use apollo_compiler::Schema; #[test] fn find_definitions_with_directive() { let schema = r#" type Query { unused: Int } type ObjectOne @key(field: "id") { id: ID! inStock: Boolean! } type ObjectTwo @key(field: "name") { name: String! address: String! } type ObjectThree { price: Int } directive @key(field: String) on OBJECT "#; let schema = Schema::parse_and_validate(schema, "schema.graphql").unwrap(); let mut key_definition_names: Vec<&str> = schema .types .iter() .filter(|(_name, def)| def.directives().has("key")) .map(|(name, _def)| name.as_str()) .collect(); key_definition_names.sort(); assert_eq!(key_definition_names, ["ObjectOne", "ObjectTwo"]) } #[test] fn test_schema_reserialize() { let input = r#" extend type Query { withArg(arg: Boolean): String @deprecated, } type Query { int: Int, } extend type Query implements Inter interface Inter { string: String } extend type Query @customDirective extend type Query { string: String, } directive @customDirective on OBJECT "#; // Order is mostly not preserved let expected = expect_test::expect![[r#" directive @customDirective on OBJECT type Query { int: Int } extend type Query @customDirective extend type Query implements Inter extend type Query { withArg(arg: Boolean): String @deprecated } extend type Query { string: String } interface Inter { string: String } "#]]; let schema = Schema::parse_and_validate(input, "schema.graphql").unwrap(); expected.assert_eq(&schema.to_string()); } #[test] fn is_subtype() { fn gen_schema_types(schema: &str) -> Schema { let base_schema = r#" type Query { me: String } type Foo { me: String } type Bar { me: String } type Baz { me: String } union UnionType2 = Foo | Bar "#; Schema::builder() .parse(SUPERGRAPH_BOILERPLATE, "boilerplate") .parse(base_schema, "base") .parse(schema, "schema") .build() .unwrap() } fn gen_schema_interfaces(schema: &str) -> Schema { let base_schema = r#" type Query { me: String } interface Foo { me: String } interface Bar { me: String } interface Baz { me: String, } type ObjectType2 implements Foo & Bar { me: String } interface InterfaceType2 implements Foo & Bar { me: String } "#; Schema::builder() .parse(SUPERGRAPH_BOILERPLATE, "boilerplate") .parse(base_schema, "base") .parse(schema, "schema") .build() .unwrap() } let schema = gen_schema_types("union UnionType = Foo | Bar | Baz"); assert!(schema.is_subtype("UnionType", "Foo")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("UnionType", "Bar")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("UnionType", "Baz")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("UnionType", "UnionType")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("UnionType", "Query")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("UnionType", "NotAType")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("NotAType", "Foo")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "UnionType")); let schema = gen_schema_interfaces("type ObjectType implements Foo & Bar & Baz { me: String }"); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Foo", "ObjectType")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Bar", "ObjectType")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Baz", "ObjectType")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Baz", "ObjectType2")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "Foo")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "Query")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "NotAType")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("ObjectType", "Foo")); let schema = gen_schema_interfaces("interface InterfaceType implements Foo & Bar & Baz { me: String }"); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Foo", "InterfaceType")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Bar", "InterfaceType")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Baz", "InterfaceType")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Baz", "InterfaceType2")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "Foo")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "Query")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("Foo", "NotAType")); assert!(!schema.is_subtype("InterfaceType", "Foo")); let schema = gen_schema_types("extend union UnionType2 = Baz"); assert!(schema.is_subtype("UnionType2", "Foo")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("UnionType2", "Bar")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("UnionType2", "Baz")); let schema = gen_schema_interfaces("extend type ObjectType2 implements Baz { me2: String }"); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Foo", "ObjectType2")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Bar", "ObjectType2")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Baz", "ObjectType2")); let schema = gen_schema_interfaces("extend interface InterfaceType2 implements Baz { me2: String }"); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Foo", "InterfaceType2")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Bar", "InterfaceType2")); assert!(schema.is_subtype("Baz", "InterfaceType2")); } const SUPERGRAPH_BOILERPLATE: &str = r#" schema @core(feature: "") @core(feature: "") { query: Query } directive @core(feature: String!) repeatable on SCHEMA directive @join__graph(name: String!, url: String!) on ENUM_VALUE enum join__Graph { TEST @join__graph(name: "test", url: "http://localhost:4001/graphql") } "#; /// /// #[test] fn test_default_root_op_name_ignored_with_explicit_schema_def() { let input = r#" schema { query: Query # no mutation here } type Query { viruses: [Virus!] } type Virus { name: String! knownMutations: [Mutation!]! } type Mutation { # happens to use that name but isn't a root operation name: String! geneSequence: String! } "#; let schema = Schema::parse_and_validate(input, "schema.graphql").unwrap(); assert!(schema.schema_definition.mutation.is_none()) }