archwiki-rs-search -- Search the ArchWiki for pages ===== ## SYNOPSIS `archwiki-rs search [OPTIONS]...` ## DESCRIPTION Search for content on the ArchWiki. Can either search for page titles that match the `query` (default) or search for text content contain in pages that matches the `query` string. Pass the `-t|--text-search` option to enable text search. Searches are made directly through the ArchWiki search API which is just a deployment of the [MediaWiki search API]( For better and for worse this means the results are the same as directly searching on the ArchWiki. ## EXAMPLES `archwiki-rs search "Neovim"` > Search for pages that have a similar name to "Neovim" and output a table containing the > names and URLs of any pages found. By default a maximum of 5 items are returned. You can > override this limit with the `-L|--limit` option. `archwiki-rs search "/usr/share" --text-search --snippet-format markdown --json` > Search for pages that contain text matchs for the query string "/usr/share" and output a > JSON array where each element containings a `title` and a `snippet` field. The `snippet` > field contains the text that was matched by the query and is formated as `markdown` > because of the value of the `--snippet-format` option. ## AUTHOR June L. Gschwantner