use geo_types::{coord, Coordinate, LineString, MultiLineString, Rect, Geometry}; use aoer_plotty_rs::geo_types::svg::{Arrangement, ToSvg}; use aoer_plotty_rs::geo_types::clip::LineClip; use std::path::Path; use cubic_spline::{Points as CSPoints, SplineOpts}; use rand::rngs::SmallRng; use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng}; /// This is a rusty take on the excellent: fn main() { let step: usize = 10; let size: usize = 320; // We're using a static random generator here so that our SVG files // don't get regenerated every time we run the examples. let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(12345); // Define our viewbox/canvas (in mm) let viewbox = Rect::new( coord! { x:0f64, y:0f64}, coord! { x: f64::from(size as i32), y: f64::from(size as i32)}); // The arrangement chooses the way we "arrange" the SVG on the page. // In this case, fit it, center it, and then DON'T flip the coordinate // system upside down (SVG has top left as 0,0, whereas mathematically // 0,0 is the center, and on a CNC machine, 0,0 is bottom left... usually). let arrangement = Arrangement::FitCenterMargin(20.0, viewbox, false); // Create a mutable empty MultiLineString, which can contain any number of lines. let mut lines = MultiLineString::::new(vec![]); // Alright, the meat of it. We'll iterate over "each line, starting from step // (skipping the top line) and upto but not including size (the bottom line). // Then we do the same horizontally but generating the "height" of each line // point. let spoints: Vec> = (step..size).step_by(step).map(|y| { // (step..size).step_by(step).map(|x| { (step..size).step_by(step).map(|x| { let r: f64 = rng.gen();// * f64::from(step as i32); let dts: f64 = ((x as i32 - (size as i32 / 2)) as f64).abs(); let variance = (((size as i32 / 2) - 50) as f64 - dts).max(0.0_f64); (f64::from(x as i32), f64::from(y as i32) + (r * variance / 2.0 * -1.0)) }).collect::>() }).collect(); // Now we have the line points, we re-imagine them as splines. // First the spline options let spline_opts = SplineOpts::new() .num_of_segments(step as u32) .tension(0.5); // Then the data gets iterated for each separate line... for spline_data in spoints { // Turn those points into a spline let points = >>::try_from(&spline_data).expect("Invalid spline points."); // Then interpolate with the spline tools let fine_points = points.calc_spline(&spline_opts) .expect("Could not generate interpolated points."); // Iterate them back into a vec of coordinates let mpts: Vec> = fine_points.get_ref().iter().map(|spt| { coord! {x: spt.x, y: spt.y} }).collect(); // Finally, push a new line into the lines, by turning those coords into a LineString lines.0.push(LineString::new(mpts)); } // OK, next we wanna clip these things so that each subsequent line clips the ones // that came before it, to give the illusion of a 3d effect from bottom=front to top=back. // First we create an output multilinestring as our destination let mut newlines: MultiLineString = MultiLineString::new(vec![]); // For each line, clip any existing lines, then add it to the new lines list for i in 0..(lines.0.len()) { // This needs to be a a dupe let mut clipline = lines.0[i].clone(); // because we extend it to the bottom of the SVG to clip EVERYTHING behind it. clipline.0.push(coord! {x: size as f64, y: size as f64}); clipline.0.push(coord! {x: 0.0, y: size as f64}); // Now, do the clip, match on Ok, and just keep the existing list if something breaks. newlines = match geo_types::Geometry::MultiLineString(newlines.clone()) .clipwith(&Geometry::LineString(clipline)) { Ok(newnewlines) => newnewlines, Err(_) => newlines }; // Finally, add the line we just clipped with on to the newlines list, and repeat! newlines.0.push(lines.0[i].clone()); } // Use a shortcut to create an SVG scaffold from our arrangement. let svg = arrangement.create_svg_document().unwrap() .add(newlines.to_path(&arrangement) .set("fill", "none") .set("stroke", "black") .set("stroke-width", 2) .set("stroke-linejoin", "round") .set("stroke-linecap", "round")); // Write it to the images folder, so we can use it as an example! // Write it out to /images/$THIS_EXAMPLE_FILE.svg let fname = Path::new(file!()).file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); svg::save(format!("images/{}.svg", fname), &svg).unwrap(); }