
A simple annonymous UNIX pipe type.

0.1 Usage

0.1.1 try_from(&str)

The probably easiest way to create a pipe is by parsing a command string:

use apipe::CommandPipe;

let mut pipe = CommandPipe::try_from(r#"echo "This is a test." | grep -Eo \w\w\sa[^.]*"#)?;

let output = pipe.spawn_with_output()?
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(output), "is a test\n");

0.1.2 Pipe Command Objects

Another way is to create the individual Commands and then contruct a pipe from them:

use apipe::Command;

let mut pipe = Command::parse_str(r#"echo "This is a test.""#)? | Command::parse_str(r#"grep -Eo \w\w\sa[^.]*"#)?;
let output = pipe.spawn_with_output()?.stdout();
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(output), "is a test\n");

Commands can also be constructed manually if you want:

let mut command = Command::new("ls").arg("-la");

0.1.3 Builder

Finally, there is a conventional builder syntax:

use apipe::CommandPipe;

let mut pipe = apipe::CommandPipe::new();

    .arg("This is a test.")
let output = pipe.output()?
assert_eq!(&String::from_utf8_lossy(output), "is a test\n");