/******************************************************************** * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE OggVorbis SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS * * GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE * * IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. * * * * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2009 * * by the Xiph.Org Foundation https://xiph.org/ * * * ******************************************************************** function: 8kHz settings ********************************************************************/ #include "psych_8.h" #include "residue_8.h" static const float preamp_8[4]={ 0.965, 0.965, 0.965, 1.f }; static const int blocksize_8[3]={ 512,512,512 }; static const int _floor_mapping_8a[]={ 6,6,6 }; static const int *_floor_mapping_8[]={ _floor_mapping_8a }; static const double rate_mapping_8[4]={ // 6000.,9000.,32000., 5000.,6000.,9000.,32000., }; static const double rate_mapping_8_uncoupled[4]={ // 8000.,14000.,42000., 8000.,10000.,14000.,42000., }; static const double quality_mapping_8[4]={ -.2,-.1,.0,1. }; //static const double _psy_compand_8_mapping[3]={ 0., 1., 1.}; static const double _psy_compand_8_mapping[4]={ 0., 1., 2., 2.}; //static const double _global_mapping_8[3]={ 1., 2., 3. }; static const double _global_mapping_8[4]={ 2., 2., 3., 4. }; static const ve_setup_data_template ve_setup_8_stereo={ // 2, 3, rate_mapping_8, quality_mapping_8, preamp_8, 2, 8000, 9000, blocksize_8, blocksize_8, _psy_tone_masteratt_8, _psy_tone_0dB, _psy_tone_suppress, _vp_tonemask_adj_8, NULL, _vp_tonemask_adj_8, _psy_noiseguards_8, _psy_noisebias_8, _psy_noisebias_8, NULL, NULL, _psy_noise_suppress, _psy_compand_8, _psy_compand_8_mapping, NULL, {_noise_start_8,_noise_start_8}, {_noise_part_8,_noise_part_8}, _noise_thresh_5only, _psy_ath_floater_8, _psy_ath_abs_8, _psy_lowpass_8, _psy_global_44, _global_mapping_8, _psy_stereo_modes_8, _floor_books, _floor, 1, _floor_mapping_8, _mapres_template_8_stereo }; static const ve_setup_data_template ve_setup_8_uncoupled={ // 2, 3, rate_mapping_8_uncoupled, quality_mapping_8, preamp_8, -1, 8000, 9000, blocksize_8, blocksize_8, _psy_tone_masteratt_8, _psy_tone_0dB, _psy_tone_suppress, _vp_tonemask_adj_8, NULL, _vp_tonemask_adj_8, _psy_noiseguards_8, _psy_noisebias_8, _psy_noisebias_8, NULL, NULL, _psy_noise_suppress, _psy_compand_8, _psy_compand_8_mapping, NULL, {_noise_start_8,_noise_start_8}, {_noise_part_8,_noise_part_8}, _noise_thresh_5only, _psy_ath_floater_8, _psy_ath_abs_8, _psy_lowpass_8, _psy_global_44, _global_mapping_8, _psy_stereo_modes_8, _floor_books, _floor, 1, _floor_mapping_8, _mapres_template_8_uncoupled };