	// The daemon's name.
	"name": "name",
	// The daemon's working directory.
	// Must already exist.
	"work_dir": "/var/lib/work_dir",

	// Used to receive API requests from the user library client.
	"uds_api_path": "/var/run/uds.sock",

	// The path where the daemon should write its PID file.
	"pid_file": "/var/run/hub.pid",

	// Aranya sync server address.
	"sync_addr": "",

	// AFC configuration.
	"afc": {
		// Shared memory path.
		"shm_path": "/hub",

		// Unlink `shm_path` before creating the shared memory?
		// Ignored if `afc.create` is false.
		"unlink_on_startup": false,

		// Unlink `shm_path` when the daemon exits?
		// If false, the shared memory will persist across daemon
		// restarts.
		"unlink_at_exit": false,

		// Create the shared memory?
		// If true, the shared memory must not already exist.
		"create": true,

		// Maximum number of channels AFC should support.
		"max_chans": 100,