use aoer_plotty_rs::context::Context; use aoer_plotty_rs::prelude::{Arrangement, Hatches}; use std::f64::consts::PI; use std::path::Path; /// This is a rusty take on the excellent: fn main() { let pen_width = 0.3; let cols = 23; let rows = 16; let size = (cols * rows) / 2; let days = 365; let cellw = f64::from(size) / f64::from(cols); let cellh = f64::from(size) / f64::from(rows); let mut ctx = Context::new(); // Set the default stroke/hatch/pen. ctx.stroke("black") .hatch(45.0) .pen(pen_width) .pattern(Hatches::line()) .fill("black"); for day in 0..days { let col = f64::from(day / rows); let row = f64::from(day % rows); let x = col * cellw; let y = row * cellh; let w = 2.0f64; let h = 30.0f64; let phi = (f64::from(day) / f64::from(days)) * PI; let theta = phi.sin() * 80.0 + 45.0; // We scale w and h by the scale here because of implementation differences // between JS canvas context and our context. let scale = phi.cos().abs() * 2.0 + 1.0; let w = scale * w; let h = scale * h; ctx.push() .transform(Some(&(Context::translate_matrix(x, y)))) .mask_box(cellw * -0.5, cellh * -0.5, cellw * 0.5, cellh * 0.5) .transform(Some( &(Context::translate_matrix(x, y) * Context::rotate_matrix(theta)), )) .hatch(-90.0 + theta) .rect(w * -0.5, h * -0.5, w * 0.5, h * 0.5) .pop() .expect("Somehow lost track of my internal stack"); } // We're using a new feature here: Create a FitCenterMargin Arrangement that matches // the paper size we're using (8.5" square). Then, finalize it's transformation matrix // to match the context's bounds, giving us back an Arrangement::Transform with the // affine txform that gives us a nicely centered drawing. let arrangement = ctx.finalize_arrangement(&Arrangement::FitCenterMargin( 25.4, Context::viewbox(0.0, 0.0, 216.0, 216.0), false, )); let document = ctx.to_svg(&arrangement).unwrap(); // Write it to the images folder, so we can use it as an example! // Write it out to /images/$THIS_EXAMPLE_FILE.svg let fname = Path::new(file!()).file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); svg::save(format!("images/{}.svg", fname), &document).unwrap(); }