use anything::units; use anything::{Compound, Unit}; use num::ToPrimitive; use std::iter::FromIterator; #[macro_export] macro_rules! query { ($expr:expr) => {{ let db = anything::Db::in_memory().unwrap(); let options = Default::default(); let mut descriptions = Vec::new(); let parsed = anything::parse($expr).unwrap(); let mut values = anything::query(&parsed, &db, options, &mut descriptions); let value =; assert!(; value }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! unit { ($expr:expr) => { str::parse::($expr).unwrap() }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! ratio { ($a:literal) => {{ let _a: u128 = $a; anything::Rational::new(_a, 1) }}; ($a:literal / $b:literal) => {{ let _a: u128 = $a; let _b: u128 = $b; anything::Rational::new(_a, _b) }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! lit { ($a:literal $(/ $b:literal)?) => { anything::Numeric::new(ratio!($a $(/ $b)*), anything::Compound::empty()) }; ($a:literal $(/ $b:literal)? $(, $($tt:tt)*)?) => { anything::Numeric::new( ratio!($a $(/ $b)*), str::parse::(concat!($($(stringify!($tt)),*)*)).unwrap() ) }; } /// Assert that the result of the given query matches the given literal value. #[macro_export] macro_rules! assert_query { ($query:expr, $($lit:tt)*) => { assert_eq!(query!($query), lit!($($lit)*)); }; } #[path = "entry/"] mod areas; #[path = "entry/"] mod energy; #[path = "entry/"] mod length; #[path = "entry/"] mod mass; #[path = "entry/"] mod temperature; #[path = "entry/"] mod velocity; #[path = "entry/"] mod volume; #[test] fn test_queries() { let c = Compound::from_iter([(Unit::Derived(units::velocity::LIGHT_SPEED), (1, 0))]); let n = query!("12c"); assert_eq!(n.unit, c); assert_eq!(n.value.to_u32(), Some(12)); } #[test] fn test_compound_division() { let c = Compound::from_iter([(Unit::Derived(units::VOLT), (-7, 0))]); let n = query!("1V^3 / 1V^10"); assert_eq!(n.unit, c); assert_eq!(n.value.to_u32(), Some(1)); } #[test] fn test_compound_mul() { let n = query!("1Wb*V * 1V"); assert_eq!(n.unit, unit!("WbV^2")); assert_eq!(n.value.to_u32(), Some(1)); } #[test] fn test_velocities() { let value = query!("10m / 10km/s"); assert_eq!(value.value, ratio!(10 / 10000)); let value = query!("10km / 10km/s"); assert_eq!(value.value, ratio!(1 / 1)); let value = query!("10km / 1c"); assert_eq!(value.value, ratio!(5000 / 149896229)); } #[test] #[ignore = "fix this at some point cause I don't know right now"] fn test_multiple_identity_sheds() { let expected = query!("0.05c / 500 years * mass of earth to N"); assert_eq!(expected.value, ratio!(223795069897000000000000000 / 39447)); let mut alternatives = Vec::new(); alternatives.push("(0.05c to m/s) / 500years * mass of earth to N"); alternatives.push("(0.05c to m/s) / (500years to seconds) * mass of earth to N"); alternatives.push("0.05c / (500years to seconds) * mass of earth to N"); alternatives.push("(0.05c / 500years to m/s^2) * mass of earth to N"); for alt in alternatives { let _ = query!(alt); // assert_eq!(actual, expected, "{} != {}", actual, expected); } } #[test] fn test_times() { assert_query!("1s + 59s to min", 1, min); assert_query!("5min + 55min to hour", 1, hr); assert_query!("5hours + 19hours to days", 1, days); assert_query!("5days + 25days to months", 480 / 487, months); assert_query!("1month + 11months to years", 1, years); assert_query!("4year + 6years to decades", 1, decades); assert_query!("4decades + 6decades to centuries", 1, centuries); } #[test] fn test_relaxed_parser() { assert_query!("1 newton second", 1, Ns); assert_query!("1 newton^2 second / 1 second", 1, N ^ 2); }