use aoer_plotty_rs::context::Context; use aoer_plotty_rs::prelude::{Arrangement, Hatches}; use geo_types::{coord, Coordinate, Geometry, Rect}; use rand::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; /// This is a rusty take on the excellent: /// Splits a square at an x value fn split_on_x(square: &Rect, x: f64) -> Vec> { vec![ Rect::new( coord! {x: square.min().x, y: square.min().y}, coord! {x: x, y: square.max().y}, ), Rect::new( coord! {x: x, y: square.min().y}, coord! {x: square.max().x, y: square.max().y}, ), ] } /// Splits a square at a y value fn split_on_y(square: &Rect, y: f64) -> Vec> { vec![ Rect::new( coord! {x: square.min().x, y: square.min().y}, coord! {x: square.max().x, y: y}, ), Rect::new( coord! {x: square.min().x, y: y}, coord! {x: square.max().x, y: square.max().y}, ), ] } /// Iterates the squares, splitting them where appropriate fn split_squares_at( squares: &mut Vec>, coord: Coordinate, rng: &mut rand::rngs::SmallRng, ) { for i in (0..squares.len()).rev() { let square = squares[i].clone(); if coord.x > square.min().x && coord.x < square.max().x && rng.gen::() > 0.5 { squares.remove(i); squares.append(&mut split_on_x(&square, coord.x)); } if coord.y > square.min().y && coord.y < square.max().y && rng.gen::() > 0.5 { squares.remove(i); squares.append(&mut split_on_y(&square, coord.y)); } } } fn main() { let pen_width = 0.5f64; let size: i32 = 224; let square_count = 8; let white = "#F2F5F1"; let colors = vec!["#D40920", "#1356A2", "#F7D842"]; let square_weight = 2.0f64; // How thick the dividing lines are // We're using a static random generator here so that our SVG files // don't get regenerated every time we run the examples. let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(1234567); let mut ctx = Context::new(); let mut squares: Vec> = vec![Rect::new( coord! {x:0.0, y:0.0}, coord! {x: f64::from(size), y: f64::from(size)}, )]; // split_squares_at(&mut squares, coord!{x: f64::from(size)/2.0, y: -1.0}); // split_squares_at(&mut squares, coord!{x:-1.0, y: f64::from(size)/2.0}); for i in (0..(size)).step_by((size / square_count) as usize) { split_squares_at(&mut squares, coord! {x: f64::from(i), y: -1.0}, &mut rng); split_squares_at(&mut squares, coord! {x:-1.0, y: f64::from(i)}, &mut rng); } // Create an array of the same length as the squares array, and fill it with "white" let mut square_colors: Vec<&str> = squares.iter().map(|_s| white.clone()).collect(); for color in colors.clone() { // Note, this might overlap an existing colored square. More often than you'd think actually. square_colors[rng.gen_range(0..squares.len())] = color; } // Set the default stroke/hatch/pen. ctx.stroke("black").hatch(45.0).pen(pen_width); // for square in squares { for i in 0..squares.len() { let square = squares[i].clone(); let color = square_colors[i].clone(); // Don't bother hatching if it's white. if color != white { ctx.pattern(Hatches::line()); } else { ctx.pattern(Hatches::none()); } // And set the fill color. ctx.fill(color).rect( square.min().x + square_weight, square.min().y + square_weight, square.max().x - square_weight, square.max().y - square_weight, ); // Now we just draw the rest of the outlines, inside to outside, no fill. ctx.pattern(Hatches::none()); let mut remaining_width = square_weight - (pen_width / 2.0); let s = squares[i].clone(); while remaining_width >= 0.0 { ctx.geometry(&Geometry::Rect(Rect::new( coord! {x: &s.min().x+remaining_width, y: &s.min().y+remaining_width}, coord! {x: &s.max().x-remaining_width, y: &s.max().y-remaining_width}, ))); remaining_width -= pen_width; } } // We're using a new feature here: Create a FitCenterMargin Arrangement that matches // the paper size we're using (8.5" square). Then, finalize it's transformation matrix // to match the context's bounds, giving us back an Arrangement::Transform with the // affine txform that gives us a nicely centered drawing. let arrangement = ctx.finalize_arrangement(&Arrangement::FitCenterMargin( 25.4, Context::viewbox(0.0, 0.0, 216.0, 216.0), false, )); let document = ctx.to_svg(&arrangement).unwrap(); // Write it to the images folder, so we can use it as an example! // Write it out to /images/$THIS_EXAMPLE_FILE.svg let fname = Path::new(file!()).file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); svg::save(format!("images/{}.svg", fname), &document).unwrap(); }