// This file is part of arduino-cli. // // Copyright 2020 ARDUINO SA (http://www.arduino.cc/) // Copyright 2015 Matthijs Kooijman // // This software is released under the GNU General Public License version 3, // which covers the main part of arduino-cli. // The terms of this license can be found at: // https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html // // You can be released from the requirements of the above licenses by purchasing // a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory if you want to // modify or otherwise use the software for commercial activities involving the // Arduino software without disclosing the source code of your own applications. // To purchase a commercial license, send an email to license@arduino.cc. package constants const BUILD_OPTIONS_FILE = "build.options.json" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_ARCHIVE_FILE = "archive_file" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_ARCHIVE_FILE_PATH = "archive_file_path" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_ARCH_OVERRIDE_CHECK = "architecture.override_check" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_BOOTLOADER_FILE = "bootloader.file" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_BOOTLOADER_NOBLINK = "bootloader.noblink" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_BUILD_BOARD = "build.board" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_BUILD_MCU = "build.mcu" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_C_ELF_FLAGS = "compiler.c.elf.flags" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_LDFLAGS = "compiler.ldflags" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_CPP_FLAGS = "compiler.cpp.flags" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_WARNING_FLAGS = "compiler.warning_flags" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_FQBN = "build.fqbn" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_INCLUDES = "includes" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_OBJECT_FILE = "object_file" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_PATTERN = "pattern" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_PID = "pid" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_PREPROCESSED_FILE_PATH = "preprocessed_file_path" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_RUNTIME_PLATFORM_PATH = "runtime.platform.path" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_SOURCE_FILE = "source_file" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_TOOLS_KEY = "tools" const BUILD_PROPERTIES_VID = "vid" const CTAGS = "ctags" const EMPTY_STRING = "" const FILE_CTAGS_TARGET_FOR_GCC_MINUS_E = "ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp" const FILE_PLATFORM_KEYS_REWRITE_TXT = "platform.keys.rewrite.txt" const FOLDER_BOOTLOADERS = "bootloaders" const FOLDER_CORE = "core" const FOLDER_PREPROC = "preproc" const FOLDER_SKETCH = "sketch" const FOLDER_TOOLS = "tools" const hooks_core = hooks + ".core" const HOOKS_CORE_POSTBUILD = hooks_core + hooks_postbuild_suffix const HOOKS_CORE_PREBUILD = hooks_core + hooks_prebuild_suffix const hooks_libraries = hooks + ".libraries" const HOOKS_LIBRARIES_POSTBUILD = hooks_libraries + hooks_postbuild_suffix const HOOKS_LIBRARIES_PREBUILD = hooks_libraries + hooks_prebuild_suffix const hooks_linking = hooks + ".linking" const HOOKS_LINKING_POSTLINK = hooks_linking + hooks_postlink_suffix const HOOKS_LINKING_PRELINK = hooks_linking + hooks_prelink_suffix const hooks_objcopy = hooks + ".objcopy" const HOOKS_OBJCOPY_POSTOBJCOPY = hooks_objcopy + hooks_postobjcopy_suffix const HOOKS_OBJCOPY_PREOBJCOPY = hooks_objcopy + hooks_preobjcopy_suffix const HOOKS_PATTERN_SUFFIX = ".pattern" const HOOKS_POSTBUILD = hooks + hooks_postbuild_suffix const hooks_postbuild_suffix = ".postbuild" const hooks_postlink_suffix = ".postlink" const hooks_postobjcopy_suffix = ".postobjcopy" const HOOKS_PREBUILD = hooks + hooks_prebuild_suffix const hooks_prebuild_suffix = ".prebuild" const hooks_prelink_suffix = ".prelink" const hooks_preobjcopy_suffix = ".preobjcopy" const hooks = "recipe.hooks" const hooks_sketch = hooks + ".sketch" const HOOKS_SKETCH_POSTBUILD = hooks_sketch + hooks_postbuild_suffix const HOOKS_SKETCH_PREBUILD = hooks_sketch + hooks_prebuild_suffix const LIBRARY_ALL_ARCHS = "*" const LIBRARY_EMAIL = "email" const LIBRARY_FOLDER_ARCH = "arch" const LIBRARY_FOLDER_SRC = "src" const LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = "debug" const LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = "error" const LOG_LEVEL_INFO = "info" const LOG_LEVEL_WARN = "warn" const MSG_ARCH_FOLDER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "'arch' folder is no longer supported! See http://goo.gl/gfFJzU for more information" const MSG_ARCHIVING_CORE_CACHE = "Archiving built core (caching) in: {0}" const MSG_ERROR_ARCHIVING_CORE_CACHE = "Error archiving built core (caching) in {0}: {1}" const MSG_CORE_CACHE_UNAVAILABLE = "Unable to cache built core, please tell {0} maintainers to follow http://goo.gl/QdCUjo" const MSG_BOARD_UNKNOWN = "Board {0} (platform {1}, package {2}) is unknown" const MSG_BOOTLOADER_FILE_MISSING = "Bootloader file specified but missing: {0}" const MSG_BUILD_OPTIONS_CHANGED = "Build options changed, rebuilding all" const MSG_CANT_FIND_SKETCH_IN_PATH = "Unable to find {0} in {1}" const MSG_FQBN_INVALID = "{0} is not a valid fully qualified board name. Required format is targetPackageName:targetPlatformName:targetBoardName." const MSG_FIND_INCLUDES_FAILED = "Error while detecting libraries included by {0}" const MSG_LIB_LEGACY = "(legacy)" const MSG_LIBRARIES_MULTIPLE_LIBS_FOUND_FOR = "Multiple libraries were found for \"{0}\"" const MSG_LIBRARIES_NOT_USED = " Not used: {0}" const MSG_LIBRARIES_USED = " Used: {0}" const MSG_LIBRARY_CAN_USE_SRC_AND_UTILITY_FOLDERS = "Library can't use both 'src' and 'utility' folders. Double check {0}" const MSG_LIBRARY_INCOMPATIBLE_ARCH = "WARNING: library {0} claims to run on {1} architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on {2} architecture(s)." const MSG_LOOKING_FOR_RECIPES = "Looking for recipes like {0}*{1}" const MSG_MISSING_BUILD_BOARD = "Warning: Board {0}:{1}:{2} doesn''t define a ''build.board'' preference. Auto-set to: {3}" const MSG_MISSING_CORE_FOR_BOARD = "Selected board depends on '{0}' core (not installed)." const MSG_PACKAGE_UNKNOWN = "{0}: Unknown package" const MSG_PLATFORM_UNKNOWN = "Platform {0} (package {1}) is unknown" const MSG_PROGRESS = "Progress {0}" const MSG_PROP_IN_LIBRARY = "Missing '{0}' from library in {1}" const MSG_RUNNING_COMMAND = "Ts: {0} - Running: {1}" const MSG_RUNNING_RECIPE = "Running recipe: {0}" const MSG_SETTING_BUILD_PATH = "Setting build path to {0}" const MSG_SIZER_TEXT_FULL = "Sketch uses {0} bytes ({2}%%) of program storage space. Maximum is {1} bytes." const MSG_SIZER_DATA_FULL = "Global variables use {0} bytes ({2}%%) of dynamic memory, leaving {3} bytes for local variables. Maximum is {1} bytes." const MSG_SIZER_DATA = "Global variables use {0} bytes of dynamic memory." const MSG_SIZER_TEXT_TOO_BIG = "Sketch too big; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for tips on reducing it." const MSG_SIZER_DATA_TOO_BIG = "Not enough memory; see http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#size for tips on reducing your footprint." const MSG_SIZER_LOW_MEMORY = "Low memory available, stability problems may occur." const MSG_SIZER_ERROR_NO_RULE = "Couldn't determine program size" const MSG_SKETCH_CANT_BE_IN_BUILDPATH = "Sketch cannot be located in build path. Please specify a different build path" const MSG_UNKNOWN_SKETCH_EXT = "Unknown sketch file extension: {0}" const MSG_USING_LIBRARY_AT_VERSION = "Using library {0} at version {1} in folder: {2} {3}" const MSG_USING_LIBRARY = "Using library {0} in folder: {1} {2}" const MSG_USING_BOARD = "Using board '{0}' from platform in folder: {1}" const MSG_USING_CORE = "Using core '{0}' from platform in folder: {1}" const MSG_USING_PREVIOUS_COMPILED_FILE = "Using previously compiled file: {0}" const MSG_USING_CACHED_INCLUDES = "Using cached library dependencies for file: {0}" const MSG_WARNING_LIB_INVALID_CATEGORY = "WARNING: Category '{0}' in library {1} is not valid. Setting to '{2}'" const MSG_WARNING_PLATFORM_OLD_VALUES = "Warning: platform.txt from core '{0}' contains deprecated {1}, automatically converted to {2}. Consider upgrading this core." const MSG_WARNING_SPURIOUS_FILE_IN_LIB = "WARNING: Spurious {0} folder in '{1}' library" const PACKAGE_NAME = "name" const PACKAGE_TOOLS = "tools" const PLATFORM_ARCHITECTURE = "architecture" const PLATFORM_NAME = "name" const PLATFORM_REWRITE_NEW = "new" const PLATFORM_REWRITE_OLD = "old" const PLATFORM_URL = "url" const PLATFORM_VERSION = "version" const PROPERTY_WARN_DATA_PERCENT = "build.warn_data_percentage" const PROPERTY_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = "upload.maximum_size" const PROPERTY_UPLOAD_MAX_DATA_SIZE = "upload.maximum_data_size" const RECIPE_AR_PATTERN = "recipe.ar.pattern" const RECIPE_C_COMBINE_PATTERN = "recipe.c.combine.pattern" const RECIPE_C_PATTERN = "recipe.c.o.pattern" const RECIPE_CPP_PATTERN = "recipe.cpp.o.pattern" const RECIPE_SIZE_PATTERN = "recipe.size.pattern" const RECIPE_PREPROC_MACROS = "recipe.preproc.macros" const RECIPE_S_PATTERN = "recipe.S.o.pattern" const RECIPE_SIZE_REGEXP = "recipe.size.regex" const RECIPE_SIZE_REGEXP_DATA = "recipe.size.regex.data" const RECIPE_SIZE_REGEXP_EEPROM = "recipe.size.regex.eeprom" const REWRITING_DISABLED = "disabled" const REWRITING = "rewriting" const SPACE = " " const TOOL_NAME = "name" const TOOL_URL = "url" const TOOL_VERSION = "version"