# runs archiver with cargo with logging set to debug run: RUST_LOG=debug cargo run # builds a release version of archiver build: cargo build --release # deploy archiver stack docker: docker compose up -d docker exec -it ollama ollama pull mistral docker exec -it ollama ollama pull nomic-embed-text # install pandocs install_deps: brew install pandoc just ollama curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh sh get-docker.sh curl -sSf https://install.surrealdb.com | sh ollama pull mistral ollama pull nomic-embed-text # list process and checks what process is running on port 8888 where: ps | grep surreal -lsof -i tcp:8888 # setup surreal server setup_local: surreal start --log trace --bind file:archiver.db # adds file the surrealdb add FILE: -cargo run -- -a {{FILE}} # removes surreal database file clean: rm -rf archiver.db