# Aranya Daemon [![Crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] [![License][license-badge]][license-url] [crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/aranya-daemon.svg [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/aranya-daemon [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/l/aranya-daemon.svg [license-url]: ../../LICENSE.md ## Overview The Aranya Daemon is a long-running executable that is used to maintain the state of Aranya after adding commands to the graph or syncing commands from other peers by interacting directly with the [Aranya Core](https://github.com/aranya-project/aranya-core) library. See [here](../aranya-daemon-api/src/service.rs) for details on the Aranya functionality available through the daemon. The daemon's responsibilities include: - Periodically syncing state between networked Aranya peers to ensure they all have consistent state. This includes the ability to add and remove sync peers, available to your application through the [Rust Client library](../aranya-client/). - Invokes actions received from the client and handles effects from the [Aranya Core](https://github.com/aranya-project/aranya-core) library. See the [walkthrough](../../docs/walkthrough.md) for more details. - Generates and maintains cryptographic keys for encrypting and decrypting data for Aranya and Fast Channels Note: The Aranya Daemon supports a single user. As such, device and user may be used interchangeably throughout the code base. ## Configuration Create a config file for the daemon before running it. Refer to this documentation on the JSON config file parameters: [config](src/config.rs). An example daemon configuration file can be found [here](example.json). ## Running the daemon Build and run the daemon crate: ```shell $ cargo build --bin aranya-daemon --release $ ./target/release/aranya-daemon <path to config> ```