APK Downloader William Budington Downloads APKs from various sources USAGE: apk-downloader <-a app_id | -c csv [-f field]> [-d download_source] [-p parallel] OUTPATH OPTIONS: -a, --app-id Provide the ID of an app directly (e.g. com.instagram.android) -c, --csv CSV file to use -d, --download-source Where to download the APKs from [default: APKPure] [possible values: APKPure, GooglePlay] -f, --field CSV field containing app IDs (used only if CSV is specified) [default: 1] -p, --password Google App Password (required if download source is Google Play) -u, --username Google Username (required if download source is Google Play) -r, --parallel The number of parallel APK fetches to run at a time [default: 4] -s, --sleep-duration Sleep duration (in ms) before download requests [default: 0] ARGS: Path to store output files