# Changelog ## 0.7.2 - auto killing application created as subprocess ## 0.7.1 - removed unnecessary dependencies - build size shrunk over 60%+ ## 0.7.0 - simplified CPU history - update TUI to latest version ## 0.6.0 - use summary readings from current PID and children PIDs ## 0.5.0 - autoscale by default - graphs looks much nicer ;-) ## 0.4.1 - support WSL - fixed linux CPU id ## 0.4.0 - support for apps that has they own parameters ```./tracer -n -o aa.csv "/opt/workspace/app_tracer/target/debug/examples/test_app -a 10000 -b -c"``` ## 0.3.0 - no more 2 separate apps - simple flag -n (-noui) to use txt mode only - added eyre for better error handling in runtime - memory readings in KB - optional output persistence to csv file - ## 0.2.0 - synchronized CPU output on all tabs ## 0.1.0 - initial version - cli - tui