# AOC_Utility AOC_Utility is a Rust utility library made for advent of code. This utility is not made of solutions but rather tools to remove tasks that are repeated on a consistent basis. ## Available Functions ``` pub fn split_words(s: &String) -> Vec<&str> pub fn split_lines(s: &String) -> Vec<&str> pub fn split_char(s: &String, split_c: char) -> Vec<&str> pub fn vec_str_to_ints(str_vec: &Vec<&str>) -> Vec ``` ## Documentation ```pub fn split_words(s: &String) -> Vec<&str>``` This function takes in a reference to a string. Then it splits the string into splices by delimiting based on spaces. All spaces are removed no matter the amount of spaces between words. ``` pub fn split_lines(s: &String) -> Vec<&str> ``` This function takes in a reference to a string. Then it splits the string into splices by delimiting based on ```\n```, new lines. All new lines are removed no matter the amount of new lines between lines.