
A test case generator for GraphQL language.

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## About The goal of `apollo-smith` is to generate valid GraphQL documents by sampling from all available possibilities of [GraphQL grammar]. We've written `apollo-smith` to use in fuzzing, but you may wish to use it for anything that requires GraphQL document generation. `apollo-smith` is inspired by bytecodealliance's [`wasm-smith`] crate, and the [article written by Nick Fitzgerald] on writing test case generators in Rust. This is still a work in progress, for outstanding issues, checkout out the [apollo-smith label] in our issue tracker. ## Rust versions `apollo-smith` is tested on the latest stable version of Rust. Older version may or may not be compatible. ## Using `apollo-smith` with `cargo fuzz` Define a new target with [`cargo fuzz`], ```shell $ cargo fuzz add my_apollo_smith_fuzz_target ``` and add `apollo-smith` to your Cargo.toml: ```toml ## fuzz/Cargo.toml [dependencies] apollo-smith = "0.14.0" ``` It can then be used in a `fuzz_target` along with the [`arbitrary`] crate, ```rust,compile_fail // fuzz/fuzz_targets/my_apollo_smith_fuzz_target.rs #![no_main] use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target; use arbitrary::Unstructured; use apollo_smith::DocumentBuilder; fuzz_target!(|input: &[u8]| { let mut u = Unstructured::new(input); let gql_doc = DocumentBuilder::new(&mut u)?; let document = gql_doc.finish(); let document_str = String::from(document); }); ``` and fuzzed with the following command: ```shell $ cargo +nightly fuzz run my_apollo_smith_fuzz_target ``` ## Using `apollo-smith` with `apollo-parser` You can use `apollo-parser` to generate valid operations in `apollo-smith`. ```rust,compile_fail use std::fs; use apollo_parser::Parser; use apollo_smith::{Document, DocumentBuilder}; use libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary::{Result, Unstructured}; /// This generate an arbitrary valid GraphQL operation pub fn generate_valid_operation(input: &[u8]) -> Result { let parser = Parser::new(&fs::read_to_string("supergraph.graphql").expect("cannot read file")); let tree = parser.parse(); if tree.errors().next().is_some() { panic!("cannot parse the graphql file"); } let mut u = Unstructured::new(input); // Convert `apollo_parser::Document` into `apollo_smith::Document`. let apollo_smith_doc = Document::try_from(tree.document()).unwrap(); // Create a `DocumentBuilder` given an existing document to match a schema. let mut gql_doc = DocumentBuilder::with_document(&mut u, apollo_smith_doc)?; let operation_def = gql_doc.operation_definition()?.unwrap(); Ok(operation_def.into()) } ``` ## Limitations - Recursive object type not yet supported (example : `myType { inner: myType }`) ## License Licensed under either of - Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or ) - MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or ) at your option. [GraphQL grammar]: https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Appendix-Grammar-Summary [`wasm-smith`]: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-tools/tree/main/crates/wasm-smith [article written by Nick Fitzgerald]: https://fitzgeraldnick.com/2020/08/24/writing-a-test-case-generator.html#what-is-a-test-case-generator [`arbitrary`]: https://docs.rs/arbitrary/latest/arbitrary/ [`cargo fuzz`]: https://github.com/rust-fuzz/cargo-fuzz [apollo-smith label]: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-rs/labels/apollo-smith