# aors - Advent of RS 🎄 🦀 Useful rs tools for Advent of Code. ## Installation & Setup ```sh cargo install aors # Install CLI aors --init # Create a new project at current directory. aors --year # Set year to solve aors --cookie # Set session cookie ``` COOKIE is your session cookie, acquired from the advent of code website [like this](https://github.com/wimglenn/advent-of-code-wim/issues/1). The first command after this can take some time without output. This is completely normal. ## Usage ```sh aors # run all days aors [DAYS] # run one or more specific days aors [DAYS] -x # run with example input (--example also works) aors [DAYS] -g # get input and create necessary files (--get also works) # input_examples/.in has to be filled in manually aors [DAYS] -p # post output to Advent of Code (--post also works) # submits part 2 if part 1 has already been submitted ``` ## The `phi()` function The puzzles sometimes require that different variables be used for the example problem and the actual problem, beyond just the input values. The built-in function `phi()` is used to handle such situations. `phi()` takes two inputs `actual` and `example` of the same type. It returns `actual` when solving the actual problem and `example` when using example input. ## Helper functions If a function is needed in multiple days, it should be placed in the `helpers` folder. ## Initial project structure and setup kindly stolen from [AxlLind](https://github.com/AxlLind). However, it has been greatly expanded upon since.