;;===========================================================================;; ;; Joe Zbiciak's 4-Tris -- A "Falling Tetrominoes" Game for Intellivision ;; ;; Copyright 2000, Joe Zbiciak, im14u2c@primenet.com ;; ;; http://www.primenet.com/~im14u2c/intv/ ;; ;;===========================================================================;; The 4-Tris source code is divided into a small handful of files: 4-tris.asm -- Contains all of the executable program code . font.asm -- Contains the GRAM definitions for 4-Tris. nut1mrch.asm -- Nutcracker "March" music data. chindnce.asm -- Nutcracker "Chinese Dance" music data. behappy.asm -- "Don't Worry, Be Happy" music data. This file mostly focuses on the general design of the 4-Tris game, and not on the file formats for the font or music data. These are documented in the 4-Tris source code itself. Note that this document kinda rambles at points and isn't as structured as I would like. I currently have the flu and I'm not thinking 100% clearly. Nonetheless, I hope you find this useful. ;;===========================================================================;; ;; Program Structure ;; ;;===========================================================================;; ---------------- Initialization ---------------- The program is initialized in two steps. The first step preempts the EXEC's initialization by using the "Special Title Screen" bit in the cartridge ROM header. This causes the EXEC to jump to our Initialization code that's immediately after the title string. This code performs some minor, basic tasks, such as clearing memory and trying to randomize the random number generator's seed. It then sets our Interrupt Service Routine's address to point to the main initialization code, and spins waiting for an interrupt. The main initialization code is called via the vertical retrace interrupt. The reason this was done was so that the initialization routine could safely write to the GRAM and STIC control registers. By running our initialization from an interrupt handler, we can be sure to have access to the STIC, GRAM, and GROM for as long as we need. The GRAM, GROM, and STIC are only accessible for approximately 2100 cycles after a vertical retrace interrupt (I haven't measured this -- this is a rough guess) under normal circumstances. In normal play, programs are expected to access the GRAM and STIC registers during the short vertical retrace window, and then hit the "STIC handshake" register (location $0020) to let the STIC know it's safe to display a frame. However, these can be accessed for longer if the program does not hit the "STIC handshake". The display merely blanks. Anyway, the main initialization code copies the GROM font over to GRAM to give us a nice default. (This allows us to occasionally use pastels in color-stack mode for text. See the 'Sound Test' screen for an example.) Then, after the GROM font is copied to GRAM, we unpack 4-Tris' special font replacements overtop of the default font. It does this, as well as some other minor initialization steps, with interrupts disabled so that we are sure to get a clean GRAM/STIC setup. These are the other initialization steps that are performed: -- Resets the stack pointer to $2F0. -- Verifies random number seed is non-zero. (A zero in the seed causes the random number generator to generate zeros only!) -- Stubs out the "PREVBL" task ... the game will set this later. -- Sets our interrupt handler to the game's Main ISR. Once the initialization is complete, the game falls into the main state-machine loop. (Note that the INIT function never returns.) ----------------------------------------- Overall Game Structure: The Task Model ----------------------------------------- The game is structured as a set of tasks that are triggered either by events or by timers which expire. All tasks are queued when they are ready to run, and are serviced from an asynchronous "Main Loop". The "Main Loop" pulls tasks from the queue as they arrive, and calls them one at a time. Optional "instance data" may be provided when a task is queued, and that data is provided in register R2. The system itself consists of a mixture of periodic, semi-periodic, one-shot, and event-spawned tasks. The first three, periodic, semi-periodic, and one-shot, are scheduled by task counters that are maintained in the game's Main ISR. A separate task record is kept in 16-bit memory for each task that is timer oriented. You can think of these tasks as being "synchronously scheduled". Event-spawned tasks are placed in the queue whenever some function in the game detects that a task needs to be spawned to handle the event. For instance, controller inputs result in a small task being queued to dispatch to the correct handler. Also, the special "Exit" task (which is queued by the function SCHEDEXIT) is queued in this manner, although it causes the Main Loop to exit. Synchronously scheduled tasks in 4-Tris include the task which animates the title banner, the task which updates the player's score display, and the task which causes piece to fall. Asynchronous tasks include controller input dispatches, the scoring routines, and the task which updates the # of lines and level number. Synchronously scheduled tasks can be either 'periodic' or 'one-shot'. Periodic tasks are useful for tasks that need to run with a certain frequency. This includes the score update (which 'rolls' towards the player's actual score), as well as the 'artificial gravity' that makes pieces fall. One-shot tasks are useful when a particular task needs to be run after a certain delay, but is only run once. In-between these two are self-retriggering tasks, which are started as 'One-shot' tasks, but which retrigger themselves if they determine that they need to run an additional time. The line-clear routine in DOSCORE is such a task. ------------------------------- The Interrupt Service Routine ------------------------------- The main Interrupt Service Routine is the glue which holds the game together. It performs several tasks which are necessary to keep the game going: -- Run any miscellaneous "pre-VBLANK" task requested by main program. -- Hit the vertical blank handshake to keep screen enabled. -- Update any active sound streams. -- Drain and pixels queued up in the Pixel Queue. -- Count down task timers and schedule tasks when timers expire. -- Count down the 'busy-wait' timer if it is set. -- Detect a "Pause" request and pause the game if needed. Let's take these one at a time: -- Run any miscellaneous "pre-VBLANK" task requested by main program. If the main program needs to update any STIC registers or GRAM contents, it can do so by setting up a function in the pointer "PREVBL". This is called first-thing on entering the ISR. Currently, 4-Tris installs a simple routine which manages the color stack, and that's it. -- Hit the vertical blank handshake to keep screen enabled. Once all STIC and GRAM accesses are out of the way, we hit the STIC handshake to ensure that the display stays enabled. If we don't do this, the display will blank. -- Update any active sound streams. This is where sound effects and music are updated. We make multiple calls to "DOSNDSTREAM" to update both music and sound effects. Both are encoded identically. If the 4-Tris well is overly full, we call the music update twice, to make the music go double-speed. I'll discuss the music architecture later. -- Drain and pixels queued up in the Pixel Queue. In order to prevent flicker when pieces are redrawn, I've implemented a "pixel queue" which queues up put-pixel requests for drawing the pieces. I empty this queue from the ISR, so that (hopefully) I beat the display refresh and avoid flicker. Apparently, I've succeeded, according to Doug Parsons. I didn't place the pixel queue routines in the Pre-VBlank routine for a couple reasons. First, they're slow. Slow enough that it could cause the display to blank in some cases if enough pixels were queued. Second, the Pre-VBlank routine is called before the sound update, and the pixel queue depth could vary widely. This could affect sound quality. Third, if the piece does flicker a little (maybe possible at top of screen), it's non-fatal -- just a nuisance. -- Count down task timers and schedule tasks when timers expire. This is where the synchronously scheduled tasks are scheduled. I loop through all of the active tasks and count down their timers. If a timer expires, I restart it (unless it's a one-shot task), and I queue the task's function pointer and instance data in the task queue. If the task queue overflows, right now I drop the task. (I haven't had any problem with task-queue overflows, though.) -- Count down the 'busy-wait' timer if it is set. The main program can call the "WAIT" function to wait for a certain number of 60Hz ticks. The ISR is responsible for counting down this timer. Waiting for a single tick (wait duration of '1') is a good way to sync up with the ISR, say, if you're waiting for queued pixels to be drawn. -- Detect a "Pause" request and pause the game if needed. Finally, there's the infamous 'Pause' key sequence. We implement this in the ISR, since we treat Pause as an event that preempts the entire game. If Pause is detected, the Pause code mutes the audio by zeroing volume registers (and saving the old volume register contents from the PSG), and then busywaits until the player's request an un-pause. The "wait for unpause" looks about like so: -- Wait for both controller pads to be un-pressed. -- Wait for either controller pad to be pressed -- Wait for both controller pads to be un-pressed. This was done to make pausing clean and reliable, and not glitchy. ------------------ The Music Engine ------------------ A more complete description of the music format is given in the 4-Tris source code. This mainly discusses how sound and music are interleaved together. 4-Tris' sound engine is a "microprogrammed" sound engine, in that the data stream consists primarly of commands of the form "write this value to that register." While this is extremely expressive, it's a pain to work with, and not really very flexible. But, given my limited time frame, I was able to achieve some impressive results nonetheless. 4-Tris is configured to have two active sound streams. One sound stream is dedicated to background music, and the other is dedicated to sound effects. Each sound streamm is given access to certain registers on the PSG. This is controlled via a bitmask stored in the sound stream's status record. The sound effects in 4-Tris vary in their complexity. For instance, the most common sound effects, the piece-movement 'Bip', the piece placement 'BYump', and the line-clearing laser blast all require only a single PSG channel to play. In contrast, the rarer sound effects, such as the 'Cleared Four Lines' gong, and the level-change 'Three Dings' require more PSG channels. This means that the sound effect stream is going to need access to a varying number of sound channels. One approach would be to just allocate the maximum number of sound channels that a sound effect needs to the sound effect stream, and leave it at that. However, some sound effects use the _entire_ PSG. The compromise position would be to lessen the richness of the sound effect and/or music. Obviously, this won't work. The 4-Tris music engine solves this by the following technique. First, it allocates the entire PSG to the Music stream, since Music is generally playing all of the time. Then, when a sound effect comes active, it 'borrows' as many PSG resources as it needs from the Music stream, but only during the duration of the sound effect. This borrowing is controlled by the routine "SNDPRIO". SNDPRIO looks to see if there is a sound effect active. If so, it looks at its "Stream Channel Mask", which is a 14-bit word that says which registers that stream can write to. It complements that word within the lower 14 bits (it XORs with $3FFF), and stores this out as the Music's "Stream Channel Mask". (Actually, there's one additional step: If the Music is muted, then the Music's stream channel mask is ANDed with $7FF to prevent the Music stream from writing to the volume registers.) The SNDPRIO routine is called before updating the sound streams. This method works, but is prone to glitches. In order for this technique to work reliably, music data that expects to be preempted by sound effects should send frequent volume updates as well as both halves of the period registers when updating notes. Otherwise, strange things can happen when stray values are left in registers that were borrowed for a sound-effect. On a different subject, we have sound effect priorities. Since we have only one sound effect stream, we can only play one sound effect at a time. The 4-Tris music engine implements sound effect priorities to solve this. Whenever a sound effect is triggered, the music code first sees if a higher priority sound effect is already playing. If it isn't, it plays the requested sound effect. Otherwise, the sound effect is dropped. This keeps weird things from happening, such as the "BIP" overriding the "Change of Level" sound effect. Sound effects and music streams are played by calling the PLAY.sfx and PLAY.mus functions.