CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apalis.push_job( job_type text, job json DEFAULT NULL :: json, job_id text DEFAULT NULL :: text, status text DEFAULT 'Pending' :: text, run_at timestamptz DEFAULT NOW() :: timestamptz, max_attempts integer DEFAULT 25 :: integer ) RETURNS AS $$ DECLARE v_job_row; v_job_id text; BEGIN IF job_type is not NULL and length(job_type) > 512 THEN raise exception 'Job_type is too long (max length: 512).' USING errcode = 'APAJT'; END IF; IF max_attempts < 1 THEN raise exception 'Job maximum attempts must be at least 1.' USING errcode = 'APAMA'; end IF; SELECT uuid_in( md5(random() :: text || now() :: text) :: cstring ) INTO v_job_id; INSERT INTO VALUES ( job, v_job_id, job_type, status, 0, max_attempts, run_at, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) returning * INTO v_job_row; RETURN v_job_row; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql volatile;