use std::time::Duration; use appium_client::ClientBuilder; use appium_client::capabilities::*; use appium_client::capabilities::android::AndroidCapabilities; use appium_client::commands::rotation::SupportsRotation; use appium_client::find::{AppiumFind, By}; use appium_client::wait::AppiumWait; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Capabilities describe the automation environment, // for example: what app are we testing let mut capabilities = AndroidCapabilities::new();""); // To add custom capability that is not supported by this library just use "insert". // Alternatively, there are helpful functions like "set_bool", "set_str". // You can read more about capabilities on Appium website - capabilities.set_str("appium:automationName", "uiautomator2"); capabilities.set_bool("appium:fullReset", true); // To start automation, you need to build a client. let client = ClientBuilder::native(capabilities) .connect("http://localhost:4723/") .await?; // The app should automatically start, let's print the DOM of current app screen. let value = client.source().await?; println!("{value}"); // Screen orientation is another Appium perk let orientation = client.orientation().await?; println!("Screen orientation: {orientation}"); // Now we try to locate a button using UiAutomator API. // Notice that the program will wait until the button appears on screen (but maximum of 30 seconds). let views_button = client .appium_wait() .for_element(By::uiautomator("new UiSelector().text(\"Views\");")) .await?;; // Search for a vec of elements, because we know that there will be more than one result. // Notice that this time we don't wait, just find everything that's on screen as is. let menu_elements = client .find_all_by(By::uiautomator("new UiSelector().className(\"android.widget.TextView\");")) .await?; menu_elements.get(1) .unwrap() .click() .await?; // To add a timeout for wait, use "at_most". // "check_every" limits how often Appium has to perform the search during wait. // // Sometimes it's better to use one or both of those methods, because: // 1) We know that something should appear sooner, and if it doesn't, we don't want to wait full 30 seconds. // 2) We don't want to slow down Appium server by checking again too often. let element = client .appium_wait() .at_most(Duration::from_secs(20)) .check_every(Duration::from_millis(500)) .for_element(By::class_name("android.widget.ListView")) .await?; // This is a simple search for one element, without waiting for it to appear. And then we click on it. // Notice that we are searching for an element inside "element" (which is a ListView). element .find_by(By::accessibility_id("3D Transition")) .await? .click() .await?; Ok(()) }