Schema { sources: { 1: SourceFile { path: "built_in.graphql", source_text: include_str!("built_in.graphql"), }, 40: SourceFile { path: "0039_string_literals.graphql", source_text: "type Query {\n \"LF: a\\nb\"\n f1: Int\n\n \"CRLF: a\\r\\nb\"\n f2: Int\n\n \"\"\"\n a\n\n b\n \n\n \"\"\"\n f3: Int\n\n \"a \\\"b\\\" c\"\n f4: Int\n\n \"\"\"a \\\"\"\"b\\\"\"\" c\"\"\"\n f5: Int\n\n \"\"\"\n regex: \\d+\n \"\"\"\n f6: Int\n\n \"\\nLeading empty line to preserve\"\n f7: Int\n\n \" \\nLeading whitespace-only line to preserve\"\n f8: Int\n\n \"Trailing empty line to preserve\\n\"\n f9: Int\n\n \"Trailing whitespace-only line to preserve\\n\\t\"\n f10: Int\n\n f11(arg: String = \"a\\nb\"): Int\n\n f12(arg: String = \"a \\\"b\\\" c\"): Int\n\n f13(arg: String = \"regex: \\\\d+\"): Int\n\n \"Trailing backslash \\\\\"\n f14: Int\n\n \"Trailing quote\\\"\"\n f15: Int\n\n \" Leading whitespace on a single line to preserve\"\n f16: Int\n\n \" Leading whitespace in multi-line string to preserve\\nNo leading whitespace on second line\"\n f17: Int\n\n \"\\n Leading empty line + indent to preserve\"\n f18: Int\n\n \"When serialized as a block string, \\\\\\\"\\\"\\\" outputs \\\\ in front of the escaped triple quote\"\n f19: Int\n}\n", }, }, schema_definition: SchemaDefinition { description: None, directives: [], query: Some( ComponentName { origin: Definition, name: "Query", }, ), mutation: None, subscription: None, }, directive_definitions: { "skip": built_in_directive!("skip"), "include": built_in_directive!("include"), "deprecated": built_in_directive!("deprecated"), "specifiedBy": built_in_directive!("specifiedBy"), }, types: { "__Schema": built_in_type!("__Schema"), "__Type": built_in_type!("__Type"), "__TypeKind": built_in_type!("__TypeKind"), "__Field": built_in_type!("__Field"), "__InputValue": built_in_type!("__InputValue"), "__EnumValue": built_in_type!("__EnumValue"), "__Directive": built_in_type!("__Directive"), "__DirectiveLocation": built_in_type!("__DirectiveLocation"), "Int": built_in_type!("Int"), "String": built_in_type!("String"), "Boolean": built_in_type!("Boolean"), "Query": Object( 0..947 @40 ObjectType { description: None, name: "Query", implements_interfaces: {}, directives: [], fields: { "f1": Component { origin: Definition, node: 15..35 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 15..25 @40 "LF: a\nb", ), name: "f1", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f2": Component { origin: Definition, node: 39..63 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 39..53 @40 "CRLF: a\r\nb", ), name: "f2", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f3": Component { origin: Definition, node: 67..103 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 67..93 @40 "a\n\nb", ), name: "f3", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f4": Component { origin: Definition, node: 107..128 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 107..118 @40 "a \"b\" c", ), name: "f4", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f5": Component { origin: Definition, node: 132..161 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 132..151 @40 "a \"\"\"b\"\"\" c", ), name: "f5", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f6": Component { origin: Definition, node: 165..197 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 165..187 @40 "regex: \\d+", ), name: "f6", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f7": Component { origin: Definition, node: 201..245 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 201..235 @40 "\nLeading empty line to preserve", ), name: "f7", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f8": Component { origin: Definition, node: 249..304 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 249..294 @40 " \nLeading whitespace-only line to preserve", ), name: "f8", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f9": Component { origin: Definition, node: 308..353 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 308..343 @40 "Trailing empty line to preserve\n", ), name: "f9", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f10": Component { origin: Definition, node: 357..415 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 357..404 @40 "Trailing whitespace-only line to preserve\n\t", ), name: "f10", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f11": Component { origin: Definition, node: 419..449 @40 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "f11", arguments: [ 423..443 @40 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "arg", ty: 428..434 @40 Named( "String", ), default_value: Some( 437..443 @40 String( "a\nb", ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f12": Component { origin: Definition, node: 453..488 @40 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "f12", arguments: [ 457..482 @40 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "arg", ty: 462..468 @40 Named( "String", ), default_value: Some( 471..482 @40 String( "a \"b\" c", ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f13": Component { origin: Definition, node: 492..529 @40 FieldDefinition { description: None, name: "f13", arguments: [ 496..523 @40 InputValueDefinition { description: None, name: "arg", ty: 501..507 @40 Named( "String", ), default_value: Some( 510..523 @40 String( "regex: \\d+", ), ), directives: [], }, ], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f14": Component { origin: Definition, node: 533..567 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 533..556 @40 "Trailing backslash \\", ), name: "f14", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f15": Component { origin: Definition, node: 571..600 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 571..589 @40 "Trailing quote\"", ), name: "f15", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f16": Component { origin: Definition, node: 604..667 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 604..656 @40 " Leading whitespace on a single line to preserve", ), name: "f16", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f17": Component { origin: Definition, node: 671..776 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 671..765 @40 " Leading whitespace in multi-line string to preserve\nNo leading whitespace on second line", ), name: "f17", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f18": Component { origin: Definition, node: 780..837 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 780..826 @40 "\n Leading empty line + indent to preserve", ), name: "f18", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, "f19": Component { origin: Definition, node: 841..945 @40 FieldDefinition { description: Some( 841..934 @40 "When serialized as a block string, \\\"\"\" outputs \\ in front of the escaped triple quote", ), name: "f19", arguments: [], ty: Named( "Int", ), directives: [], }, }, }, }, ), }, } ExecutableDocument { sources: { 1: SourceFile { path: "built_in.graphql", source_text: include_str!("built_in.graphql"), }, 40: SourceFile { path: "0039_string_literals.graphql", source_text: "type Query {\n \"LF: a\\nb\"\n f1: Int\n\n \"CRLF: a\\r\\nb\"\n f2: Int\n\n \"\"\"\n a\n\n b\n \n\n \"\"\"\n f3: Int\n\n \"a \\\"b\\\" c\"\n f4: Int\n\n \"\"\"a \\\"\"\"b\\\"\"\" c\"\"\"\n f5: Int\n\n \"\"\"\n regex: \\d+\n \"\"\"\n f6: Int\n\n \"\\nLeading empty line to preserve\"\n f7: Int\n\n \" \\nLeading whitespace-only line to preserve\"\n f8: Int\n\n \"Trailing empty line to preserve\\n\"\n f9: Int\n\n \"Trailing whitespace-only line to preserve\\n\\t\"\n f10: Int\n\n f11(arg: String = \"a\\nb\"): Int\n\n f12(arg: String = \"a \\\"b\\\" c\"): Int\n\n f13(arg: String = \"regex: \\\\d+\"): Int\n\n \"Trailing backslash \\\\\"\n f14: Int\n\n \"Trailing quote\\\"\"\n f15: Int\n\n \" Leading whitespace on a single line to preserve\"\n f16: Int\n\n \" Leading whitespace in multi-line string to preserve\\nNo leading whitespace on second line\"\n f17: Int\n\n \"\\n Leading empty line + indent to preserve\"\n f18: Int\n\n \"When serialized as a block string, \\\\\\\"\\\"\\\" outputs \\\\ in front of the escaped triple quote\"\n f19: Int\n}\n", }, }, operations: OperationMap { anonymous: None, named: {}, }, fragments: {}, }