type Query { "LF: a\nb" f1: Int "CRLF: a\r\nb" f2: Int """ a b """ f3: Int "a \"b\" c" f4: Int """a \"""b\""" c""" f5: Int """ regex: \d+ """ f6: Int "\nLeading empty line to preserve" f7: Int " \nLeading whitespace-only line to preserve" f8: Int "Trailing empty line to preserve\n" f9: Int "Trailing whitespace-only line to preserve\n\t" f10: Int f11(arg: String = "a\nb"): Int f12(arg: String = "a \"b\" c"): Int f13(arg: String = "regex: \\d+"): Int "Trailing backslash \\" f14: Int "Trailing quote\"" f15: Int " Leading whitespace on a single line to preserve" f16: Int " Leading whitespace in multi-line string to preserve\nNo leading whitespace on second line" f17: Int "\n Leading empty line + indent to preserve" f18: Int "When serialized as a block string, \\\"\"\" outputs \\ in front of the escaped triple quote" f19: Int }