# aoc-cache A way of caching your input from the great and popular [Advent of Code]. This is an attempt to reduce server load for the creator. Downloads using [`ureq`][ureq], stores cache in temporary files using [`scratch`][scratch]. Since we use [`scratch`][scratch], a `cargo clean` will remove the cache and cause new downloads for new runs. ## Example ```rust use aoc_cache::get; // my.cookie is a file containing the cookie string. const MY_COOKIE: &str = include_str!("my.cookie"); let input: Result = // Grabs from web if get( // it's the first run "https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/1/input", MY_COOKIE); let input: Result = // Grabs from cache get( "https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/1/input", MY_COOKIE); ``` > **Warning** If you use source control for your AoC solutions, take care to not > check in any files that contain your cookie into source control! > > Example `.gitignore`: > ``` > **/target/ > my.cookie > ``` [Advent of Code]: https://adventofcode.com/ [ureq]: https://docs.rs/ureq/ [scratch]: https://docs.rs/scratch/