# arg_parse for rust
# Disclaimer
The interface for developer is work in progress. So expect minor and major changes when updating until v1.0
# Description
arg_parse is a tool to simplify the processing of command line arguments. It doesn't have any dependencies and the initialization is done at compile time.
# Features & Goals
- [x] Parsing of `short options` (Values set with `--` which default is false and set to true by being used.)
- [x] Parsing of `long options` (Values mentioned after `-` which have their value(as a string) followed)
- [x] Parsing of `non options` (Single Values parameters without any prefix )
- [ ] Parsing of `sub commands` (which only one can be used and all following arguments are related to)
- [x] Returning results instead of throwing unfinished error messages
- [ ] Simple creation of parser
- [x] Ability to create parser as constant or static variable (at compile time)
- [x] Ability to give a list of arguments (not using args from [std::env::args()](std::env::args()))
- [ ] Ability to provide default values
- [ ] Ability to make Argument or subcommand required
- [ ] Cache the result of parsing the cli arguments to improve performance slightly
- [x] fulfill common patters, like described in this [specification](https://gist.github.com/pksunkara/1485856)
# Installation
Add `arg_parse = "0.3.0"` to your cargo dependencies (`cargo.toml`).
arg_parse = "0.3.0"
# Example
Prints the Options which are found or parsing errors.
- LongOption: `hello` without any further arguments
- ShortOption: `b` with two arguments
- ShortOption: `a` without any arguments
use arg_parse::ArgParser;
use arg_parse::config;
//List of all available long options
const LONG_OPTIONS: &'static [config::LongOption] = &[
//Define a long option called hello without parameters
config::LongOption{name: "hello", value_count: 0}
//List of all available short options
const SHORT_OPTIONS: &'static [config::ShortOption] = &[
//Define a short option called b with two parameters
config::ShortOption{name:'b', value_count: 2},
//Define a short option called a without parameters
config::ShortOption{name:'a', value_count: 0}
const NON_OPTIONS: &'static [config::NonOption] = &[
//Define a non option called non-option with three parameters
config::NonOption{name: "non-option", value_count: 3},
//Define a short option called a without parameters
config::NonOption{name:"last-option", value_count: 0}
//Create the root command which is the program itself basically
const PARSER_ROOT_CMD: config::Config = config::Config::from(SHORT_OPTIONS, LONG_OPTIONS, NON_OPTIONS);
//Create the parser from the root command
static PARSER: ArgParser = ArgParser::from(PARSER_ROOT_CMD);
fn main() {
let root_cmd = PARSER.parse(); //Parse the command line arguments
match root_cmd {
Ok(result) => println!("Result: {:?}", result), //Print result
Err(error) => println!("ERROR: {:?}", error) //Print errors if occur
### Links:
[Github Repo](https://github.com/oxydemeton/arg_parse/)
[Rust Docs](https://docs.rs/arg_parse/latest/arg_parse/)