# 0.2 * expose security definition as an enum type * expose schema types which define `parameters` with new `ParameterOrRef` type * Adds License object * Adds Contact object * Derives Default for all structs * Derives Clone for all structs * Changes the order of the output to be more similar to OpenAPI examples * switch to 2018 edition * swap error_chain for failure crate # 0.1.5 * expose other schema types as public interfaces * re-export Result and ResultExt as top level interfaces # 0.1.4 * added operational `parameters` field to `Operations` object # 0.1.3 * added optional `required` and `enum_values` fields to `Schema` object # 0.1.2 * added optional `format` fields to `Parameter` object # 0.1.1 * added optional `summary` field to `Operation` object * made schemes and tags optional fields on `Operation` object # 0.1.0 * initial release