app store connect ================= This repository is an `AppStoreConnect` api client, allow your invoke api in Rust. The full api docs in [here]( ## Easily to use 1. First. You need request `Issuer ID`, `KeyId` and `Key` in the website : 2. Adding appstoreconnect Run this command in your terminal to add the latest version of `appstoreconnect`. ```shell $ cargo add appstoreconnect ``` 3. build and use the client `iss` : `Issuer ID`
`kid` : `KeyId`
`ec_der` : `key.p8` base64 content
```rust #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // create client let client = ClientBuilder::default() .with_iss(env!("iss")) .with_kid(env!("kid")) .with_ec_der(base64::decode(env!("ec_der"))?) .build()?; // get find devices let devices = client.devices(DeviceQuery { filter_name: Some("mini".to_string()), ..Default::default() }).await?; Ok(()) } ``` 4. More example : Create or list profile, certs, bundleIds please visit []( ## features - [ ] App Store - [ ] Apps - [x] List Apps - [ ] Modify an App - [ ] Builds - [X] Bundle IDs - [x] List Bundle IDs - [x] Register New Bundle ID - [ ] Bundle ID Capabilities - [x] Certificates - [x] List and Download Certificates - [x] Create a Certificate - [x] Revoke a Certificate - [x] Devices - [x] Register a New Device - [x] List Devices - [x] Profiles - [x] Create a Profile - [x] List and Download Profiles - [x] Delete a Profile - [ ] Users - [X] List users - [X] Read User Information - [x] Modify a User Account - [x] App Accesses - [x] List All Apps Visible to a User - [ ] Add Visible Apps to a User - [ ] Remove Visible Apps from a User - [ ] User Invitations - [ ] Sandbox Testers