CLI tools to validate aqua chain.

## Versioning
Ensure to use the same version as the Aqua protocol version you are using for example use version 1.2.XX to verify  1.2.0 Aqua chain Json file.

## optional
in your environment set the following variables.<br/>
  1. aqua_domain="random_alphanumeric" (if none is specified one is genrated)<br/>
  2. aqua_network="sepolia" or  "holesky" or "mainnet" (default is sepolia)<br/>
  3. verification_platform="alchemy" or "infura" or  "self" or "none" for witnessing . self scraps the etherscan.io (avoid if possible) (optional) default is none <br/>
  4. chain="sepolia" or "mainnet" or "holesky" for witnessing  (optional) default is none<br/>
  5. api_key=  the alchemy key or infura api key (optional)<br/>
  6. keys_file = path to json file with similar contents as thos in keys.sample.json use a wallet without metemask<br/>
Notes : if a keys file is speciefied in the commands it will take precendence over the environment  valriables specified keys file

## Local use
1. `cargo build ` you can optionally use the `--release` if you want to use te cli tool.
2. cd `target/debug` or `target/release` run aqua-cli binary .
3. to get start run `./aqua-cli --help`