Error: cannot select different fields into the same alias `y` ╭─[0078_merge_conflict_nested_fragments.graphql:25:3] │ 25 │ y: c │ ──┬─ │ ╰─── `y` is selected from `T.c` here │ 28 │ y: d │ ──┬─ │ ╰─── `y` is selected from `T.d` here │ │ Help: Both fields may be present on the schema type, so it's not clear which one should be used to fill the response ────╯ Error: cannot select different fields into the same alias `x` ╭─[0078_merge_conflict_nested_fragments.graphql:32:3] │ 21 │ x: a │ ──┬─ │ ╰─── `x` is selected from `T.a` here │ 32 │ x: b │ ──┬─ │ ╰─── `x` is selected from `T.b` here │ │ Help: Both fields may be present on the schema type, so it's not clear which one should be used to fill the response ────╯