use std::{io,fs::File}; type Error = Box; type R = Box; fn main() -> Result<(),Error> { let (args,argv) = argmap::new() .booleans(&[ "h", "help", "c", "bytes", "w", "words", "l", "lines" ]) .parse(std::env::args()); if argv.contains_key("h") || argv.contains_key("help") { indoc::printdoc![r#"usage: {} {{OPTIONS}} [FILE] Count the number of bytes, words, or lines in a file or stdin. -i, --infile Count words from FILE or '-' for stdin (default). -c, --bytes Show number of bytes. -w, --words Show number of words. -l, --lines Show number of lines. -h, --help Show this message. "#, args.get(0).unwrap_or(&"???".to_string())]; return Ok(()); } let mut show_bytes = argv.contains_key("c") || argv.contains_key("bytes"); let mut show_words = argv.contains_key("w") || argv.contains_key("words"); let mut show_lines = argv.contains_key("l") || argv.contains_key("lines"); if !show_bytes && !show_words && !show_lines { show_bytes = true; show_words = true; show_lines = true; } let stdin_file = "-".to_string(); let infile = argv.get("infile").and_then(|v| v.first()) // --infile=file .or_else(|| argv.get("i").and_then(|v| v.first())) // -i file .or_else(|| args.get(1)) // first positional arg after $0 .unwrap_or(&stdin_file) // default value: "-" .as_str(); let mut stream: R = match infile { "-" => Box::new(io::stdin()), f => Box::new(File::open(f)?), }; let mut buf = vec![0;4096]; let mut byte_count = 0; let mut word_count = 0; let mut line_count = 0; loop { let len = buf)?; if len == 0 { break } byte_count += len; let s = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[0..len])?; word_count += s.split_whitespace().count(); line_count += s.lines().count(); } let mut outline = "".to_string(); if show_lines { outline += &format!["{:>4} ", line_count] } if show_words { outline += &format!["{:>4} ", word_count] } if show_bytes { outline += &format!["{:>4} ", byte_count] } println!["{}", outline.trim_end()]; Ok(()) }