/* Mednafen - Multi-system Emulator * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Games to test after changing code affecting CD reading and buffering: Bedlam Rise 2 */ // TODO: async command counter and async command phase? /* TODO: Implement missing commands. SPU CD-DA and CD-XA streaming semantics. */ /* After eject(doesn't appear to occur when drive is in STOP state): * Does not appear to occur in STOP state. * Does not appear to occur in PAUSE state. * DOES appear to occur in STANDBY state. (TODO: retest) % Result 0: 16 % Result 1: 08 % IRQ Result: e5 % 19 e0 Command abortion tests(NOP tested): Does not appear to occur when in STOP or PAUSE states(STOP or PAUSE command just executed). DOES occur after a ReadTOC completes, if ReadTOC is not followed by a STOP or PAUSE. Odd. */ #include "psx.h" #include "cdc.h" #include "spu.h" #include "../mednafen-endian.h" #include "../state_helpers.h" PS_CDC::PS_CDC() : DMABuffer(4096) { IsPSXDisc = false; Cur_CDIF = NULL; DriveStatus = DS_STOPPED; PendingCommandPhase = 0; TOC_Clear(&toc); } extern unsigned cd_2x_speedup; extern bool cd_async; extern bool cd_warned_slow; extern int64 cd_slow_timeout; PS_CDC::~PS_CDC() { } void PS_CDC::DMForceStop(void) { PSRCounter = 0; if((DriveStatus != DS_PAUSED && DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED) || PendingCommandPhase >= 2) { PendingCommand = 0x00; PendingCommandCounter = 0; PendingCommandPhase = 0; } HeaderBufValid = false; DriveStatus = DS_STOPPED; ClearAIP(); SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; } void PS_CDC::SetDisc(bool tray_open, CDIF *cdif, const char *disc_id) { if(tray_open) cdif = NULL; Cur_CDIF = cdif; IsPSXDisc = false; memset(DiscID, 0, sizeof(DiscID)); if(!Cur_CDIF) { DMForceStop(); } else { HeaderBufValid = false; DiscStartupDelay = (int64)1000 * 33868800 / 1000; DiscChanged = true; Cur_CDIF->ReadTOC(&toc); if(disc_id) { memcpy((char *)DiscID, disc_id, 4); IsPSXDisc = true; } } } int32 PS_CDC::CalcNextEvent(void) { int32 next_event = SPUCounter; if(PSRCounter > 0 && next_event > PSRCounter) next_event = PSRCounter; if(PendingCommandCounter > 0 && next_event > PendingCommandCounter) next_event = PendingCommandCounter; if(!(IRQBuffer & 0xF)) { if(CDCReadyReceiveCounter > 0 && next_event > CDCReadyReceiveCounter) next_event = CDCReadyReceiveCounter; } if(DiscStartupDelay > 0 && next_event > DiscStartupDelay) next_event = DiscStartupDelay; //fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d %d --- %d\n", PSRCounter, PendingCommandCounter, CDCReadyReceiveCounter, DiscStartupDelay, next_event); overclock_device_to_cpu(next_event); return(next_event); } void PS_CDC::SoftReset(void) { ClearAudioBuffers(); // Not sure about initial volume state Pending_DecodeVolume[0][0] = 0x80; Pending_DecodeVolume[0][1] = 0x00; Pending_DecodeVolume[1][0] = 0x00; Pending_DecodeVolume[1][1] = 0x80; memcpy(DecodeVolume, Pending_DecodeVolume, sizeof(DecodeVolume)); RegSelector = 0; memset(ArgsBuf, 0, sizeof(ArgsBuf)); ArgsWP = ArgsRP = 0; memset(ResultsBuffer, 0, sizeof(ResultsBuffer)); ResultsWP = 0; ResultsRP = 0; ResultsIn = 0; CDCReadyReceiveCounter = 0; IRQBuffer = 0; IRQOutTestMask = 0; RecalcIRQ(); DMABuffer.Flush(); SB_In = 0; SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; memset(SubQBuf, 0, sizeof(SubQBuf)); memset(SubQBuf_Safe, 0, sizeof(SubQBuf_Safe)); SubQChecksumOK = false; memset(HeaderBuf, 0, sizeof(HeaderBuf)); FilterFile = 0; FilterChan = 0; PendingCommand = 0; PendingCommandPhase = 0; PendingCommandCounter = 0; Mode = 0x20; HeaderBufValid = false; DriveStatus = DS_STOPPED; ClearAIP(); StatusAfterSeek = DS_STOPPED; SeekRetryCounter = 0; Forward = false; Backward = false; Muted = false; PlayTrackMatch = 0; PSRCounter = 0; CurSector = 0; ClearAIP(); SeekTarget = 0; CommandLoc = 0; CommandLoc_Dirty = true; DiscChanged = true; } void PS_CDC::Power(void) { PSX_SPU->Power(); SoftReset(); DiscStartupDelay = 0; SPUCounter = PSX_SPU->UpdateFromCDC(0); lastts = 0; } int PS_CDC::StateAction(StateMem *sm, int load, int data_only) { SFORMAT StateRegs[] = { SFVARN_BOOL(DiscChanged, "DiscChanged"), SFVARN(DiscStartupDelay, "DiscStartupDelay"), SFARRAY16(&AudioBuffer.Samples[0][0], sizeof(AudioBuffer.Samples) / sizeof(AudioBuffer.Samples[0][0])), SFVAR(AudioBuffer.Size), SFVAR(AudioBuffer.Freq), SFVAR(AudioBuffer.ReadPos), SFARRAY(&Pending_DecodeVolume[0][0], 2 * 2), SFARRAY(&DecodeVolume[0][0], 2 * 2), SFARRAY16(&ADPCM_ResampBuf[0][0], sizeof(ADPCM_ResampBuf) / sizeof(ADPCM_ResampBuf[0][0])), SFVARN(ADPCM_ResampCurPhase, "ADPCM_ResampCurPhase"), SFVARN(ADPCM_ResampCurPos, "ADPCM_ResampCurPos"), SFVARN(RegSelector, "RegSelector"), SFARRAY(ArgsBuf, 16), SFVAR(ArgsWP), SFVAR(ArgsRP), SFVAR(ArgsReceiveLatch), SFARRAY(ArgsReceiveBuf, 32), SFVAR(ArgsReceiveIn), SFARRAY(ResultsBuffer, 16), SFVAR(ResultsIn), SFVAR(ResultsWP), SFVAR(ResultsRP), // // // SFARRAY(&DMABuffer.data[0], DMABuffer.size), SFVAR(DMABuffer.read_pos), SFVAR(DMABuffer.write_pos), SFVAR(DMABuffer.in_count), // // // SFARRAY(SB, sizeof(SB) / sizeof(SB[0])), SFVAR(SB_In), SFARRAY(&SectorPipe[0][0], sizeof(SectorPipe) / sizeof(SectorPipe[0][0])), SFVAR(SectorPipe_Pos), SFVAR(SectorPipe_In), SFARRAY(SubQBuf, sizeof(SubQBuf) / sizeof(SubQBuf[0])), SFARRAY(SubQBuf_Safe, sizeof(SubQBuf_Safe) / sizeof(SubQBuf_Safe[0])), SFVAR(SubQChecksumOK), SFVAR(HeaderBufValid), SFARRAY(HeaderBuf, sizeof(HeaderBuf) / sizeof(HeaderBuf[0])), SFVAR(IRQBuffer), SFVAR(IRQOutTestMask), SFVAR(CDCReadyReceiveCounter), SFVAR(FilterFile), SFVAR(FilterChan), SFVAR(PendingCommand), SFVAR(PendingCommandPhase), SFVAR(PendingCommandCounter), SFVAR(SPUCounter), SFVAR(Mode), SFVAR(DriveStatus), SFVAR(StatusAfterSeek), SFVAR(Forward), SFVAR(Backward), SFVAR(Muted), SFVAR(PlayTrackMatch), SFVAR(PSRCounter), SFVAR(CurSector), SFVAR(SectorsRead), SFVAR(AsyncIRQPending), SFARRAY(AsyncResultsPending, sizeof(AsyncResultsPending) / sizeof(AsyncResultsPending[0])), SFVAR(AsyncResultsPendingCount), SFVAR(SeekTarget), SFVAR(SeekRetryCounter), // FIXME: Save TOC stuff? #if 0 CDUtility::TOC toc; bool IsPSXDisc; uint8 DiscID[4]; #endif SFVAR(CommandLoc), SFVAR(CommandLoc_Dirty), SFARRAY16(&xa_previous[0][0], sizeof(xa_previous) / sizeof(xa_previous[0][0])), SFVAR(xa_cur_set), SFVAR(xa_cur_file), SFVAR(xa_cur_chan), SFVAR(ReportLastF), SFEND }; int ret = MDFNSS_StateAction(sm, load, data_only, StateRegs, "CDC"); if(load) { DMABuffer.SaveStatePostLoad(); SectorPipe_Pos %= SectorPipe_Count; if(AudioBuffer.Size > sizeof(AudioBuffer.Samples[0]) / sizeof(AudioBuffer.Samples[0][0])) AudioBuffer.Size = sizeof(AudioBuffer.Samples[0]) / sizeof(AudioBuffer.Samples[0][0]); if(AudioBuffer.ReadPos > AudioBuffer.Size) AudioBuffer.ReadPos = AudioBuffer.Size; ResultsRP &= 0xF; ResultsWP &= 0xF; ResultsIn &= 0x1F; ADPCM_ResampCurPos &= 0x1F; ADPCM_ResampCurPhase %= 7; // // Handle pre-0.9.37 state loading, and maliciously-constructed/corrupted save states. if(!Cur_CDIF) DMForceStop(); } return(ret); } void PS_CDC::ResetTS(void) { lastts = 0; } void PS_CDC::RecalcIRQ(void) { ::IRQ_Assert(IRQ_CD, (bool)(IRQBuffer & (IRQOutTestMask & 0x1F))); } //static int32 doom_ts; void PS_CDC::WriteIRQ(uint8 V) { assert(CDCReadyReceiveCounter <= 0); assert(!(IRQBuffer & 0xF)); //PSX_WARNING("[CDC] ***IRQTHINGY: 0x%02x -- %u", V, doom_ts); CDCReadyReceiveCounter = 2000; //1024; IRQBuffer = (IRQBuffer & 0x10) | V; RecalcIRQ(); } void PS_CDC::BeginResults(void) { //if(ResultsIn) // { // printf("Cleared %d results. IRQBuffer=0x%02x\n", ResultsIn, IRQBuffer); //} ResultsIn = 0; ResultsWP = 0; ResultsRP = 0; memset(ResultsBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ResultsBuffer)); } void PS_CDC::WriteResult(uint8 V) { ResultsBuffer[ResultsWP] = V; ResultsWP = (ResultsWP + 1) & 0xF; ResultsIn = (ResultsIn + 1) & 0x1F; if(!ResultsIn) PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Results buffer overflow!"); } uint8 PS_CDC::ReadResult(void) { uint8 ret = ResultsBuffer[ResultsRP]; if(!ResultsIn) PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Results buffer underflow!"); ResultsRP = (ResultsRP + 1) & 0xF; ResultsIn = (ResultsIn - 1) & 0x1F; return ret; } uint8 PS_CDC::MakeStatus(bool cmd_error) { uint8 ret = 0; /* Are these bit positions right? */ switch (DriveStatus) { case DS_PLAYING: ret |= 0x80; break; case DS_READING: /* Probably will want to be careful with this HeaderBufValid * versus seek/read bit business in the future as it is a bit fragile; * "Gran Turismo 1"'s music is a good test case. */ if(HeaderBufValid) { ret |= 0x20; break; } /* fall-through */ case DS_SEEKING: case DS_SEEKING_LOGICAL: ret |= 0x40; break; } if(!Cur_CDIF || DiscChanged) ret |= 0x10; if(DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED) ret |= 0x02; if(cmd_error) ret |= 0x01; DiscChanged = false; // FIXME: Only do it on NOP command execution? return(ret); } bool PS_CDC::DecodeSubQ(uint8 *subpw) { uint8 tmp_q[0xC]; memset(tmp_q, 0, 0xC); for(int i = 0; i < 96; i++) tmp_q[i >> 3] |= ((subpw[i] & 0x40) >> 6) << (7 - (i & 7)); if((tmp_q[0] & 0xF) == 1) { memcpy(SubQBuf, tmp_q, 0xC); SubQChecksumOK = subq_check_checksum(tmp_q); if(SubQChecksumOK) { memcpy(SubQBuf_Safe, tmp_q, 0xC); return(true); } } return(false); } static const int16 CDADPCMImpulse[7][25] = { { 0, -5, 17, -35, 70, -23, -68, 347, -839, 2062, -4681, 15367, 21472, -5882, 2810, -1352, 635, -235, 26, 43, -35, 16, -8, 2, 0, }, /* 0 */ { 0, -2, 10, -34, 65, -84, 52, 9, -266, 1024, -2680, 9036, 26516, -6016, 3021, -1571, 848, -365, 107, 10, -16, 17, -8, 3, -1, }, /* 1 */ { -2, 0, 3, -19, 60, -75, 162, -227, 306, -67, -615, 3229, 29883, -4532, 2488, -1471, 882, -424, 166, -27, 5, 6, -8, 3, -1, }, /* 2 */ { -1, 3, -2, -5, 31, -74, 179, -402, 689, -926, 1272, -1446, 31033, -1446, 1272, -926, 689, -402, 179, -74, 31, -5, -2, 3, -1, }, /* 3 */ { -1, 3, -8, 6, 5, -27, 166, -424, 882, -1471, 2488, -4532, 29883, 3229, -615, -67, 306, -227, 162, -75, 60, -19, 3, 0, -2, }, /* 4 */ { -1, 3, -8, 17, -16, 10, 107, -365, 848, -1571, 3021, -6016, 26516, 9036, -2680, 1024, -266, 9, 52, -84, 65, -34, 10, -2, 0, }, /* 5 */ { 0, 2, -8, 16, -35, 43, 26, -235, 635, -1352, 2810, -5882, 21472, 15367, -4681, 2062, -839, 347, -68, -23, 70, -35, 17, -5, 0, }, /* 6 */ }; void PS_CDC::ReadAudioBuffer(int32 samples[2]) { samples[0] = AudioBuffer.Samples[0][AudioBuffer.ReadPos]; samples[1] = AudioBuffer.Samples[1][AudioBuffer.ReadPos]; AudioBuffer.ReadPos++; } INLINE void PS_CDC::ApplyVolume(int32 samples[2]) { // Take care not to alter samples[] before we're done calculating the new output samples! int32 left_out = ((samples[0] * DecodeVolume[0][0]) >> 7) + ((samples[1] * DecodeVolume[1][0]) >> 7); int32 right_out = ((samples[0] * DecodeVolume[0][1]) >> 7) + ((samples[1] * DecodeVolume[1][1]) >> 7); clamp(&left_out, -32768, 32767); clamp(&right_out, -32768, 32767); if(Muted) { left_out = 0; right_out = 0; } samples[0] = left_out; samples[1] = right_out; } // This function must always set samples[0] and samples[1], even if just to 0; // range of samples[n] shall be restricted to -32768 through 32767. void PS_CDC::GetCDAudio(int32 samples[2], const unsigned freq) { if(freq == 7 || freq == 14) { ReadAudioBuffer(samples); if(freq == 14) ReadAudioBuffer(samples); } else { int32 out_tmp[2]; out_tmp[0] = out_tmp[1] = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const int16* imp = CDADPCMImpulse[ADPCM_ResampCurPhase]; int16* wf = &ADPCM_ResampBuf[i][(ADPCM_ResampCurPos + 32 - 25) & 0x1F]; for(unsigned s = 0; s < 25; s++) { out_tmp[i] += imp[s] * wf[s]; } out_tmp[i] >>= 15; clamp(&out_tmp[i], -32768, 32767); samples[i] = out_tmp[i]; } ADPCM_ResampCurPhase += freq; if(ADPCM_ResampCurPhase >= 7) { int32 raw[2]; raw[0] = raw[1] = 0; ADPCM_ResampCurPhase -= 7; ReadAudioBuffer(raw); for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ADPCM_ResampBuf[i][ADPCM_ResampCurPos + 0] = ADPCM_ResampBuf[i][ADPCM_ResampCurPos + 32] = raw[i]; } ADPCM_ResampCurPos = (ADPCM_ResampCurPos + 1) & 0x1F; } } // Algorithmically, volume is applied after resampling for CD-XA ADPCM playback, // per PS1 tests(though when "mute" is applied wasn't tested). ApplyVolume(samples); } struct XA_Subheader { uint8 file; uint8 channel; uint8 submode; uint8 coding; uint8 file_dup; uint8 channel_dup; uint8 submode_dup; uint8 coding_dup; }; struct XA_SoundGroup { uint8 params[16]; uint8 samples[112]; }; #define XA_SUBMODE_EOF 0x80 #define XA_SUBMODE_REALTIME 0x40 #define XA_SUBMODE_FORM 0x20 #define XA_SUBMODE_TRIGGER 0x10 #define XA_SUBMODE_DATA 0x08 #define XA_SUBMODE_AUDIO 0x04 #define XA_SUBMODE_VIDEO 0x02 #define XA_SUBMODE_EOR 0x01 #define XA_CODING_EMPHASIS 0x40 //#define XA_CODING_BPS_MASK 0x30 //#define XA_CODING_BPS_4BIT 0x00 //#define XA_CODING_BPS_8BIT 0x10 //#define XA_CODING_SR_MASK 0x0C //#define XA_CODING_SR_378 0x00 //#define XA_CODING_SR_ #define XA_CODING_8BIT 0x10 #define XA_CODING_189 0x04 #define XA_CODING_STEREO 0x01 // Special regression prevention test cases: // Um Jammer Lammy (start doing poorly) // Yarudora Series Vol.1 - Double Cast (non-FMV speech) bool PS_CDC::XA_Test(const uint8 *sdata) { const XA_Subheader *sh = (const XA_Subheader *)&sdata[12 + 4]; if(!(Mode & MODE_STRSND)) return false; if(!(sh->submode & XA_SUBMODE_AUDIO)) return false; if((Mode & MODE_SF) && (sh->file != FilterFile || sh->channel != FilterChan)) return false; if(!xa_cur_set || (Mode & MODE_SF)) { xa_cur_set = true; xa_cur_file = sh->file; xa_cur_chan = sh->channel; } else if(sh->file != xa_cur_file || sh->channel != xa_cur_chan) return false; if(sh->submode & XA_SUBMODE_EOF) { //puts("YAY"); xa_cur_set = false; xa_cur_file = 0; xa_cur_chan = 0; } return true; } void PS_CDC::ClearAudioBuffers(void) { memset(&AudioBuffer, 0, sizeof(AudioBuffer)); memset(xa_previous, 0, sizeof(xa_previous)); xa_cur_set = false; xa_cur_file = 0; xa_cur_chan = 0; memset(ADPCM_ResampBuf, 0, sizeof(ADPCM_ResampBuf)); ADPCM_ResampCurPhase = 0; ADPCM_ResampCurPos = 0; } // // output should be readable at -2 and -1 static void DecodeXAADPCM(const uint8 *input, int16 *output, const unsigned shift, const unsigned weight) { // Weights copied over from SPU channel ADPCM playback code, // may not be entirely the same for CD-XA ADPCM, we need to run tests. static const int32 Weights[16][2] = { // s-1 s-2 { 0, 0 }, { 60, 0 }, { 115, -52 }, { 98, -55 }, { 122, -60 }, }; for(int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { int32 sample = (int16)(input[i] << 8); sample >>= shift; sample += ((output[i - 1] * Weights[weight][0]) >> 6) + ((output[i - 2] * Weights[weight][1]) >> 6); clamp(&sample, -32768, 32767); output[i] = sample; } } void PS_CDC::XA_ProcessSector(const uint8 *sdata, CD_Audio_Buffer *ab) { const XA_Subheader *sh = (const XA_Subheader *)&sdata[12 + 4]; const unsigned unit_index_shift = (sh->coding & XA_CODING_8BIT) ? 0 : 1; ab->ReadPos = 0; ab->Size = 18 * (4 << unit_index_shift) * 28; if(sh->coding & XA_CODING_STEREO) ab->Size >>= 1; ab->Freq = (sh->coding & XA_CODING_189) ? 3 : 6; //fprintf(stderr, "Coding: %02x %02x\n", sh->coding, sh->coding_dup); for(unsigned group = 0; group < 18; group++) { const XA_SoundGroup *sg = (const XA_SoundGroup *)&sdata[12 + 4 + 8 + group * 128]; for(unsigned unit = 0; unit < (4U << unit_index_shift); unit++) { const uint8 param = sg->params[(unit & 3) | ((unit & 4) << 1)]; const uint8 param_copy = sg->params[4 | (unit & 3) | ((unit & 4) << 1)]; uint8 ibuffer[28]; int16 obuffer[2 + 28]; if(param != param_copy) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] CD-XA param != param_copy --- %d %02x %02x\n", unit, param, param_copy); } for(unsigned i = 0; i < 28; i++) { uint8 tmp = sg->samples[i * 4 + (unit >> unit_index_shift)]; if(unit_index_shift) { tmp <<= (unit & 1) ? 0 : 4; tmp &= 0xf0; } ibuffer[i] = tmp; } const bool ocn = (bool)(unit & 1) && (sh->coding & XA_CODING_STEREO); obuffer[0] = xa_previous[ocn][0]; obuffer[1] = xa_previous[ocn][1]; DecodeXAADPCM(ibuffer, &obuffer[2], param & 0x0F, param >> 4); xa_previous[ocn][0] = obuffer[28]; xa_previous[ocn][1] = obuffer[29]; if(param != param_copy) memset(obuffer, 0, sizeof(obuffer)); if(sh->coding & XA_CODING_STEREO) { for(unsigned s = 0; s < 28; s++) { ab->Samples[ocn][group * (2 << unit_index_shift) * 28 + (unit >> 1) * 28 + s] = obuffer[2 + s]; } } else { for(unsigned s = 0; s < 28; s++) { ab->Samples[0][group * (4 << unit_index_shift) * 28 + unit * 28 + s] = obuffer[2 + s]; ab->Samples[1][group * (4 << unit_index_shift) * 28 + unit * 28 + s] = obuffer[2 + s]; } } } } #if 0 // Test for(unsigned i = 0; i < ab->Size; i++) { static unsigned counter = 0; ab->Samples[0][i] = (counter & 2) ? -0x6000 : 0x6000; ab->Samples[1][i] = rand(); counter++; } #endif } void PS_CDC::ClearAIP(void) { AsyncResultsPendingCount = 0; AsyncIRQPending = 0; } void PS_CDC::CheckAIP(void) { if(AsyncIRQPending && CDCReadyReceiveCounter <= 0) { BeginResults(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < AsyncResultsPendingCount; i++) WriteResult(AsyncResultsPending[i]); WriteIRQ(AsyncIRQPending); ClearAIP(); } } void PS_CDC::SetAIP(unsigned irq, unsigned result_count, uint8 *r) { if(AsyncIRQPending) { PSX_WARNING("***WARNING*** Previous notification skipped: CurSector=%d, old_notification=0x%02x", CurSector, AsyncIRQPending); } ClearAIP(); AsyncResultsPendingCount = result_count; for(unsigned i = 0; i < result_count; i++) AsyncResultsPending[i] = r[i]; AsyncIRQPending = irq; CheckAIP(); } void PS_CDC::SetAIP(unsigned irq, uint8 result0) { uint8 tr[1]; tr[0] = result0; SetAIP(irq, 1, tr); } void PS_CDC::SetAIP(unsigned irq, uint8 result0, uint8 result1) { uint8 tr[2]; tr[0] = result0; tr[1] = result1; SetAIP(irq, 2, tr); } void PS_CDC::EnbufferizeCDDASector(const uint8 *buf) { CD_Audio_Buffer *ab = &AudioBuffer; ab->Freq = 7 * ((Mode & MODE_SPEED) ? 2 : 1); ab->Size = 588; if(SubQBuf_Safe[0] & 0x40) { for(int i = 0; i < 588; i++) { ab->Samples[0][i] = 0; ab->Samples[1][i] = 0; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < 588; i++) { ab->Samples[0][i] = (int16)MDFN_de16lsb(&buf[i * sizeof(int16) * 2 + 0]); ab->Samples[1][i] = (int16)MDFN_de16lsb(&buf[i * sizeof(int16) * 2 + 2]); } } ab->ReadPos = 0; } void PS_CDC::HandlePlayRead(void) { uint8 read_buf[2352 + 96]; //PSX_WARNING("Read sector: %d", CurSector); if(CurSector >= ((int32)toc.tracks[100].lba + 300) && CurSector >= (75 * 60 * 75 - 150)) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Read/Play position waaay too far out(%u), forcing STOP", CurSector); DriveStatus = DS_STOPPED; SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; return; } if(CurSector >= (int32)toc.tracks[100].lba) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] In leadout area: %u", CurSector); } if (cd_async && SeekRetryCounter) { if (!Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSector(read_buf, CurSector, 0)) { SeekRetryCounter--; PSRCounter = 33868800 / 75; return; } } else if (cd_warned_slow) { Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSector(read_buf, CurSector, -1); } else if (!Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSector(read_buf, CurSector, cd_slow_timeout)) { if (cd_async) MDFND_DispMessage(3, RETRO_LOG_WARN, RETRO_MESSAGE_TARGET_ALL, RETRO_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, "*Really* slow CD image read detected: consider using precache CD Access Method"); else MDFND_DispMessage(3, RETRO_LOG_WARN, RETRO_MESSAGE_TARGET_ALL, RETRO_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, "Slow CD image read detected: consider using async or precache CD Access Method"); cd_warned_slow = true; Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSector(read_buf, CurSector, -1); } DecodeSubQ(read_buf + 2352); if(SubQBuf_Safe[1] == 0xAA && (DriveStatus == DS_PLAYING || (!(SubQBuf_Safe[0] & 0x40) && (Mode & MODE_CDDA)))) { HeaderBufValid = false; PSX_WARNING("[CDC] CD-DA leadout reached: %u", CurSector); // Status in this end-of-disc context here should be generated after we're in the pause state. DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; SetAIP(CDCIRQ_DATA_END, MakeStatus()); return; } if(DriveStatus == DS_PLAYING) { // Note: Some game(s) start playing in the pregap of a track(so don't replace this with a simple subq index == 0 check for autopause). if(PlayTrackMatch == -1 && SubQChecksumOK) PlayTrackMatch = SubQBuf_Safe[0x1]; if((Mode & MODE_AUTOPAUSE) && PlayTrackMatch != -1 && SubQBuf_Safe[0x1] != PlayTrackMatch) { // Status needs to be taken before we're paused(IE it should still report playing). SetAIP(CDCIRQ_DATA_END, MakeStatus()); DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; PSRCounter = 0; return; } if((Mode & MODE_REPORT) && (((SubQBuf_Safe[0x9] >> 4) != ReportLastF) || Forward || Backward) && SubQChecksumOK) { uint8 tr[8]; #if 1 uint16 abs_lev_max = 0; bool abs_lev_chselect = SubQBuf_Safe[0x8] & 0x01; for(int i = 0; i < 588; i++) abs_lev_max = std::max(abs_lev_max, std::min(abs((int16)MDFN_de16lsb(&read_buf[i * 4 + (abs_lev_chselect * 2)])), 32767)); abs_lev_max |= abs_lev_chselect << 15; #endif ReportLastF = SubQBuf_Safe[0x9] >> 4; tr[0] = MakeStatus(); tr[1] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x1]; // Track tr[2] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x2]; // Index if(SubQBuf_Safe[0x9] & 0x10) { tr[3] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x3]; // R M tr[4] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x4] | 0x80; // R S tr[5] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x5]; // R F } else { tr[3] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x7]; // A M tr[4] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x8]; // A S tr[5] = SubQBuf_Safe[0x9]; // A F } tr[6] = abs_lev_max >> 0; tr[7] = abs_lev_max >> 8; SetAIP(CDCIRQ_DATA_READY, 8, tr); } } if(SectorPipe_In >= SectorPipe_Count) { uint8* buf = SectorPipe[SectorPipe_Pos]; SectorPipe_In--; if(DriveStatus == DS_READING) { if(SubQBuf_Safe[0] & 0x40) //) || !(Mode & MODE_CDDA)) { memcpy(HeaderBuf, buf + 12, 12); HeaderBufValid = true; if((Mode & MODE_STRSND) && (buf[12 + 3] == 0x2) && ((buf[12 + 6] & 0x64) == 0x64)) { if(XA_Test(buf)) { if(AudioBuffer.ReadPos < AudioBuffer.Size) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] CD-XA ADPCM sector skipped - readpos=0x%04x, size=0x%04x", AudioBuffer.ReadPos, AudioBuffer.Size); } else { XA_ProcessSector(buf, &AudioBuffer); } } } else { // maybe if(!(Mode & 0x30)) too? if(!(buf[12 + 6] & 0x20)) { if(!edc_lec_check_and_correct(buf, true)) { MDFN_DispMessage(3, RETRO_LOG_ERROR, RETRO_MESSAGE_TARGET_ALL, RETRO_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_ALT, "Bad sector? - %d", CurSector); } } if(!(Mode & 0x30) && (buf[12 + 6] & 0x20)) PSX_WARNING("[CDC] BORK: %d", CurSector); int32 offs = (Mode & 0x20) ? 0 : 12; int32 size = (Mode & 0x20) ? 2340 : 2048; if(Mode & 0x10) { offs = 12; size = 2328; } memcpy(SB, buf + 12 + offs, size); SB_In = size; SetAIP(CDCIRQ_DATA_READY, MakeStatus()); } } } if(!(SubQBuf_Safe[0] & 0x40) && ((Mode & MODE_CDDA) || DriveStatus == DS_PLAYING)) { if(AudioBuffer.ReadPos < AudioBuffer.Size) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] BUG CDDA buffer full"); } else { EnbufferizeCDDASector(buf); } } } memcpy(SectorPipe[SectorPipe_Pos], read_buf, 2352); SectorPipe_Pos = (SectorPipe_Pos + 1) % SectorPipe_Count; SectorPipe_In++; unsigned speed_mul; if (Mode & MODE_SPEED) { // We're in 2x mode if (Mode & (MODE_CDDA | MODE_STRSND)) { // We're probably streaming audio to the CD drive, keep the // native speed speed_mul = 2; } else { // *Probably* not streaming audio, we can try increasing the // *CD speed beyond native speed_mul = 2 * cd_2x_speedup; } } else { // 1x mode speed_mul = 1; } PSRCounter += 33868800 / (75 * speed_mul); if(DriveStatus == DS_PLAYING) { // FIXME: What's the real fast-forward and backward speed? if(Forward) CurSector += 12; else if(Backward) { CurSector -= 12; if(CurSector < 0) // FIXME: How does a real PS handle this condition? CurSector = 0; } else CurSector++; } else CurSector++; SectorsRead++; } int32_t PS_CDC::Update(const int32_t timestamp) { int32 clocks = timestamp - lastts; overclock_cpu_to_device(clocks); //doom_ts = timestamp; while(clocks > 0) { int32 chunk_clocks = clocks; if(PSRCounter > 0 && chunk_clocks > PSRCounter) chunk_clocks = PSRCounter; if(PendingCommandCounter > 0 && chunk_clocks > PendingCommandCounter) chunk_clocks = PendingCommandCounter; if(chunk_clocks > SPUCounter) chunk_clocks = SPUCounter; if(DiscStartupDelay > 0) { if(chunk_clocks > DiscStartupDelay) chunk_clocks = DiscStartupDelay; DiscStartupDelay -= chunk_clocks; if(DiscStartupDelay <= 0) DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; // or is it supposed to be DS_STANDBY? } if(!(IRQBuffer & 0xF)) { if(CDCReadyReceiveCounter > 0 && chunk_clocks > CDCReadyReceiveCounter) chunk_clocks = CDCReadyReceiveCounter; if(CDCReadyReceiveCounter > 0) CDCReadyReceiveCounter -= chunk_clocks; } CheckAIP(); if(PSRCounter > 0) { PSRCounter -= chunk_clocks; if(PSRCounter <= 0) { switch (DriveStatus) { case DS_RESETTING: SetAIP(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE, MakeStatus()); Muted = false; // Does it get reset here? ClearAudioBuffers(); SB_In = 0; SectorPipe_Pos = 0; SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; Mode = 0x20; /* Confirmed (and see "This Is Football 2"). */ CurSector = 0; CommandLoc = 0; DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; // or DS_STANDBY? ClearAIP(); break; case DS_SEEKING: { int x; CurSector = SeekTarget; // CurSector + x for "Tomb Raider"'s sake, as it relies on behavior that we can't emulate very well without a more accurate CD drive // emulation model. for(x = -1; x >= -16; x--) { uint8 pwbuf[96]; Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSectorPWOnly(pwbuf, CurSector + x, false); if(DecodeSubQ(pwbuf)) break; } DriveStatus = StatusAfterSeek; if(DriveStatus != DS_PAUSED && DriveStatus != DS_STANDBY) PSRCounter = 33868800 / (75 * ((Mode & MODE_SPEED) ? (2 * cd_2x_speedup) : 1)); } break; case DS_SEEKING_LOGICAL: { uint8 pwbuf[96]; CurSector = SeekTarget; Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSectorPWOnly(pwbuf, CurSector, false); DecodeSubQ(pwbuf); if(!(Mode & MODE_CDDA) && !(SubQBuf_Safe[0] & 0x40)) { if(!SeekRetryCounter) { DriveStatus = DS_STANDBY; SetAIP(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR, MakeStatus() | 0x04, 0x04); } else { SeekRetryCounter--; PSRCounter = 33868800 / 75; } } else { DriveStatus = StatusAfterSeek; if(DriveStatus != DS_PAUSED && DriveStatus != DS_STANDBY) PSRCounter = 33868800 / (75 * ((Mode & MODE_SPEED) ? (2 * cd_2x_speedup) : 1)); } } break; case DS_READING: case DS_PLAYING: HandlePlayRead(); break; } } } if(PendingCommandCounter > 0) { PendingCommandCounter -= chunk_clocks; if(PendingCommandCounter <= 0 && CDCReadyReceiveCounter > 0) { PendingCommandCounter = CDCReadyReceiveCounter; //256; } //else if(PendingCommandCounter <= 0 && PSRCounter > 0 && PSRCounter < 2000) //{ // PendingCommandCounter = PSRCounter + 1; //} else if(PendingCommandCounter <= 0) { int32 next_time = 0; if(PendingCommandPhase >= 2) // Command phase 2+ { BeginResults(); const CDC_CTEntry *command = &Commands[PendingCommand]; next_time = (this->*(command->func2))(); } else switch (PendingCommandPhase) { case -1: if(ArgsRP != ArgsWP) { ArgsReceiveLatch = ArgsBuf[ArgsRP & 0x0F]; ArgsRP = (ArgsRP + 1) & 0x1F; PendingCommandPhase += 1; next_time = 1815; } else { PendingCommandPhase += 2; next_time = 8500; } break; case 0: /* Command phase 0 */ if(ArgsReceiveIn < 32) ArgsReceiveBuf[ArgsReceiveIn++] = ArgsReceiveLatch; if(ArgsRP != ArgsWP) { ArgsReceiveLatch = ArgsBuf[ArgsRP & 0x0F]; ArgsRP = (ArgsRP + 1) & 0x1F; next_time = 1815; } else { PendingCommandPhase++; next_time = 8500; } break; default: /* Command phase 1 */ { BeginResults(); if(PendingCommand >= 0x20 || !Commands[PendingCommand].func) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Unknown command: 0x%02x", PendingCommand); WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(ERRCODE_BAD_COMMAND); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); } else if(ArgsReceiveIn < Commands[PendingCommand].args_min || ArgsReceiveIn > Commands[PendingCommand].args_max) { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(ERRCODE_BAD_NUMARGS); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); } else { const CDC_CTEntry *command = &Commands[PendingCommand]; next_time = (this->*(command->func))(ArgsReceiveIn, ArgsReceiveBuf); PendingCommandPhase = 2; } ArgsReceiveIn = 0; } break; } if(!next_time) PendingCommandCounter = 0; else PendingCommandCounter += next_time; } } SPUCounter = PSX_SPU->UpdateFromCDC(chunk_clocks); clocks -= chunk_clocks; } // end while(clocks > 0) lastts = timestamp; return(timestamp + CalcNextEvent()); } void PS_CDC::Write(const int32_t timestamp, uint32 A, uint8 V) { A &= 0x3; //printf("Write: %08x %02x\n", A, V); if(A == 0x00) { RegSelector = V & 0x3; } else { const unsigned reg_index = ((RegSelector & 0x3) * 3) + (A - 1); Update(timestamp); //PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Write to register 0x%02x: 0x%02x @ %d --- 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", reg_index, V, timestamp, DMABuffer.in_count, IRQBuffer); switch(reg_index) { default: PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Unknown write to register 0x%02x: 0x%02x\n", reg_index, V); break; case 0x00: if(PendingCommandCounter > 0) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] WARNING: Interrupting command 0x%02x, phase=%d, timeleft=%d with command=0x%02x", PendingCommand, PendingCommandPhase, PendingCommandCounter, V); } if(IRQBuffer & 0xF) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Attempting to start command(0x%02x) while IRQBuffer(0x%02x) is not clear.", V, IRQBuffer); } if(ResultsIn > 0) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Attempting to start command(0x%02x) while command results(count=%d) still in buffer.", V, ResultsIn); } PendingCommandCounter = 10500 + PSX_GetRandU32(0, 3000) + 1815; PendingCommand = V; PendingCommandPhase = -1; ArgsReceiveIn = 0; break; case 0x01: ArgsBuf[ArgsWP & 0xF] = V; ArgsWP = (ArgsWP + 1) & 0x1F; if(!((ArgsWP - ArgsRP) & 0x0F)) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Argument buffer overflow"); } break; case 0x02: if(V & 0x80) { if(!DMABuffer.in_count) { if(!SB_In) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Data read begin when no data to read!"); DMABuffer.Write(SB, 2340); while(DMABuffer.CanWrite()) DMABuffer.WriteByte(0x00); } else { DMABuffer.Write(SB, SB_In); SB_In = 0; } } else { //PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Attempt to start data transfer via 0x80->1803 when %d bytes still in buffer", DMABuffer.in_count); } } else if(V & 0x40) // Something CD-DA related(along with & 0x20 ???)? { for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4 && DMABuffer.in_count; i++) DMABuffer.ReadByte(); } else { DMABuffer.Flush(); } if(V & 0x20) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Mystery IRQ trigger bit set."); IRQBuffer |= 0x10; RecalcIRQ(); } break; case 0x04: IRQOutTestMask = V; RecalcIRQ(); break; case 0x05: if((IRQBuffer &~ V) != IRQBuffer && ResultsIn) { // To debug icky race-condition related problems in "Psychic Detective", and to see if any games suffer from the same potential issue // (to know what to test when we emulate CPU more accurately in regards to pipeline stalls and timing, which could throw off our kludge // for this issue) PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Acknowledged IRQ(wrote 0x%02x, before_IRQBuffer=0x%02x) while %u bytes in results buffer.", V, IRQBuffer, ResultsIn); } IRQBuffer &= ~V; RecalcIRQ(); if(V & 0x80) // Forced CD hardware reset of some kind(interface, controller, and drive?) Seems to take a while(relatively speaking) to complete. { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Soft Reset"); SoftReset(); } if(V & 0x40) // Does it clear more than arguments buffer? Doesn't appear to clear results buffer. ArgsWP = ArgsRP = 0; break; case 0x07: Pending_DecodeVolume[0][0] = V; break; case 0x08: Pending_DecodeVolume[0][1] = V; break; case 0x09: Pending_DecodeVolume[1][1] = V; break; case 0x0A: Pending_DecodeVolume[1][0] = V; break; case 0x0B: if(V & 0x20) memcpy(DecodeVolume, Pending_DecodeVolume, sizeof(DecodeVolume)); break; } PSX_SetEventNT(PSX_EVENT_CDC, timestamp + CalcNextEvent()); } } uint8 PS_CDC::Read(const int32_t timestamp, uint32 A) { A &= 0x03; //printf("Read %08x\n", A); if(A == 0x00) { uint8 ret = RegSelector & 0x3; if(ArgsWP == ArgsRP) ret |= 0x08; // Args FIFO empty. if(!((ArgsWP - ArgsRP) & 0x10)) ret |= 0x10; // Args FIFO has room. if(ResultsIn) ret |= 0x20; if(DMABuffer.in_count) ret |= 0x40; if(PendingCommandCounter > 0 && PendingCommandPhase <= 1) ret |= 0x80; return ret; } switch(A & 0x3) { case 0x01: return ReadResult(); case 0x02: //PSX_WARNING("[CDC] DMA Buffer manual read"); if(DMABuffer.in_count) return DMABuffer.ReadByte(); PSX_WARNING("[CDC] CD data transfer port read, but no data present!"); break; case 0x03: if(RegSelector & 0x1) return 0xE0 | IRQBuffer; return 0xFF; } return 0; } bool PS_CDC::DMACanRead(void) { return(DMABuffer.in_count); } uint32 PS_CDC::DMARead(void) { unsigned i; uint32_t data = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(DMABuffer.in_count) data |= DMABuffer.ReadByte() << (i * 8); else { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] DMA read buffer underflow!"); } } return data; } bool PS_CDC::CommandCheckDiscPresent(void) { if(!Cur_CDIF || DiscStartupDelay > 0) { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(ERRCODE_NOT_READY); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return(false); } return(true); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Nop(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Setloc(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { uint8 m, s, f; if((args[0] & 0x0F) > 0x09 || args[0] > 0x99 || (args[1] & 0x0F) > 0x09 || args[1] > 0x59 || (args[2] & 0x0F) > 0x09 || args[2] > 0x74) { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(ERRCODE_BAD_ARGVAL); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return(0); } m = BCD_to_U8(args[0]); s = BCD_to_U8(args[1]); f = BCD_to_U8(args[2]); CommandLoc = f + 75 * s + 75 * 60 * m - 150; CommandLoc_Dirty = true; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::CalcSeekTime(int32 initial, int32 target, bool motor_on, bool paused) { int32 ret = 0; if(!motor_on) { initial = 0; ret += 33868800; } ret += std::max((int64)abs(initial - target) * 33868800 * 1000 / (72 * 60 * 75) / 1000, 20000); if(abs(initial - target) >= 2250) ret += (int64)33868800 * 300 / 1000; else if(paused) { // The delay to restart from a Pause state is...very....WEIRD. The time it takes is related to the amount of time that has passed since the pause, and // where on the disc the laser head is, with generally more time passed = longer to resume, except that there's a window of time where it takes a // ridiculous amount of time when not much time has passed. // // What we have here will be EXTREMELY simplified. // // //if(time_passed >= 67737) //{ //} //else { // Take twice as long for 1x mode. if (Mode & MODE_SPEED) { ret += 1237952 / cd_2x_speedup; } else { ret += 1237952 * 2; } } } //else if(target < initial) // ret += 1000000; ret += PSX_GetRandU32(0, 25000); return(ret); } // Remove this function when we have better seek emulation; it's here because the Rockman complete works games(at least 2 and 4) apparently have finicky fubared CD // access code. void PS_CDC::PreSeekHack(uint32 target) { uint8 pwbuf[96]; int max_try = 32; CurSector = target; // If removing/changing this, take into account how it will affect ReadN/ReadS/Play/etc command calls that interrupt a seek. SeekRetryCounter = 128; // If removing this SubQ reading bit, think about how it will interact with a Read command of data(or audio :b) sectors when Mode bit0 is 1. do { Cur_CDIF->ReadRawSectorPWOnly(pwbuf, target++, true); } while (!DecodeSubQ(pwbuf) && --max_try > 0); } /* Play command with a track argument that's not a valid BCD quantity causes interesting half-buggy behavior on an actual PS1(unlike some of the other commands, an error doesn't seem to be generated for a bad BCD argument). */ int32 PS_CDC::Command_Play(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); ClearAIP(); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); Forward = Backward = false; if(arg_count && args[0]) { int track = BCD_to_U8(args[0]); if(track < toc.first_track) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Attempt to play track before first track."); track = toc.first_track; } else if(track > toc.last_track) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Attempt to play track after last track."); track = toc.last_track; } ClearAudioBuffers(); SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; PlayTrackMatch = track; PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Play track: %d", track); SeekTarget = toc.tracks[track].lba; PSRCounter = CalcSeekTime(CurSector, SeekTarget, DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED, DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED); HeaderBufValid = false; PreSeekHack(SeekTarget); ReportLastF = 0xFF; DriveStatus = DS_SEEKING; StatusAfterSeek = DS_PLAYING; } else if(CommandLoc_Dirty || DriveStatus != DS_PLAYING) { ClearAudioBuffers(); SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; if(CommandLoc_Dirty) SeekTarget = CommandLoc; else SeekTarget = CurSector; PlayTrackMatch = -1; PSRCounter = CalcSeekTime(CurSector, SeekTarget, DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED, DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED); HeaderBufValid = false; PreSeekHack(SeekTarget); ReportLastF = 0xFF; DriveStatus = DS_SEEKING; StatusAfterSeek = DS_PLAYING; } CommandLoc_Dirty = false; return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Forward(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); Backward = false; Forward = true; return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Backward(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); Backward = true; Forward = false; return(0); } void PS_CDC::ReadBase(void) { if(!IsPSXDisc) { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(ERRCODE_BAD_COMMAND); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return; } WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); if(DriveStatus == DS_SEEKING_LOGICAL && SeekTarget == CommandLoc && StatusAfterSeek == DS_READING) { CommandLoc_Dirty = false; return; } if(CommandLoc_Dirty || DriveStatus != DS_READING) { // Don't flush the DMABuffer here; see CTR course selection screen. ClearAIP(); ClearAudioBuffers(); SB_In = 0; SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; // TODO: separate motor start from seek phase? if(CommandLoc_Dirty) SeekTarget = CommandLoc; else SeekTarget = CurSector; PSRCounter = /*903168 * 1.5 +*/ CalcSeekTime(CurSector, SeekTarget, DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED, DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED); HeaderBufValid = false; PreSeekHack(SeekTarget); DriveStatus = DS_SEEKING_LOGICAL; StatusAfterSeek = DS_READING; } CommandLoc_Dirty = false; } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ReadN(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(CommandCheckDiscPresent()) ReadBase(); return 0; } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ReadS(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(CommandCheckDiscPresent()) ReadBase(); return 0; } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Stop(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); if(DriveStatus == DS_STOPPED) return(5000); ClearAudioBuffers(); ClearAIP(); SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; DriveStatus = DS_STOPPED; HeaderBufValid = false; return(33868); // FIXME, should be much higher. } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Stop_Part2(void) { PSRCounter = 0; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Standby(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); if(DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED) { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(0x20); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return(0); } WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); ClearAudioBuffers(); ClearAIP(); SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; SectorsRead = 0; DriveStatus = DS_STANDBY; return((int64)33868800 * 100 / 1000); // No idea, FIXME. } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Standby_Part2(void) { PSRCounter = 0; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Pause(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); if(DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED || DriveStatus == DS_STOPPED) return(5000); CurSector -= std::min(4, SectorsRead); // See: Bedlam, Rise 2 SectorsRead = 0; // "Viewpoint" flips out and crashes if reading isn't stopped (almost?) immediately. //ClearAudioBuffers(); SectorPipe_Pos = SectorPipe_In = 0; ClearAIP(); DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; // An approximation. return((1124584 + ((int64)CurSector * 42596 / (75 * 60))) * ((Mode & MODE_SPEED) ? 1 : 2)); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Pause_Part2(void) { PSRCounter = 0; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Reset(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); if(DriveStatus != DS_RESETTING) { HeaderBufValid = false; DriveStatus = DS_RESETTING; PSRCounter = 1136000; } return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Mute(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { Muted = true; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Demute(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { Muted = false; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Setfilter(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { FilterFile = args[0]; FilterChan = args[1]; //PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Setfilter: %02x %02x", args[0], args[1]); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Setmode(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { Mode = args[0]; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Getparam(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteResult(Mode); WriteResult(0x00); WriteResult(FilterFile); WriteResult(FilterChan); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_GetlocL(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); if(!HeaderBufValid) { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(0x80); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return(0); } for(unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) { //printf("%d %d: %02x\n", DriveStatus, i, HeaderBuf[i]); WriteResult(HeaderBuf[i]); } WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_GetlocP(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); //printf("%2x:%2x %2x:%2x:%2x %2x:%2x:%2x\n", SubQBuf_Safe[0x1], SubQBuf_Safe[0x2], SubQBuf_Safe[0x3], SubQBuf_Safe[0x4], SubQBuf_Safe[0x5], SubQBuf_Safe[0x7], SubQBuf_Safe[0x8], SubQBuf_Safe[0x9]); WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x1]); // Track WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x2]); // Index WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x3]); // R M WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x4]); // R S WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x5]); // R F WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x7]); // A M WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x8]); // A S WriteResult(SubQBuf_Safe[0x9]); // A F WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ReadT(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(44100 * 768 / 1000); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ReadT_Part2(void) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_GetTN(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteResult(U8_to_BCD(toc.first_track)); WriteResult(U8_to_BCD(toc.last_track)); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_GetTD(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); int track; uint8 m, s, f; if(!args[0]) track = 100; else { track= BCD_to_U8(args[0]); if(!BCD_is_valid(args[0]) || track < toc.first_track || track > toc.last_track) // Error { WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(ERRCODE_BAD_ARGVAL); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return(0); } } LBA_to_AMSF(toc.tracks[track].lba, &m, &s, &f); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteResult(U8_to_BCD(m)); WriteResult(U8_to_BCD(s)); //WriteResult(U8_to_BCD(f)); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_SeekL(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); SeekTarget = CommandLoc; PSRCounter = (33868800 / (75 * ((Mode & MODE_SPEED) ? 2 : 1))) + CalcSeekTime(CurSector, SeekTarget, DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED, DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED); HeaderBufValid = false; PreSeekHack(SeekTarget); DriveStatus = DS_SEEKING_LOGICAL; StatusAfterSeek = DS_STANDBY; ClearAIP(); return(PSRCounter); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_SeekP(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); SeekTarget = CommandLoc; PSRCounter = CalcSeekTime(CurSector, SeekTarget, DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED, DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED); HeaderBufValid = false; PreSeekHack(SeekTarget); DriveStatus = DS_SEEKING; StatusAfterSeek = DS_STANDBY; ClearAIP(); return(PSRCounter); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Seek_PartN(void) { if(DriveStatus == DS_STANDBY) { BeginResults(); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); return(0); } return(std::max(PSRCounter, 256)); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Test(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { //PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Test command sub-operation: 0x%02x", args[0]); if ((args[0] >= 0x00 && args[0] <= 0x03) || (args[0] >= 0x10 && args[0] <= 0x1A)) { PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Unknown Test command sub-operation: 0x%02x", args[0]); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); } else switch(args[0]) { default: PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Unknown Test command sub-operation: 0x%02x", args[0]); WriteResult(MakeStatus(true)); WriteResult(0x10); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); break; #if 0 case 0x50: // *Need to retest this test command, it takes additional arguments??? Or in any case, it generates a different error code(0x20) than most other Test // sub-commands that generate an error code(0x10). break; // Same with 0x60, 0x71-0x76 #endif case 0x51: // *Need to retest this test command PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Unknown Test command sub-operation: 0x%02x", args[0]); WriteResult(0x01); WriteResult(0x00); WriteResult(0x00); break; case 0x75: // *Need to retest this test command PSX_WARNING("[CDC] Unknown Test command sub-operation: 0x%02x", args[0]); WriteResult(0x00); WriteResult(0xC0); WriteResult(0x00); WriteResult(0x00); break; // // SCEx counters not reset by command 0x0A. // case 0x04: // Reset SCEx counters WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 0x05: // Read SCEx counters WriteResult(0x00); // Number of TOC/leadin reads? (apparently increases by 1 or 2 per ReadTOC, even on non-PSX music CD) WriteResult(0x00); // Number of SCEx strings received? (Stays at zero on music CD) WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 0x20: WriteResult(0x97); WriteResult(0x01); WriteResult(0x10); WriteResult(0xC2); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 0x21: // *Need to retest this test command. WriteResult(0x01); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); break; case 0x22: { static const uint8 td[7] = { 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x20, 0x55, 0x2f, 0x43 }; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 7; i++) WriteResult(td[i]); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); } break; case 0x23: case 0x24: { static const uint8 td[8] = { 0x43, 0x58, 0x44, 0x32, 0x35, 0x34, 0x35, 0x51 }; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) WriteResult(td[i]); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); } break; case 0x25: { static const uint8 td[8] = { 0x43, 0x58, 0x44, 0x31, 0x38, 0x31, 0x35, 0x51 }; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) WriteResult(td[i]); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); } break; } return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ID(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(0); WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(33868); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ID_Part2(void) { if(IsPSXDisc) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteResult(0x00); WriteResult(0x20); WriteResult(0x00); } else { WriteResult(MakeStatus() | 0x08); WriteResult(0x90); WriteResult(toc.disc_type); WriteResult(0x00); } if(IsPSXDisc) { WriteResult(DiscID[0]); WriteResult(DiscID[1]); WriteResult(DiscID[2]); WriteResult(DiscID[3]); } else { WriteResult(0xff); WriteResult(0); WriteResult(0); WriteResult(0); } if(IsPSXDisc) WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); else WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_DISC_ERROR); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_Init(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ReadTOC(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { int32 ret_time; HeaderBufValid = false; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); // ReadTOC doesn't error out if the tray is open, and it completes rather quickly in that case. // if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) return(26000); // A gross approximation. // The penalty for the drive being stopped seems to be rather high(higher than what CalcSeekTime() currently introduces), although // that should be investigated further. // // ...and not to mention the time taken varies from disc to disc even! ret_time = 30000000 + CalcSeekTime(CurSector, 0, DriveStatus != DS_STOPPED, DriveStatus == DS_PAUSED); DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; // Ends up in a pause state when the command is finished. Maybe we should add DS_READTOC or something... ClearAIP(); return ret_time; } int32 PS_CDC::Command_ReadTOC_Part2(void) { //if(!CommandCheckDiscPresent()) // DriveStatus = DS_PAUSED; WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_COMPLETE); return(0); } int32 PS_CDC::Command_0x1d(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args) { WriteResult(MakeStatus()); WriteIRQ(CDCIRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE); return(0); } PS_CDC::CDC_CTEntry PS_CDC::Commands[0x20] = { { /* 0x00, */ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { /* 0x01, */ 0, 0, "Nop", &PS_CDC::Command_Nop, NULL }, { /* 0x02, */ 3, 3, "Setloc", &PS_CDC::Command_Setloc, NULL }, { /* 0x03, */ 0, 1, "Play", &PS_CDC::Command_Play, NULL }, { /* 0x04, */ 0, 0, "Forward", &PS_CDC::Command_Forward, NULL }, { /* 0x05, */ 0, 0, "Backward", &PS_CDC::Command_Backward, NULL }, { /* 0x06, */ 0, 0, "ReadN", &PS_CDC::Command_ReadN, NULL }, { /* 0x07, */ 0, 0, "Standby", &PS_CDC::Command_Standby, &PS_CDC::Command_Standby_Part2 }, { /* 0x08, */ 0, 0, "Stop", &PS_CDC::Command_Stop, &PS_CDC::Command_Stop_Part2 }, { /* 0x09, */ 0, 0, "Pause", &PS_CDC::Command_Pause, &PS_CDC::Command_Pause_Part2 }, { /* 0x0A, */ 0, 0, "Reset", &PS_CDC::Command_Reset, NULL }, { /* 0x0B, */ 0, 0, "Mute", &PS_CDC::Command_Mute, NULL }, { /* 0x0C, */ 0, 0, "Demute", &PS_CDC::Command_Demute, NULL }, { /* 0x0D, */ 2, 2, "Setfilter", &PS_CDC::Command_Setfilter, NULL }, { /* 0x0E, */ 1, 1, "Setmode", &PS_CDC::Command_Setmode, NULL }, { /* 0x0F, */ 0, 0, "Getparam", &PS_CDC::Command_Getparam, NULL }, { /* 0x10, */ 0, 0, "GetlocL", &PS_CDC::Command_GetlocL, NULL }, { /* 0x11, */ 0, 0, "GetlocP", &PS_CDC::Command_GetlocP, NULL }, { /* 0x12, */ 1, 1, "ReadT", &PS_CDC::Command_ReadT, &PS_CDC::Command_ReadT_Part2 }, { /* 0x13, */ 0, 0, "GetTN", &PS_CDC::Command_GetTN, NULL }, { /* 0x14, */ 1, 1, "GetTD", &PS_CDC::Command_GetTD, NULL }, { /* 0x15, */ 0, 0, "SeekL", &PS_CDC::Command_SeekL, &PS_CDC::Command_Seek_PartN }, { /* 0x16, */ 0, 0, "SeekP", &PS_CDC::Command_SeekP, &PS_CDC::Command_Seek_PartN }, { /* 0x17, */ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { /* 0x18, */ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { /* 0x19, */ 1, 1/* ??? */, "Test", &PS_CDC::Command_Test, NULL }, { /* 0x1A, */ 0, 0, "ID", &PS_CDC::Command_ID, &PS_CDC::Command_ID_Part2 }, { /* 0x1B, */ 0, 0, "ReadS", &PS_CDC::Command_ReadS, NULL }, { /* 0x1C, */ 0, 0, "Init", &PS_CDC::Command_Init, NULL }, { /* 0x1D, */ 2, 2, "Unknown 0x1D", &PS_CDC::Command_0x1d, NULL }, { /* 0x1E, */ 0, 0, "ReadTOC", &PS_CDC::Command_ReadTOC, &PS_CDC::Command_ReadTOC_Part2 }, { /* 0x1F, */ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, };