Schema { sources: { 1: SourceFile { path: "built_in.graphql", source_text: include_str!("built_in.graphql"), }, 35: SourceFile { path: "0034_built_in_directive_redefinition.graphql", source_text: "schema\n @deprecated(\n reason: \"\"\"\n The person who got promoted by shipping this product has moved on to another team.\n The service will shut down next month.\n \"\"\"\n ) {\n query: Query\n}\n\ntype Query {\n importantData: Int\n}\n\ndirective @deprecated(\n reason: String = \"No longer supported\"\n) on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE | SCHEMA\n", }, }, schema_definition: 0..198 @35 SchemaDefinition { description: None, directives: [ Component { origin: Definition, node: 9..179 @35 Directive { name: "deprecated", arguments: [ 26..175 @35 Argument { name: "reason", value: 34..175 @35 String( "The person who got promoted by shipping this product has moved on to another team.\nThe service will shut down next month.", ), }, ], }, }, ], query: Some( ComponentName { origin: Definition, name: "Query", }, ), mutation: None, subscription: None, }, directive_definitions: { "skip": built_in_directive!("skip"), "include": built_in_directive!("include"), "deprecated": 237..391 @35 DirectiveDefinition { description: None, name: "deprecated", arguments: [ 262..300 @35 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "reason", ty: 270..276 @35 Named( "String", ), default_value: Some( 279..300 @35 String( "No longer supported", ), ), directives: [], }, ], repeatable: false, locations: [ "FIELD_DEFINITION", "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION", "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION", "ENUM_VALUE", "SCHEMA", ], }, "specifiedBy": built_in_directive!("specifiedBy"), }, types: { "__Schema": built_in_type!("__Schema"), "__Type": built_in_type!("__Type"), "__TypeKind": built_in_type!("__TypeKind"), "__Field": built_in_type!("__Field"), "__InputValue": built_in_type!("__InputValue"), "__EnumValue": built_in_type!("__EnumValue"), "__Directive": built_in_type!("__Directive"), "__DirectiveLocation": built_in_type!("__DirectiveLocation"), "Int": built_in_type!("Int"), "String": built_in_type!("String"), "Boolean": built_in_type!("Boolean"), "Query": Object( 200..235 @35 ObjectType { description: None, name: "Query", implements_interfaces: {}, directives: [], fields: { "importantData": Component { origin: Definition, node: 215..233 @35 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "importantData", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, }, }, ), }, } ExecutableDocument { sources: { 1: SourceFile { path: "built_in.graphql", source_text: include_str!("built_in.graphql"), }, 35: SourceFile { path: "0034_built_in_directive_redefinition.graphql", source_text: "schema\n @deprecated(\n reason: \"\"\"\n The person who got promoted by shipping this product has moved on to another team.\n The service will shut down next month.\n \"\"\"\n ) {\n query: Query\n}\n\ntype Query {\n importantData: Int\n}\n\ndirective @deprecated(\n reason: String = \"No longer supported\"\n) on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE | SCHEMA\n", }, }, operations: OperationMap { anonymous: None, named: {}, }, fragments: {}, }