import { p as M, d as k, s as B } from "./styles-b64b35cd.js"; import { l as p, g as r, h as v, f as C } from "./commonDb-41f8b4c5.js"; import { G as R } from "./layout-492ec81d.js"; import { r as G } from "./index-6271e032.js"; import { u as I, B as _, A as D, y as A, z } from "./utils-8ea37061.js"; import "./mermaidAPI-67f627de.js"; import "./edges-de377bae.js"; import "./createText-23817c58.js"; import "./svgDraw-0a992cdb.js"; import "./line-05ccbb85.js"; import "./array-2ff2c7a6.js"; import "./constant-2fe7eae5.js"; const E = (o) => C.sanitizeText(o, r()); let S = { dividerMargin: 10, padding: 5, textHeight: 10, curve: void 0 }; const $ = function(o, l, b, a) { const e = Object.keys(o);"keys:", e),, e.forEach(function(s) { var y, f; const t = o[s]; let i = ""; t.cssClasses.length > 0 && (i = i + " " + t.cssClasses.join(" ")); const n = { labelStyle: "", style: "" }, m = t.label ??, c = 0, u = "class_box", d = { labelStyle: n.labelStyle, shape: u, labelText: E(m), classData: t, rx: c, ry: c, class: i, style:, id:, domId: t.domId, tooltip: a.db.getTooltip( || "", haveCallback: t.haveCallback, link:, width: t.type === "group" ? 500 : void 0, type: t.type, // TODO V10: Flowchart ? Keeping flowchart for backwards compatibility. Remove in next major release padding: ((y = r().flowchart) == null ? void 0 : y.padding) ?? ((f = r().class) == null ? void 0 : f.padding) }; l.setNode(, d),"setNode", d); }); }, q = function(o, l, b, a) {, o.forEach(function(e, s) { var x, h; const t = e, i = "", n = { labelStyle: "", style: "" }, m = t.text, c = 0, u = "note", d = { labelStyle: n.labelStyle, shape: u, labelText: E(m), noteData: t, rx: c, ry: c, class: i, style:, id:, domId:, tooltip: "", type: "note", // TODO V10: Flowchart ? Keeping flowchart for backwards compatibility. Remove in next major release padding: ((x = r().flowchart) == null ? void 0 : x.padding) ?? ((h = r().class) == null ? void 0 : h.padding) }; if (l.setNode(, d),"setNode", d), !t.class || !(t.class in a)) return; const y = b + s, f = { id: `edgeNote${y}`, //Set relationship style and line type classes: "relation", pattern: "dotted", // Set link type for rendering arrowhead: "none", //Set edge extra labels startLabelRight: "", endLabelLeft: "", //Set relation arrow types arrowTypeStart: "none", arrowTypeEnd: "none", style: "fill:none", labelStyle: "", curve: D(S.curve, A) }; l.setEdge(, t.class, f, y); }); }, F = function(o, l) { const b = r().flowchart; let a = 0; o.forEach(function(e) { var t; a++; const s = { //Set relationship style and line type classes: "relation", pattern: e.relation.lineType == 1 ? "dashed" : "solid", id: "id" + a, // Set link type for rendering arrowhead: e.type === "arrow_open" ? "none" : "normal", //Set edge extra labels startLabelRight: e.relationTitle1 === "none" ? "" : e.relationTitle1, endLabelLeft: e.relationTitle2 === "none" ? "" : e.relationTitle2, //Set relation arrow types arrowTypeStart: L(e.relation.type1), arrowTypeEnd: L(e.relation.type2), style: "fill:none", labelStyle: "", curve: D(b == null ? void 0 : b.curve, A) }; if (, e), !== void 0) { const i = z(; =, s.labelStyle = i.labelStyle; } e.text = e.title, e.text === void 0 ? !== void 0 && (s.arrowheadStyle = "fill: #333") : (s.arrowheadStyle = "fill: #333", s.labelpos = "c", ((t = r().flowchart) == null ? void 0 : t.htmlLabels) ?? r().htmlLabels ? (s.labelType = "html", s.label = '' + e.text + "") : (s.labelType = "text", s.label = e.text.replace(C.lineBreakRegex, ` `), === void 0 && ( = || "stroke: #333; stroke-width: 1.5px;fill:none"), s.labelStyle = s.labelStyle.replace("color:", "fill:"))), l.setEdge(e.id1, e.id2, s, a); }); }, H = function(o) { S = { ...S, ...o }; }, P = function(o, l, b, a) {"Drawing class - ", l); const e = r().flowchart ?? r().class, s = r().securityLevel;"config:", e); const t = (e == null ? void 0 : e.nodeSpacing) ?? 50, i = (e == null ? void 0 : e.rankSpacing) ?? 50, n = new R({ multigraph: !0, compound: !0 }).setGraph({ rankdir: a.db.getDirection(), nodesep: t, ranksep: i, marginx: 8, marginy: 8 }).setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() { return {}; }), m = a.db.getClasses(), c = a.db.getRelations(), u = a.db.getNotes();, $(m, n, l, a), F(c, n), q(u, n, c.length + 1, m); let d; s === "sandbox" && (d = v("#i" + l)); const y = s === "sandbox" ? ( // @ts-ignore Ignore type error for now v(d.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body) ) : v("body"), f =`[id="${l}"]`), x ="#" + l + " g"); if (G( x, n, ["aggregation", "extension", "composition", "dependency", "lollipop"], "classDiagram", l ), I.insertTitle(f, "classTitleText", (e == null ? void 0 : e.titleTopMargin) ?? 5, a.db.getDiagramTitle()), _(n, f, e == null ? void 0 : e.diagramPadding, e == null ? void 0 : e.useMaxWidth), !(e != null && e.htmlLabels)) { const h = s === "sandbox" ? d.nodes()[0].contentDocument : document, N = h.querySelectorAll('[id="' + l + '"] .edgeLabel .label'); for (const w of N) { const T = w.getBBox(), g = h.createElementNS("", "rect"); g.setAttribute("rx", 0), g.setAttribute("ry", 0), g.setAttribute("width", T.width), g.setAttribute("height", T.height), w.insertBefore(g, w.firstChild); } } }; function L(o) { let l; switch (o) { case 0: l = "aggregation"; break; case 1: l = "extension"; break; case 2: l = "composition"; break; case 3: l = "dependency"; break; case 4: l = "lollipop"; break; default: l = "none"; } return l; } const V = { setConf: H, draw: P }, se = { parser: M, db: k, renderer: V, styles: B, init: (o) => { o.class || (o.class = {}), o.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = o.arrowMarkerAbsolute, k.clear(); } }; export { se as diagram }; //#