use std::{env, fs, path::Path}; use typify::{TypeSpace, TypeSpacePatch, TypeSpaceSettings}; /// The URL for the Argo JSON schema at a fixed version static URL: &str = ""; fn main() -> Result<(), String> { let body = reqwest::blocking::get(URL) .expect("Failed to get schema from Argo project") .text() .expect("Failed to get raw text body"); std::fs::write("schema.json", body.clone()).expect("Failed to save to file"); let schema = serde_json::from_str::(&body).unwrap(); let mut settings = TypeSpaceSettings::default(); settings.with_struct_builder(true); for k in schema.definitions.keys() { // .filter(|n| n.contains("io.argoproj.workflow")) { if k.contains("io.argoproj") { let type_name = k.split(".").last(); let mut nn = k .replace("IoArgoproj", "") .replace("V1alpha1", ""); nn = nn.split(".").last().unwrap().to_string(); settings.with_patch( format!("IoArgoprojWorkflowV1alpha1{}", type_name.unwrap_or("")), TypeSpacePatch::default() .with_rename(nn.clone()), ); settings.with_patch( format!("IoArgoprojEventsV1alpha1{}", type_name.unwrap_or("")), TypeSpacePatch::default() .with_rename(format!("Events{}", nn.clone())), ); } } let mut type_space = TypeSpace::new(&settings); type_space.add_root_schema(schema).expect("Couldn't add root schema"); let contents = format!( "{}\n{}", "use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};", prettyplease::unparse(&syn::parse2::(type_space.to_stream()).unwrap()) //Custom change so we produce block doc strings correctly due to http:// usage .replace("http://", "http") .replace("https://", "https") ); let mut out_file = Path::new(&format!("{}", env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap())).to_path_buf(); out_file.push(""); fs::write(out_file, contents).unwrap(); Ok(()) }