# Avro Test Helper A module that provides several test related goodies to the other Avro crates: ### Custom Logger The logger: * collects the logged messages, so that a test could assert what has been logged * delegates to env_logger so that they printed on the stderr ### Colorized Backtraces Uses `color-backtrace` to make the backtraces easier to read. # Setup ### Unit tests The module is automatically setup for all unit tests when this crate is listed as a `[dev-dependency]` in Cargo.toml. ### Integration tests Since integration tests are actually crates without Cargo.toml, the test author needs to call `test_logger::init()` in the beginning of a test. # Usage To assert that a given message was logged, use the `assert_logged` function. ```rust apache_avro_test_helper::logger::assert_logged("An expected message"); ```