use chrono::Duration; use tokio::time; use api_key_pool::*; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Create a RateLimitPolicy to be applied to all API keys. // Note: An APIPool can have APIKeys with different RateLimitPolicies. // For the sake of simplicity, this example assumes identical policies. let pol = RateLimitPolicy::new(1, Duration::seconds(2)); // Create the APIKeys. let api1 = APIKey::new("1", pol); let api2 = APIKey::new("2", pol); let api3 = APIKey::new("3", pol); // Create the APIKeyPool. let mut pool = APIKeyPool::new(); pool.add_key(api1).await; pool.add_key(api2).await; pool.add_key(api3).await; // Simulate 20 requests. let mut ctr = 0; while ctr < 20 { // Use the APIKey if available (according to its respective RateLimitPolicy) or sleep. if let Some(key) = pool.poll_for_key().await { println!("{}", key); ctr += 1; } else { println!("Have to sleep."); time::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(500)).await; } } }