/* Copyright 1990-2008 Light Infocon Tecnologia S/A Este arquivo é parte do programa LightBase - Banco de Dados Textual Documental O LightBase é um software livre; você pode redistribui-lo e/ou modifica-lo dentro dos termos da Licença Pública Geral GNU como publicada pela Fundação do Software Livre (FSF); na versão 2 da Licença. Este programa é distribuído na esperança que possa ser útil, mas SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; sem uma garantia implícita de ADEQUAÇÃO a qualquer MERCADO ou APLICAÇÃO EM PARTICULAR. Veja a Licença Pública Geral GNU para maiores detalhes. Você deve ter recebido uma cópia da Licença Pública Geral GNU versao 2, sob o título "LICENCA.txt", junto com este programa, se não, escreva para a Fundação do Software Livre(FSF) Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _MONITOR_H #define _MONITOR_H #if defined( __cplusplus ) #include "archiveb.h" /* * Most of our enumerated types are defined in ALDEFS.H so C programs * have easy access to them. But C and VB have no use for these * values, because they are only used by members of ALMonitor, * they can't be passed to C or VB procedures. * * This type defines the various messages that are passed to * ALMonitor::ArchiveOperation() during progress of an * archiving operation. */ enum ALArchiveOperation { AL_ARCHIVE_OPEN, AL_ARCHIVE_CLOSE, AL_EXTRACTION_OPEN, AL_EXTRACTION_CLOSE, AL_INSERTION_OPEN, AL_INSERTION_CLOSE, AL_COPY_OPEN, AL_COPY_CLOSE, AL_START_DIRECTORY_WRITE, AL_END_DIRECTORY_WRITE, AL_START_DIRECTORY_READ, AL_END_DIRECTORY_READ }; /* * A forward declaration. * */ class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALEntry; /* * class ALMonitor * * DESCRIPTION * * The ALMonitor class is used primarily for providing user interface * information during archiving or other operations. Each ALEntryList * object has an ALMonitor attached to it. When the archive operations * are performed, the ALMonitor object is called using its two functions, * Progress() and ArchiveOperation(). Progress() is used to update * progress information, such as byte count or percent complete. The * archive operation is functioned at various times, such as when files * are opened, archives are opened, files are closed, etc. * * Good examples of how derived classes do all this stuff can be found in * BARGRAPH.CPP and WINMON.CPP. * * DATA MEMBERS * * mlJobSize : The total size of the job being monitored. If the * monitor is in AL_MONITOR_JOBS mode, we care about * this. The archive base class has to set up this * member before the archiving procedure starts. * * mlJobSoFar : The total number of bytes that have already been * processed so far in this job. This number is * updated after each file is completely processed. It * does not reflect work done on the current file. * * mlObjectSize : The size of the current object being processed. This * is usually set up by the archive function at the start * of processing for the current file. If this number is * set to -1, it means we have to check on it, since * the archiving program was to lazy to open the file and * check on. * * mlObjectStart : The starting offset of the current object in the * file being processed. Sometimes the object we are * working on might be in an archive, in which case * we need to know where it starts. * * mlByteCount : This private member contains the byte count for all * the data processed so far. Derived classes can * call Progress() for the base class, and it will * calculate this number. The number will be for * the entire job when we are in AL_MONITOR_JOB mode, * but just for the current object when we are in * AL_MONITOR_OBJECTS mode. * * miRatio : The percentage of processing we have completed, an * integer that hopefully ranges from 0 to 100. This * number can also be calculated by calling Progress() * in the base class. It will differ depending on whether * we are in AL_MONITOR_JOB mode or AL_MONITOR_OBJECTS. * * miMonitorType : Either AL_MONITOR_OBJECT or AL_MONITOR_JOBS, depending * on what was specified in the constructor. * * MEMBER FUNCTIONS * * ALMonitor() : The constructor. * ~ALMonitor() : The virtual destructor. * operator new() : The memory allocation operator used when the * library resides in a DLL. * Progress() : The routine called periodically to update progress * indicators. The base class version just makes * calculations. * ArchiveOperation() : The routine called at various points during an * archive operation. Does nothing worthwhile in the * base class. * * REVISION HISTORY * * May 26, 1994 1.0A : First release * */ class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALMonitor { /* * Constructors, destructors, friends, declarations */ friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALArchiveBase; friend class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALStorage; public : AL_PROTO ALMonitor( ALMonitorType monitor_type ); virtual AL_PROTO ~ALMonitor(); #if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL ) void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size ); #endif /* * The copy constructor and assignment operator do not exist. */ protected : AL_PROTO ALMonitor( ALMonitor AL_DLL_FAR &); ALMonitor AL_DLL_FAR & AL_PROTO operator=( ALMonitor AL_DLL_FAR & ); /* * Member functions */ protected : virtual void AL_PROTO Progress( long mlObjectTell, ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR & object ); virtual void AL_PROTO ArchiveOperation( enum ALArchiveOperation operation, ALArchiveBase AL_DLL_FAR *archive, ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR *job ); /* * Data members, not sure if we should keep these public or not */ public : long mlJobSize; long mlJobSoFar; long mlObjectSize; long mlObjectStart; /* * Calculated by ALMonitor::Progress() */ long mlByteCount; int miRatio; public : const ALMonitorType miMonitorType; AL_CLASS_TAG( _ALMonitorTag ); }; #endif /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) */ #endif /* #ifndef _MONITOR_H */