// // Copyright (c) 2004 K. Wilkins // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. // In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from // the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not // be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handy - An Atari Lynx Emulator // // Copyright (c) 1996,1997 // // K. Wilkins // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generic lyynx definition header file // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This header file provides the definition of all of the useful hardware // // addreses within the Lynx. // // // // K. Wilkins // // August 1997 // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Revision History: // // ----------------- // // // // 01Aug1997 KW Document header added & class documented. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define TMPADR 0xfc00 #define TMPADRL 0xfc00 #define TMPADRH 0xfc01 #define TILTACUM 0xfc02 #define TILTACUML 0xfc02 #define TILTACUMH 0xfc03 #define HOFF 0xfc04 #define HOFFL 0xfc04 #define HOFFH 0xfc05 #define VOFF 0xfc06 #define VOFFL 0xfc06 #define VOFFH 0xfc07 #define VIDBAS 0xfc08 #define VIDBASL 0xfc08 #define VIDBASH 0xfc09 #define COLLBAS 0xfc0a #define COLLBASL 0xfc0a #define COLLBASH 0xfc0b #define VIDADR 0xfc0c #define VIDADRL 0xfc0c #define VIDADRH 0xfc0d #define COLLADR 0xfc0e #define COLLADRL 0xfc0e #define COLLADRH 0xfc0f #define SCBNEXT 0xfc10 #define SCBNEXTL 0xfc10 #define SCBNEXTH 0xfc11 #define SPRDLINE 0xfc12 #define SPRDLINEL 0xfc12 #define SPRDLINEH 0xfc13 #define HPOSSTRT 0xfc14 #define HPOSSTRTL 0xfc14 #define HPOSSTRTH 0xfc15 #define VPOSSTRT 0xfc16 #define VPOSSTRTL 0xfc16 #define VPOSSTRTH 0xfc17 #define SPRHSIZ 0xfc18 #define SPRHSIZL 0xfc18 #define SPRHSIZH 0xfc19 #define SPRVSIZ 0xfc1a #define SPRVSIZL 0xfc1a #define SPRVSIZH 0xfc1b #define STRETCH 0xfc1c #define STRETCHL 0xfc1c #define STRETCHH 0xfc1d #define TILT 0xfc1e #define TILTL 0xfc1e #define TILTH 0xfc1f #define SPRDOFF 0xfc20 #define SPRDOFFL 0xfc20 #define SPRDOFFH 0xfc21 #define SPRVPOS 0xfc22 #define SPRVPOSL 0xfc22 #define SPRVPOSH 0xfc23 #define COLLOFF 0xfc24 #define COLLOFFL 0xfc24 #define COLLOFFH 0xfc25 #define VSIZACUM 0xfc26 #define VSIZACUML 0xfc26 #define VSIZACUMH 0xfc27 #define HSIZOFF 0xfc28 #define HSIZOFFL 0xfc28 #define HSIZOFFH 0xfc29 #define VSIZOFF 0xfc2a #define VSIZOFFL 0xfc2a #define VSIZOFFH 0xfc2b #define SCBADR 0xfc2c #define SCBADRL 0xfc2c #define SCBADRH 0xfc2d #define PROCADR 0xfc2e #define PROCADRL 0xfc2e #define PROCADRH 0xfc2f #define MATHD 0xfc52 #define MATHC 0xfc53 #define MATHB 0xfc54 #define MATHA 0xfc55 #define MATHP 0xfc56 #define MATHN 0xfc57 #define MATHH 0xfc60 #define MATHG 0xfc61 #define MATHF 0xfc62 #define MATHE 0xfc63 #define MATHM 0xfc6c #define MATHL 0xfc6d #define MATHK 0xfc6e #define MATHJ 0xfc6f #define SPRCTL0 0xfc80 #define SPRCTL1 0xfc81 #define SPRCOLL 0xfc82 #define SPRINIT 0xfc83 #define SUZYHREV 0xfc88 #define SUZYSREV 0xfc89 #define SUZYBUSEN 0xfc90 #define SPRGO 0xfc91 #define SPRSYS 0xfc92 #define JOYSTICK 0xfcb0 #define SWITCHES 0xfcb1 #define RCART0 0xfcb2 #define RCART1 0xfcb3 #define LEDS 0xfcc0 #define PPORTSTAT 0xfcc2 #define PPORTDATA 0xfcc3 #define HOWIE 0xfcc4 #define TIM0BKUP 0xfd00 #define TIM0CTLA 0xfd01 #define TIM0CNT 0xfd02 #define TIM0CTLB 0xfd03 #define TIM1BKUP 0xfd04 #define TIM1CTLA 0xfd05 #define TIM1CNT 0xfd06 #define TIM1CTLB 0xfd07 #define TIM2BKUP 0xfd08 #define TIM2CTLA 0xfd09 #define TIM2CNT 0xfd0a #define TIM2CTLB 0xfd0b #define TIM3BKUP 0xfd0c #define TIM3CTLA 0xfd0d #define TIM3CNT 0xfd0e #define TIM3CTLB 0xfd0f #define TIM4BKUP 0xfd10 #define TIM4CTLA 0xfd11 #define TIM4CNT 0xfd12 #define TIM4CTLB 0xfd13 #define TIM5BKUP 0xfd14 #define TIM5CTLA 0xfd15 #define TIM5CNT 0xfd16 #define TIM5CTLB 0xfd17 #define TIM6BKUP 0xfd18 #define TIM6CTLA 0xfd19 #define TIM6CNT 0xfd1a #define TIM6CTLB 0xfd1b #define TIM7BKUP 0xfd1c #define TIM7CTLA 0xfd1d #define TIM7CNT 0xfd1e #define TIM7CTLB 0xfd1f #define AUD0VOL 0xfd20 #define AUD0SHFTFB 0xfd21 #define AUD0OUTVAL 0xfd22 #define AUD0L8SHFT 0xfd23 #define AUD0TBACK 0xfd24 #define AUD0CTL 0xfd25 #define AUD0COUNT 0xfd26 #define AUD0MISC 0xfd27 #define AUD1VOL 0xfd28 #define AUD1SHFTFB 0xfd29 #define AUD1OUTVAL 0xfd2a #define AUD1L8SHFT 0xfd2b #define AUD1TBACK 0xfd2c #define AUD1CTL 0xfd2d #define AUD1COUNT 0xfd2e #define AUD1MISC 0xfd2f #define AUD2VOL 0xfd30 #define AUD2SHFTFB 0xfd31 #define AUD2OUTVAL 0xfd32 #define AUD2L8SHFT 0xfd33 #define AUD2TBACK 0xfd34 #define AUD2CTL 0xfd35 #define AUD2COUNT 0xfd36 #define AUD2MISC 0xfd37 #define AUD3VOL 0xfd38 #define AUD3SHFTFB 0xfd39 #define AUD3OUTVAL 0xfd3a #define AUD3L8SHFT 0xfd3b #define AUD3TBACK 0xfd3c #define AUD3CTL 0xfd3d #define AUD3COUNT 0xfd3e #define AUD3MISC 0xfd3f #define ATTEN_A 0xFD40 // #define ATTEN_B 0xFD41 #define ATTEN_C 0xFD42 // Lynx2 Regs see macros/handy.equ #define ATTEN_D 0xFD43 #define MPAN 0xFD44 // #define MSTEREO 0xfd50 #define INTRST 0xfd80 #define INTSET 0xfd81 #define MAGRDY0 0xfd84 #define MAGRDY1 0xfd85 #define AUDIN 0xfd86 #define SYSCTL1 0xfd87 #define MIKEYHREV 0xfd88 #define MIKEYSREV 0xfd89 #define IODIR 0xfd8a #define IODAT 0xfd8b #define SERCTL 0xfd8c #define SERDAT 0xfd8d #define SDONEACK 0xfd90 #define CPUSLEEP 0xfd91 #define DISPCTL 0xfd92 #define PBKUP 0xfd93 #define DISPADR 0xfd94 #define DISPADRL 0xfd94 #define DISPADRH 0xfd95 #define Mtest0 0xfd9c #define Mtest1 0xfd9d #define Mtest2 0xfd9e #define GREEN0 0xfda0 #define GREEN1 0xfda1 #define GREEN2 0xfda2 #define GREEN3 0xfda3 #define GREEN4 0xfda4 #define GREEN5 0xfda5 #define GREEN6 0xfda6 #define GREEN7 0xfda7 #define GREEN8 0xfda8 #define GREEN9 0xfda9 #define GREENA 0xfdaa #define GREENB 0xfdab #define GREENC 0xfdac #define GREEND 0xfdad #define GREENE 0xfdae #define GREENF 0xfdaf #define BLUERED0 0xfdb0 #define BLUERED1 0xfdb1 #define BLUERED2 0xfdb2 #define BLUERED3 0xfdb3 #define BLUERED4 0xfdb4 #define BLUERED5 0xfdb5 #define BLUERED6 0xfdb6 #define BLUERED7 0xfdb7 #define BLUERED8 0xfdb8 #define BLUERED9 0xfdb9 #define BLUEREDA 0xfdba #define BLUEREDB 0xfdbb #define BLUEREDC 0xfdbc #define BLUEREDD 0xfdbd #define BLUEREDE 0xfdbe #define BLUEREDF 0xfdbf #define MMAPCTL 0xfff9 #define CPUNMI 0xfffa #define CPUNMIL 0xfffa #define CPUNMIH 0xfffb #define CPURESET 0xfffc #define CPURESETL 0xfffc #define CPURESETH 0xfffd #define CPUINT 0xfffe #define CPUINTL 0xfffe #define CPUINTH 0xffff