Schema { sources: { 1: SourceFile { path: "built_in.graphql", source_text: include_str!("built_in.graphql"), }, 14: SourceFile { path: "0012_introspection_query.graphql", source_text: "query IntrospectionQuery {\n __schema {\n queryType { name }\n mutationType { name }\n subscriptionType { name }\n types {\n ...FullType\n }\n directives {\n name\n description\n locations\n args {\n ...InputValue\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfragment FullType on __Type {\n kind\n name\n description\n fields(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n description\n args {\n ...InputValue\n }\n type {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n inputFields {\n ...InputValue\n }\n interfaces {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n description\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n possibleTypes {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n}\nfragment InputValue on __InputValue {\n name\n description\n type { ...TypeRef }\n defaultValue\n}\nfragment TypeRef on __Type {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\ntype Query {\n field: Int\n}\n", }, }, schema_definition: SchemaDefinition { description: None, directives: [], query: Some( ComponentName { origin: Definition, name: "Query", }, ), mutation: None, subscription: None, }, directive_definitions: { "skip": built_in_directive!("skip"), "include": built_in_directive!("include"), "deprecated": built_in_directive!("deprecated"), "specifiedBy": built_in_directive!("specifiedBy"), }, types: { "__Schema": built_in_type!("__Schema"), "__Type": built_in_type!("__Type"), "__TypeKind": built_in_type!("__TypeKind"), "__Field": built_in_type!("__Field"), "__InputValue": built_in_type!("__InputValue"), "__EnumValue": built_in_type!("__EnumValue"), "__Directive": built_in_type!("__Directive"), "__DirectiveLocation": built_in_type!("__DirectiveLocation"), "Int": built_in_type!("Int"), "String": built_in_type!("String"), "Boolean": built_in_type!("Boolean"), "Query": Object( 1266..1293 @14 ObjectType { description: None, name: "Query", implements_interfaces: {}, directives: [], fields: { "field": Component { origin: Definition, node: 1281..1291 @14 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "field", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, }, }, ), }, } ExecutableDocument { sources: { 1: SourceFile { path: "built_in.graphql", source_text: include_str!("built_in.graphql"), }, 14: SourceFile { path: "0012_introspection_query.graphql", source_text: "query IntrospectionQuery {\n __schema {\n queryType { name }\n mutationType { name }\n subscriptionType { name }\n types {\n ...FullType\n }\n directives {\n name\n description\n locations\n args {\n ...InputValue\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfragment FullType on __Type {\n kind\n name\n description\n fields(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n description\n args {\n ...InputValue\n }\n type {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n inputFields {\n ...InputValue\n }\n interfaces {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {\n name\n description\n isDeprecated\n deprecationReason\n }\n possibleTypes {\n ...TypeRef\n }\n}\nfragment InputValue on __InputValue {\n name\n description\n type { ...TypeRef }\n defaultValue\n}\nfragment TypeRef on __Type {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n ofType {\n kind\n name\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\ntype Query {\n field: Int\n}\n", }, }, operations: OperationMap { anonymous: None, named: { "IntrospectionQuery": 0..271 @14 Operation { operation_type: Query, name: Some( "IntrospectionQuery", ), variables: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "Query", selections: [ Field( 29..269 @14 Field { definition: FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "__schema", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__Schema", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "__schema", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Schema", selections: [ Field( 44..62 @14 Field { definition: 314..386 @1 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 314..365 @1 "The type that query operations will be rooted at.", ), name: "queryType", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "queryType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 56..60 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 67..88 @14 Field { definition: 389..500 @1 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 389..477 @1 "If this server supports mutation, the type that mutation operations will be rooted at.", ), name: "mutationType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "mutationType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 82..86 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 93..118 @14 Field { definition: 503..625 @1 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 503..598 @1 "If this server support subscription, the type that subscription operations will be rooted at.", ), name: "subscriptionType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "subscriptionType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 112..116 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 123..154 @14 Field { definition: 244..311 @1 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 244..291 @1 "A list of all types supported by this server.", ), name: "types", arguments: [], ty: NonNullList( NonNullNamed( "__Type", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "types", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 137..148 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "FullType", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 159..265 @14 Field { definition: 628..710 @1 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 628..680 @1 "A list of all directives supported by this server.", ), name: "directives", arguments: [], ty: NonNullList( NonNullNamed( "__Directive", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "directives", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Directive", selections: [ Field( 178..182 @14 Field { definition: 4183..4196 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 189..200 @14 Field { definition: 4199..4218 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "description", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "description", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 207..216 @14 Field { definition: 4221..4255 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "locations", arguments: [], ty: NonNullList( NonNullNamed( "__DirectiveLocation", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "locations", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__DirectiveLocation", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 223..259 @14 Field { definition: 4258..4316 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "args", arguments: [ 4263..4297 @1 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "includeDeprecated", ty: 4282..4289 @1 Named( "Boolean", ), default_value: Some( 4292..4297 @1 Boolean( false, ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: NonNullList( NonNullNamed( "__InputValue", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "args", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__InputValue", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 238..251 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "InputValue", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, }, }, fragments: { "FullType": 272..723 @14 Fragment { name: "FullType", directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 304..308 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 311..315 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 318..329 @14 Field { definition: 1315..1334 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "description", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "description", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 332..504 @14 Field { definition: 1400..1454 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "fields", arguments: [ 1407..1441 @1 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "includeDeprecated", ty: 1426..1433 @1 Named( "Boolean", ), default_value: Some( 1436..1441 @1 Boolean( false, ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: List( NonNullNamed( "__Field", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "fields", arguments: [ 339..362 @14 Argument { name: "includeDeprecated", value: 358..362 @14 Boolean( true, ), }, ], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Field", selections: [ Field( 370..374 @14 Field { definition: 2906..2919 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 379..390 @14 Field { definition: 2922..2941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "description", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "description", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 395..427 @14 Field { definition: 2944..3002 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "args", arguments: [ 2949..2983 @1 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "includeDeprecated", ty: 2968..2975 @1 Named( "Boolean", ), default_value: Some( 2978..2983 @1 Boolean( false, ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: NonNullList( NonNullNamed( "__InputValue", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "args", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__InputValue", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 408..421 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "InputValue", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 432..461 @14 Field { definition: 3005..3018 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "type", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "type", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 445..455 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "TypeRef", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 466..478 @14 Field { definition: 3021..3043 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "isDeprecated", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "Boolean", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "isDeprecated", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "Boolean", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 483..500 @14 Field { definition: 3046..3071 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "deprecationReason", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "deprecationReason", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 507..542 @14 Field { definition: 1800..1864 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "inputFields", arguments: [ 1812..1846 @1 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "includeDeprecated", ty: 1831..1838 @1 Named( "Boolean", ), default_value: Some( 1841..1846 @1 Boolean( false, ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: List( NonNullNamed( "__InputValue", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "inputFields", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__InputValue", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 525..538 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "InputValue", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 545..576 @14 Field { definition: 1520..1541 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "interfaces", arguments: [], ty: List( NonNullNamed( "__Type", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "interfaces", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 562..572 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "TypeRef", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 579..684 @14 Field { definition: 1680..1742 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "enumValues", arguments: [ 1691..1725 @1 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "includeDeprecated", ty: 1710..1717 @1 Named( "Boolean", ), default_value: Some( 1720..1725 @1 Boolean( false, ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: List( NonNullNamed( "__EnumValue", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "enumValues", arguments: [ 590..613 @14 Argument { name: "includeDeprecated", value: 609..613 @14 Boolean( true, ), }, ], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__EnumValue", selections: [ Field( 621..625 @14 Field { definition: 3692..3705 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 630..641 @14 Field { definition: 3708..3727 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "description", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "description", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 646..658 @14 Field { definition: 3730..3752 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "isDeprecated", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "Boolean", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "isDeprecated", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "Boolean", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 663..680 @14 Field { definition: 3755..3780 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "deprecationReason", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "deprecationReason", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 687..721 @14 Field { definition: 1606..1630 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "possibleTypes", arguments: [], ty: List( NonNullNamed( "__Type", ), ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "possibleTypes", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 707..717 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "TypeRef", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, "InputValue": 724..821 @14 Fragment { name: "InputValue", directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__InputValue", selections: [ Field( 764..768 @14 Field { definition: 3271..3284 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 771..782 @14 Field { definition: 3287..3306 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "description", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "description", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 785..804 @14 Field { definition: 3309..3322 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "type", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "type", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ FragmentSpread( 792..802 @14 FragmentSpread { fragment_name: "TypeRef", directives: [], }, ), ], }, }, ), Field( 807..819 @14 Field { definition: 3325..3429 @1 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 3325..3406 @1 "A GraphQL-formatted string representing the default value for this input value.", ), name: "defaultValue", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "defaultValue", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, "TypeRef": 822..1265 @14 Fragment { name: "TypeRef", directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 853..857 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 860..864 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 867..1263 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 880..884 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 889..893 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 898..1259 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 913..917 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 924..928 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 935..1253 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 952..956 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 965..969 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 978..1245 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 997..1001 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1012..1016 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1027..1235 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 1048..1052 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1065..1069 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1082..1223 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 1105..1109 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1124..1128 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1143..1209 @14 Field { definition: 1927..1941 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], ty: Named( "__Type", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "ofType", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__Type", selections: [ Field( 1168..1172 @14 Field { definition: 1280..1297 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], ty: NonNullNamed( "__TypeKind", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "kind", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "__TypeKind", selections: [], }, }, ), Field( 1189..1193 @14 Field { definition: 1300..1312 @1 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "name", arguments: [], ty: Named( "String", ), directives: [], }, alias: None, name: "name", arguments: [], directives: [], selection_set: SelectionSet { ty: "String", selections: [], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, ), ], }, }, }, }