## Testing - [x] Add testing for control.rs - [x] Add testing for lib.rs - [x] Add testing for response.rs ## PMD Data - [x] Switch PmdRead to store a vec of data types since multiple samples can come with one response - [x] Abstract PmdRead and related structs/enums to their own file - [x] Figure out how to read control point response - [x] Fix ControlResponse so it can read and understand data - [x] Add builtin support for what each value from `PolarSensor.settings()` means ## User API - [x] Add closing condition function to event handler trait so users can specify condition to stop eventloop without keyboard interrupt or walking far enough away the Bluetooth disconnects - [x] Add support for multiple resolutions and sample rates for different data types - [x] Add support for listening for multiple kinds of PMD data (ecg AND acc) - [x] Add structure to store heart rate data (including BPM and RR interval) - [x] Add new api to start and stop measurement while event loop is running using async or threads (potential feature) - [x] Disallow user from starting event loop without subscribing to anything ## Control Point Commands - [x] Generate requests using `PolarSensor` fields (`resolution`, `data_type`, `sample_rate`) instead of hard-coded requests ## Examples - [x] Create examples directory and move everything around - [x] Create example that tries to use multithreading DONE!!