/* * The code is released under the GNU General Public License. * Developed by Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics 2013 * This is the algorithm for the Balanduino balancing robot. * It can be controlled by either an Android app or a Processing application via Bluetooth. * The Android app can be found at the following link: https://github.com/TKJElectronics/BalanduinoAndroidApp * The Processing application can be found here: https://github.com/TKJElectronics/BalanduinoProcessingApp * It can also be controlled by a PS3, Wii or a Xbox controller * For details, see: http://balanduino.net/ */ /* Use this to enable and disable the different options */ #define ENABLE_TOOLS #define ENABLE_SPP #define ENABLE_PS3 #define ENABLE_WII #define ENABLE_XBOX #define ENABLE_ADK #include "Balanduino.h" #include // Official Arduino Wire library #include // Some dongles can have a hub inside #ifdef ENABLE_ADK #include #endif // These are all open source libraries written by Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics // The USB libraries are located at the following link: https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 #include // Kalman filter library - see: http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/2012/09/a-practical-approach-to-kalman-filter-and-how-to-implement-it/ #ifdef ENABLE_XBOX #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SPP #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PS3 #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WII #include #endif // Create the Kalman library instance Kalman kalman; // See https://github.com/TKJElectronics/KalmanFilter for source code #if defined(ENABLE_SPP) || defined(ENABLE_PS3) || defined(ENABLE_WII) || defined(ENABLE_XBOX) || defined(ENABLE_ADK) #define ENABLE_USB USB Usb; // This will take care of all USB communication #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ADK // Implementation for the Android Open Accessory Protocol. Simply connect your phone to get redirected to the Play Store ADK adk(&Usb, "TKJ Electronics", // Manufacturer Name "Balanduino", // Model Name "Android App for Balanduino", // Description - user visible string "0.5.0", // Version of the Android app "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tkjelectronics.balanduino", // URL - web page to visit if no installed apps support the accessory "1234"); // Serial Number - this is not used #endif #ifdef ENABLE_XBOX XBOXRECV Xbox(&Usb); // You have to connect a Xbox wireless receiver to the Arduino to control it with a wireless Xbox controller #endif #if defined(ENABLE_SPP) || defined(ENABLE_PS3) || defined(ENABLE_WII) USBHub Hub(&Usb); // Some dongles have a hub inside BTD Btd(&Usb); // This is the main Bluetooth library, it will take care of all the USB and HCI communication with the Bluetooth dongle #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SPP SPP SerialBT(&Btd, "Balanduino", "0000"); // The SPP (Serial Port Protocol) emulates a virtual Serial port, which is supported by most computers and mobile phones #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PS3 PS3BT PS3(&Btd); // The PS3 library supports all three official controllers: the Dualshock 3, Navigation and Move controller #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WII WII Wii(&Btd); // The Wii library can communicate with Wiimotes and the Nunchuck and Motion Plus extension and finally the Wii U Pro Controller //WII Wii(&Btd,PAIR); // You will have to pair with your Wiimote first by creating the instance like this and the press 1+2 on the Wiimote // or press sync if you are using a Wii U Pro Controller // Or you can simply send "CW;" to the robot to start the pairing sequence // This can also be done using the Android or Processing application #endif void setup() { /* Initialize UART */ Serial.begin(115200); /* Read the PID values, target angle and other saved values in the EEPROM */ if (!checkInitializationFlags()) readEEPROMValues(); // Only read the EEPROM values if they have not been restored /* Setup encoders */ pinMode(leftEncoder1, INPUT); pinMode(leftEncoder2, INPUT); pinMode(rightEncoder1, INPUT); pinMode(rightEncoder2, INPUT); attachInterrupt(0, leftEncoder, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(1, rightEncoder, CHANGE); /* Enable the motor drivers */ pinMode(leftEnable, OUTPUT); pinMode(rightEnable, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(leftEnable, HIGH); digitalWrite(rightEnable, HIGH); /* Setup motor pins to output */ sbi(pwmPortDirection, leftPWM); sbi(leftPortDirection, leftA); sbi(leftPortDirection, leftB); sbi(pwmPortDirection, rightPWM); sbi(rightPortDirection, rightA); sbi(rightPortDirection, rightB); /* Set PWM frequency to 20kHz - see the datasheet http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8272.pdf page 128-135 */ // Set up PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct on pin 18 (OC1A) & pin 17 (OC1B) with ICR1 as TOP using Timer1 TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10); // Set PWM Phase and Frequency Correct with ICR1 as TOP and no prescaling ICR1 = PWMVALUE; // ICR1 is the TOP value - this is set so the frequency is equal to 20kHz /* Enable PWM on pin 18 (OC1A) & pin 17 (OC1B) */ // Clear OC1A/OC1B on compare match when up-counting // Set OC1A/OC1B on compare match when downcounting TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1); setPWM(leftPWM, 0); // Turn off PWM on both pins setPWM(rightPWM, 0); /* Setup buzzer pin */ pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); #ifdef ENABLE_USB if (Usb.Init() == -1) { // Check if USB Host is working Serial.print(F("OSC did not start")); digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); while (1); // Halt } #endif /* Attach onInit function */ // This is used to set the LEDs according to the voltage level and vibrate the controller to indicate the new connection #ifdef ENABLE_PS3 PS3.attachOnInit(onInit); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WII Wii.attachOnInit(onInit); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_XBOX Xbox.attachOnInit(onInit); #endif /* Setup IMU */ Wire.begin(); while (i2cRead(0x75, i2cBuffer, 1)); if (i2cBuffer[0] != 0x68) { // Read "WHO_AM_I" register Serial.print(F("Error reading sensor")); digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); while (1); // Halt } i2cBuffer[0] = 19; // Set the sample rate to 400Hz - 8kHz/(19+1) = 400Hz i2cBuffer[1] = 0x00; // Disable FSYNC and set 260 Hz Acc filtering, 256 Hz Gyro filtering, 8 KHz sampling i2cBuffer[2] = 0x00; // Set Gyro Full Scale Range to ±250deg/s i2cBuffer[3] = 0x00; // Set Accelerometer Full Scale Range to ±2g while (i2cWrite(0x19, i2cBuffer, 4, false)); // Write to all four registers at once while (i2cWrite(0x6B, 0x09, true)); // PLL with X axis gyroscope reference, disable temperature sensor and disable sleep mode delay(100); // Wait for the sensor to get ready /* Set Kalman and gyro starting angle */ while (i2cRead(0x3D, i2cBuffer, 4)); accY = ((i2cBuffer[0] << 8) | i2cBuffer[1]); accZ = ((i2cBuffer[2] << 8) | i2cBuffer[3]); // atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2 // We then convert it to 0 to 2π and then from radians to degrees accAngle = (atan2((double)accY - cfg.accYzero, (double)accZ - cfg.accZzero) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG; kalman.setAngle(accAngle); // Set starting angle pitch = accAngle; gyroAngle = accAngle; /* Find gyro zero value */ calibrateGyro(); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // LED_BUILTIN is defined in pins_arduino.h in the hardware add-on /* Beep to indicate that it is now ready */ digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); /* Setup timing */ kalmanTimer = micros(); pidTimer = kalmanTimer; encoderTimer = kalmanTimer; imuTimer = millis(); reportTimer = imuTimer; ledTimer = imuTimer; blinkTimer = imuTimer; } void loop() { #ifdef ENABLE_WII if (Wii.wiimoteConnected) // We have to read much more often from the Wiimote to decrease latency Usb.Task(); #endif /* Calculate pitch */ while (i2cRead(0x3D, i2cBuffer, 8)); accY = ((i2cBuffer[0] << 8) | i2cBuffer[1]); accZ = ((i2cBuffer[2] << 8) | i2cBuffer[3]); gyroX = ((i2cBuffer[6] << 8) | i2cBuffer[7]); // atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2 // We then convert it to 0 to 2π and then from radians to degrees accAngle = (atan2((double)accY - cfg.accYzero, (double)accZ - cfg.accZzero) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG; uint32_t timer = micros(); // This fixes the 0-360 transition problem when the accelerometer angle jumps between 0 and 360 degrees if ((accAngle < 90 && pitch > 270) || (accAngle > 270 && pitch < 90)) { kalman.setAngle(accAngle); pitch = accAngle; gyroAngle = accAngle; } else { gyroRate = ((double)gyroX - gyroXzero) / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s double dt = (double)(timer - kalmanTimer) / 1000000.0; gyroAngle += gyroRate * dt; // Gyro angle is only used for debugging if (gyroAngle < 0 || gyroAngle > 360) gyroAngle = pitch; // Reset the gyro angle when it has drifted too much pitch = kalman.getAngle(accAngle, gyroRate, dt); // Calculate the angle using a Kalman filter } kalmanTimer = timer; //Serial.print(accAngle);Serial.print('\t');Serial.print(gyroAngle);Serial.print('\t');Serial.println(pitch); #ifdef ENABLE_WII if (Wii.wiimoteConnected) // We have to read much more often from the Wiimote to decrease latency Usb.Task(); #endif /* Drive motors */ timer = micros(); // If the robot is laying down, it has to be put in a vertical position before it starts balancing // If it's already balancing it has to be ±45 degrees before it stops trying to balance if ((layingDown && (pitch < cfg.targetAngle - 10 || pitch > cfg.targetAngle + 10)) || (!layingDown && (pitch < cfg.targetAngle - 45 || pitch > cfg.targetAngle + 45))) { layingDown = true; // The robot is in a unsolvable position, so turn off both motors and wait until it's vertical again stopAndReset(); } else { layingDown = false; // It's no longer laying down updatePID(cfg.targetAngle, targetOffset, turningOffset, (double)(timer - pidTimer) / 1000000.0); } pidTimer = timer; /* Update encoders */ timer = micros(); if (timer - encoderTimer >= 100000) { // Update encoder values every 100ms encoderTimer = timer; int32_t wheelPosition = getWheelsPosition(); wheelVelocity = wheelPosition - lastWheelPosition; lastWheelPosition = wheelPosition; //Serial.print(wheelPosition);Serial.print('\t');Serial.print(targetPosition);Serial.print('\t');Serial.println(wheelVelocity); if (abs(wheelVelocity) <= 40 && !stopped) { // Set new targetPosition if braking targetPosition = wheelPosition; stopped = true; } batteryCounter++; if (batteryCounter > 10) { // Measure battery every 1s batteryCounter = 0; batteryVoltage = (double)analogRead(VBAT) / 63.050847458; // VBAT is connected to analog input 5 which is not broken out. This is then connected to a 47k-12k voltage divider - 1023.0/(3.3/(12.0/(12.0+47.0))) = 63.050847458 if (batteryVoltage < 10.2 && batteryVoltage > 5) // Equal to 3.4V per cell - don't turn on if it's below 5V, this means that no battery is connected digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); else digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); } } /* Read the Bluetooth dongle and send PID and IMU values */ #ifdef ENABLE_USB readUsb(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TOOLS checkSerialData(); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_TOOLS) || defined(ENABLE_SPP) printValues(); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_SPP) || defined(ENABLE_PS3) || defined(ENABLE_WII) if (Btd.isReady()) { timer = millis(); if ((Btd.watingForConnection && timer - blinkTimer > 1000) || (!Btd.watingForConnection && timer - blinkTimer > 100)) { blinkTimer = timer; ledState = !ledState; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState); // Used to blink the built in LED, starts blinking faster upon an incoming Bluetooth request } } else if (ledState) { // The LED is on ledState = !ledState; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState); // This will turn it off } #endif }