use std::fs::{self, File}; use ethers::{ prelude::Middleware, types::{I256 as eI256, U256 as eU256}, }; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, EnvFilter}; include!(""); #[tokio::test] async fn arbiter_math() { let (_env, client) = startup(); let arbiter_math = deploy_arbiter_math(client).await; // Test the cdf function let cdf_output = arbiter_math.cdf(eI256::from(1)).call().await.unwrap(); println!("cdf(1) = {}", cdf_output); assert_eq!(cdf_output, eI256::from(500000000000000000u64)); // Test the pdf function let pdf_output = arbiter_math.pdf(eI256::from(1)).call().await.unwrap(); println!("pdf(1) = {}", pdf_output); assert_eq!(pdf_output, eI256::from(398942280401432678u64)); // Test the ppf function. let ppf_output = arbiter_math.ppf(eI256::from(1)).call().await.unwrap(); println!("ppf(1) = {}", ppf_output); assert_eq!(ppf_output, eI256::from(-8710427241990476442_i128)); // Test the mulWadDown function. let mulwaddown_output = arbiter_math .mul_wad_down(eU256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128), eU256::from(2)) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("mulWadDown(1, 2) = {}", mulwaddown_output); assert_eq!(mulwaddown_output, eU256::from(2)); // Test the mulWadUp function. let mulwadup_output = arbiter_math .mul_wad_up(eU256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128), eU256::from(2)) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("mulWadUp(1, 2) = {}", mulwadup_output); assert_eq!(mulwadup_output, eU256::from(2)); // Test the divWadDown function. let divwaddown_output = arbiter_math .div_wad_down(eU256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128), eU256::from(2)) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("divWadDown(1, 2) = {}", divwaddown_output); assert_eq!( divwaddown_output, eU256::from(500000000000000000000000000000000000_u128) ); // Test the divWadUp function. let divwadup_output = arbiter_math .div_wad_up(eU256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128), eU256::from(2)) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("divWadUp(1, 2) = {}", divwadup_output); assert_eq!( divwadup_output, eU256::from(500000000000000000000000000000000000_u128) ); // Test the lnWad function. let lnwad_output = arbiter_math .log(eI256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128)) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("ln(1) = {}", lnwad_output); assert_eq!(lnwad_output, eI256::from(0)); // Test the sqrt function let sqrt_output = arbiter_math .sqrt(eU256::from(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128)) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("sqrt(1) = {}", sqrt_output); assert_eq!(sqrt_output, eU256::from(1_000_000_000)); } // TODO: It would be good to change this to `token_functions` and test all // relevant ERC20 functions (e.g., transfer, approve, etc.). #[tokio::test] async fn token_mint_and_balance() { let (_env, client) = startup(); let arbx = deploy_arbx(client.clone()).await; // Mint some tokens to the client. client.default_sender().unwrap(), eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT), ) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); // Fetch the balance of the client. let balance = arbx .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); // Check that the balance is correct. assert_eq!(balance, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT)); } #[tokio::test] async fn liquid_exchange_swap() { let (_env, client) = startup(); let (arbx, arby, liquid_exchange) = deploy_liquid_exchange(client.clone()).await; // Mint tokens to the client then check balances. client.default_sender().unwrap(), eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT), ) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); client.default_sender().unwrap(), eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT), ) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); let arbx_balance = arbx .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); let arby_balance = arby .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("arbx_balance prior to swap = {}", arbx_balance); println!("arby_balance prior to swap = {}", arby_balance); assert_eq!(arbx_balance, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT)); assert_eq!(arby_balance, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT)); // Get the price at the liquid exchange let price = liquid_exchange.price().call().await.unwrap(); println!("price in 18 decimal WAD: {}", price); // Mint tokens to the liquid exchange. let exchange_mint_amount = eU256::MAX / 2;, exchange_mint_amount) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap();, exchange_mint_amount) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); // Approve the liquid exchange to spend the client's tokens. arbx.approve(liquid_exchange.address(), eU256::MAX) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); arby.approve(liquid_exchange.address(), eU256::MAX) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); // Swap some X for Y on the liquid exchange. let swap_amount_x = eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT) / 2; liquid_exchange .swap(arbx.address(), swap_amount_x) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); // Check the client's balances are correct. let arbx_balance_after_swap_x = arbx .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); let arby_balance_after_swap_x = arby .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("arbx_balance after swap = {}", arbx_balance_after_swap_x); println!("arby_balance after swap = {}", arby_balance_after_swap_x); assert_eq!( arbx_balance_after_swap_x, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT) - swap_amount_x ); let additional_y = swap_amount_x * price / eU256::from(10_u64.pow(18)); assert_eq!( arby_balance_after_swap_x, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT) + additional_y ); // Swap some Y for X on the liquid exchange. let swap_amount_y = additional_y; liquid_exchange .swap(arby.address(), swap_amount_y) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); // Check the client's balances are correct. let arbx_balance_after_swap_y = arbx .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); let arby_balance_after_swap_y = arby .balance_of(client.default_sender().unwrap()) .call() .await .unwrap(); println!("arbx_balance after swap = {}", arbx_balance_after_swap_y); println!("arby_balance after swap = {}", arby_balance_after_swap_y); // The balance here is off by one due to rounding and the extremely small // balances we are using. assert_eq!(arbx_balance_after_swap_y, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT) - 1); assert_eq!(arby_balance_after_swap_y, eU256::from(TEST_MINT_AMOUNT)); } #[tokio::test] async fn price_simulation_oracle() { let (_env, client) = startup(); let (.., liquid_exchange) = deploy_liquid_exchange(client.clone()).await; let price_path = vec![ 1000.0, 2000.0, 3000.0, 4000.0, 5000.0, 6000.0, 7000.0, 8000.0, ]; // Get the initial price of the liquid exchange. let initial_price = liquid_exchange.price().call().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(initial_price, parse_ether(LIQUID_EXCHANGE_PRICE).unwrap()); for price in price_path { let wad_price = parse_ether(price).unwrap(); liquid_exchange .set_price(wad_price) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); let new_price = liquid_exchange.price().call().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(new_price, wad_price); } } #[tokio::test] async fn can_log() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "trace"); let file = File::create("test_logs.log").expect("Unable to create log file"); let subscriber = fmt() .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .with_writer(file) .finish(); tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("setting default subscriber failed"); let env = Environment::builder().with_console_logs().build(); let client = ArbiterMiddleware::new(&env, None).unwrap(); let counter = arbiter_bindings::bindings::counter::Counter::deploy(client, ()) .unwrap() .send() .await .unwrap(); // Call the `setNumber` function to emit a console log. counter .set_number(eU256::from(42)) .send() .await .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); let parsed_file = fs::read_to_string("test_logs.log").expect("Unable to read log file"); assert!(parsed_file.contains("You set the number to: , 42")); fs::remove_file("test_logs.log").expect("Unable to remove log file"); }