 'z',
"00" => '0',
"001" => '1',
"002" => '2',
"003" => '3',
"004" => '4',
"005" => '5',
"006" => '6',
"007" => '7',
"008" => '8',
"009" => '9',
"0" => '\n', _ => '?', };
_result = _encoded_list.iter().collect::<String>();
self.encoded = _result;
pub fn coded_to_string(&mut self) -> String {
let _result = self.encoded.clone();
pub fn coded_to_cstring(&mut self) -> CString {
let _result = self.coded_to_string();
CString::new(_result).expect("Could not convert string to cstring.")
pub fn encoded_to_string(&mut self) -> String {
let _result = self.encoded.clone();
pub fn encoded_to_cstring(&mut self) -> CString {
let _result = self.encoded_to_string();
CString::new(_result).expect("Could not convert string to cstring.")