# Aptos Genesis Tool The `aptos-genesis-tool` provides a tool for the genesis ceremony of the Aptos blockchain. The functionality of the tool is dictated by the organization of nodes within the system: * A aptos root account that maintains the set of validator owners, validator operators, and the active validator set. * The initial set of Move modules published at genesis. * Validator owners (OW) that have accounts on the blockchain. These accounts contain a validator configuration and specify a validator operator. * Validator operators (OP) that have accounts on the blockchain. These accounts have the ability to manipulate validator configuration. ## Generating Genesis The process for starting organization of the planned and current functionality includes: * Initialization ceremony * The association sets up a secure-backend for data uploads, `shared storage`, e.g., GitHub. The association then distributes credentials for each OW and OP. * The association generates its `aptos root key` and shares the public key to the `shared storage`. * The association uploads the initial set of Move modules to `shared storage`. * Each OW will generate a private `owner key` and share the public key to the `shared storage`. * Each OP will generate a private `operator key` and share the public key to the `shared storage`. * Validator initialization * Each OW will select a OP and submit this as a transaction signed by their `owner key` and uploads it to the `shared storage`. * For each validator supported by a OP, the OP will generate network, execution and consensus keys as well as network addresses for full node and validator endpoints. The OP will generate a transaction containing this data signed by their `operator key` and uploads it to the `shared storage`. * Genesis * Each OP will download the accumulated data to produce a genesis.blob * The association will download the accumulated data to produce both a genesis.blob and genesis waypoint. * Starting * The association publishes the data associated with genesis, the genesis.blob, and the genesis waypoint. * Each OP downloads the genesis waypoint provided by the association and inserts it into their Aptos instance(s). * Each OP verifies that the genesis.blob, waypoint, and local configuration are correct and broadcast their results to other OPs and the association. * Upon a quorum of validators having correct status, the association instructs the OPs to begin their validators. * Upon a quorum of validators coming online, the blockchain will begin processing transactions. Notes: * This describes a process for instantiating organization that has yet to be specified but extends from the current state of the Aptos Testnet. * The implementation as described has yet to be fully implemented in Move, hence, this tool maps to the current state. * A new OP / OW onboarding to an existing blockchain follow the same process and delegate the initial creation of accounts and setting of configuration to the association. ## Requirements Each individual instance, OW or OP, should have access to a secure storage solution. Those leveraging Aptos Secure Storage can directly use this tool, those that do not will need to provide their own tooling. ## The Tools `aptos-genesis-tool` offers several facilities: * Simplified configuration management via a config file that can store frequently reused paramters including validator and shared storage. * Retrieving and submitting OW, OP, and validator configuration -- this is from a local secure storage to a remote secure storage -- leveraging the identity tool. * Converting a genesis configuration and a secure storage into a genesis.blob / genesis waypoint. ## The Process The end-to-end process assumes that each participant has their own secure storage solution, e.g., Vault, and a token stored locally on their disk in a file accessible to the management tool. In addition, the association will provide an entry point into a `shared storage`, e.g., GitHub repository (and repository owner) along with a distinct namespace for each participant. GitHub namespaces equate to directories within the repository. Each participant must retrieve an appropriate GitHub [token](https://github.com/settings/tokens) for their account that allows access to the `repo` scope. This token must be stored locally on their disk in a file accessible to the management tool. Finally, each participant should initialize their respective key: `aptos_root`, `owner`, or `operator` in a secure storage solution. How this is done is outside the scope of this document. The remainder of this section specifies distinct behaviors for each role. ### Build a Configuration File While `aptos-genesis-tool` supports setting the backends on each command, doing so is cumbersome and fraught with error. Instead, all participants, should first construct a configuration file for use in genesis and later use via the operational tool. Below is an example configuration file in yaml format: ``` # config.yaml chain_id: "MAINNET" json_server: "" shared_backend: type: "github" repository_owner: "REPOSITORY_OWNER" repository: "REPOSITORY" namespace: "REPOSITOR_FOLDER" token: from_config: "test" validator_backend: type: "vault" server: "" namespace: "VIRTUAL_NAMESPACE" token: from_config: "test" ``` Overview of fields: * `chain_id` specifies a distinct chain and is written into genesis, checked during network connections, and part of each transaction. It is provided by the association. * `json_server` specifies an Aptos JSON Server. This can be any that connect to your network including your own of one run by the association. It is not used in genesis, so a dummy value is acceptable during initial configuration. * `shared_backend` is a pointer to the associaton's `shared storage`. * `validator_backend` is a pointer to the local validator node's secure storage. ### The Association * The association will publish a layout containing the distinct names and roles of the participants to `shared storage`: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ set-layout \ --config config_file.yaml \ --path $PATH_TO_LAYOUT ``` * The association will publish the initial set of Move modules to `shared storage`: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ set-move-modules \ --config config_file.yaml \ --dir $MOVE_MODULES_DIR ``` This should be a directory containing only Move bytecode files (`.mv` extension). * The association will publish the the `aptos root` public key to the `shared storage`: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ aptos-root-key \ --config config_file.yaml ``` * Upon both OW and OP completing their portion of this process, the association will build a genesis waypoint: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ create-waypoint \ --config config_file.yaml ``` The layout is a toml configuration file of the following format: ``` [operator] = ["alice", "bob"] [owner] = ["carol", "dave"] aptos_root = "erin" ``` where each field maps to a role as described in this document. ### Validator Owners * Each Validator Owner member will upload their key to GitHub: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ owner-key \ --config config_file.yaml ``` * Each OW will select the OP responsible for operating the validator node. This selection is done by specifying the name of the OP (as registered in the shared Github): ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- set-operator \ --config config_file.yaml \ --operator-name $OPERATOR_NAME ``` ### Validator Operators * Each Validator Operator member will upload their key to GitHub: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- operator-key \ --config config_file.yaml ``` * For each validator managed by an operator, the operator will upload a signed validator-config. The owner corresponds to the name of the OW (as registered in the shared Github). The namespace in GitHub correlates to the operator namespace: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- validator-config \ --config config_file.yaml \ --owner-name $OWNER_NAME \ --validator-address "/dns/$VALIDATOR_DNS/tcp/$VALIDATOR_PORT" \ --fullnode-address "/dns/$VFN_DNS/tcp/$VFN_PORT" \ ``` * Upon receiving signal from the association, OPs can now build genesis: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ genesis \ --config config_file.yaml \ --path $PATH_TO_GENESIS \ ``` * Similarly, the association should publish a genesis waypoint, and the OP should insert it into their storage (using the management tool): ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ insert-waypoint \ --config config_file.yaml \ --waypoint $WAYPOINT ``` * Perform a verify that ensures the local store maps to Genesis and Genesis maps to the waypoint: ``` cargo run -p aptos-genesis-tool -- \ verify \ --config config_file.yaml \ --genesis_path $PATH_TO_GENESIS ``` ### Important Notes * A namespace in Vault is represented as a subdirectory for secrets and a prefix followed by `__` for transit, e.g., `namespace__`. * A namespace in GitHub is represented by a subdirectory * The GitHub repository and repository owner translate into the following url: `https://github.org/REPOSITORY_OWNER/REPOSITORY`