All models APC : version, number of records and number of bytes following DATE : Date and time of last update from UPS HOSTNAME: hostname of computer running apcupsd VERSION : apcupsd version number, date and operating system UPSNAME : UPS name from configuration file (dumb) or EEPROM (smart) CABLE : Cable type specified in the configuration file MODEL : UPS model derived from UPS information UPSMODE : Mode in which UPS is operating STARTTIME : Date and time apcupsd was started STATUS : UPS status (online, charging, on battery etc) MASTERUPD : Last time the master sent an update to the slave ENDAPC : Date and time of status information was written Smart-UPS and Matrix-UPS (Smart Signalling) LINEV : Current input line voltage LOADPCT : Percentage of UPS load capacity used as estimated by UPS BCHARGE : Current battery capacity charge percentage TIMELEFT: Remaining runtime left on battery as estimated by the UPS MBATTCHG: Min battery charge % (BCHARGE) required for system shutdown MINTIMEL: Min battery runtime (MINUTES) required for system shutdown MAXTIME : Max battery runtime (TIMEOUT) after which system is shutdown MAXLINEV: Maximum input line voltage since apcupsd started MINLINEV: Min (observed) input line voltage since apcupsd started OUTPUTV : Current UPS output voltage SENSE : Current UPS sensitivity setting for voltage fluctuations DWAKE : Time UPS waits after power off when the power is restored DSHUTD : Delay before UPS powers down after command received DLOWBATT: Low battery signal sent when this much runtime remains LOTRANS : Input line voltage below which UPS will switch to battery HITRANS : Input line voltage above which UPS will switch to battery RETPCT : Battery charge % required after power off to restore power ITEMP : UPS internal temperature in degrees Celcius ALARMDEL: Delay period before UPS starts sounding alarm BATTV : Current battery voltage LINEFREQ: Current line frequency in Hertz LASTXFER: Reason for last transfer to battery since apcupsd startup NUMXFERS: Number of transfers to battery since apcupsd startup XONBATT : Date, time of last transfer to battery since apcupsd startup TONBATT : Seconds currently on battery CUMONBATT : Cumulative seconds on battery since apcupsd startup XOFFBAT : Date, time of last transfer off battery since apcupsd startup SELFTEST: Date and time of last self test since apcupsd startup STESTI : Self-test interval STATFLAG: UPS status flag in hex DIPSW : Current UPS DIP switch settings REG1 : Fault register 1 in hex REG2 : Fault register 2 in hex REG3 : Fault register 3 in hex MANDATE : UPS date of manufacture SERIALNO: UPS serial number BATTDATE: Date battery last replaced (if set) NOMOUTV : Nominal output voltage to supply when on battery power NOMBATTV: Nominal battery voltage EXTBATTS: Number of external batteries (for XL models) BADBATTS: Number of bad external battery packs (for XL models) FIRMWARE: UPS firmware version APCMODEL: APC model information Newer Back-UPS Pro (Smart Signalling) LINEV : Current input line voltage LOADPCT : Percentage of UPS load capacity used MBATTCHG: Min battery charge % (BCHARGE) required for system shutdown MINTIMEL: Min battery runtime (MINUTES) required for system shutdown MAXTIME : Max battery runtime (TIMEOUT) after which system is shutdown MAXLINEV: Maximum input line voltage since apcupsd startup MINLINEV: Minimum input line voltage since apcupsd startup OUTPUTV : Current UPS output voltage BATTV : Current battery charge voltage STATFLAG: UPS status flag in hex Back-UPS RS 1500 (USB) LINEV : Current input line voltage LOADPCT : Percentage of UPS load capacity used BCHARGE : Current battery capacity charge percentage TIMELEFT: Remaining runtime left on battery as estimated by UPS MBATTCHG: Min battery charge % (BCHARGE) required for system shutdown MINTIMEL: Min battery runtime (MINUTES) required for system shutdown MAXTIME : Max battery runtime (TIMEOUT) after which system is shutdown *OUTPUTV: Current UPS output voltage *DWAKE : Time UPS waits after power off when the power is restored *DSHUTD : Delay before UPS powers down after command received LOTRANS : Input line voltage below which UPS will switch to battery HITRANS : Input line voltage above which UPS will switch to battery *RETPCT : Battery charge % required after power off to restore power *ITEMP : UPS internal temperature in degrees Celcius ALARMDEL: Delay period before UPS starts sounding alarm BATTV : Current battery voltage *LINEFREQ : Current line frequency in Hertz *LASTXFER : Reason for last transfer to battery since apcupsd startup NUMXFERS: Number of transfers to battery since apcupsd startup XONBATT : Date, time of last transfer to battery since apcupsd startup TONBATT : Seconds currently on battery CUMONBATT : Cumulative seconds on battery since apcupsd startup XOFFBAT : Date, time of last transfer off battery since apcupsd startup SELFTEST: Date and time of last self test since apcupsd startup STATFLAG: UPS status flag in hex MANDATE : UPS date of manufacture SERIALNO: UPS serial number BATTDATE: Date battery last replaced (if set) NOMBATTV: Nominal battery voltage FIRMWARE: UPS firmware version APCMODEL: APC model information * presence dependant on USB firmware version. Web/SNMP (AP9716) or PowerNet SNMP (AP9605) SmartSlot Card LINEV : Current input line voltage LOADPCT : Percentage of UPS load capacity used as estimated by UPS BCHARGE : Current battery capacity charge percentage TIMELEFT: Remaining runtime left on battery as estimated by UPS MBATTCHG: Min battery charge % (BCHARGE) required for system shutdown MINTIMEL: Min battery runtime (MINUTES) required for system shutdown MAXTIME : Max battery runtime (TIMEOUT) after which system is shutdown MAXLINEV: Maximum input line voltage since apcupsd startup MINLINEV: Minimum input line voltage since apcupsd startup OUTPUTV : UPS output voltage SENSE : Current UPS sensitivity setting for voltage fluctuations DWAKE : Time UPS waits after power off when the power is restored DSHUTD : Delay before UPS powers down after command received DLOWBATT: Low battery signal sent when this much runtime remains LOTRANS : Input line voltage below which UPS will switch to battery HITRANS : Input line voltage above which UPS will switch to battery RETPCT : Battery charge % required after power off to restore power ITEMP : UPS internal temperature in degrees Celcius ALARMDEL: Delay period before UPS starts sounding alarm LINEFREQ: Current line frequency in Hertz NUMXFERS: Number of transfers to battery since apcupsd startup TONBATT : Seconds currently on battery CUMONBATT : Cumulative seconds on battery since apcupsd startup XOFFBATT: Date, time of last transfer off battery since apcupsd startup STESTI : Self-test interval STATFLAG: UPS status flag in hex DIPSW : Current UPS DIP switch settings MANDATE : UPS date of manufacture SERIALNO: UPS serial number BATTDATE: Date battery last replaced (if set) NOMOUTV : Nominal output voltage to supply when on battery power NOMPOWER: Nominal power output in watts EXTBATTS: Number of external batteries (for XL models) BADBATTS: Number of bad external battery packs (for XL models) FIRMWARE: UPS firmware version APCMODEL: APC model information Share-UPS (AP9270) (Basic port) MBATTCHG: Min battery charge % (BCHARGE) required for system shutdown MINTIMEL: Min battery runtime (MINUTES) required for system shutdown MAXTIME : Max battery runtime (TIMEOUT) after which system is shutdown NUMXFERS: Number of transfers to battery since apcupsd startup TONBATT : Seconds currently on battery CUMONBATT : Cumulative seconds on battery since apcupsd startup XOFFBATT: Date, time of last transfer off battery since apcupsd startup STATFLAG: UPS status flag in hex UPS Environmental Monitoring SmartSlot Card (AP9612TH) HUMIDITY: Ambient humidity AMBTEMP : Ambient temperature Back-UPS Pro and Smart-UPS v/s (Smart Signalling) LINEFAIL: Input line voltage status. BATTSTAT: Battery status. LASTXFER: Last (observed) transfer to battery. Back-UPS and Net-UPS (Simple Signalling) LINEFAIL: Input line voltage status. BATTSTAT: Battery status. STATFLAG: UPS status flag in hex.