use argpars::*; fn print_stuff() { println!("stuff"); } fn print_param(to_print: &str) { println!("{}", to_print); } fn main() { // Creating ArgsObj object let mut args: ArgsObj = Argpars::new(); // // To disable default arguments (--help and --version) uncomment this line: //args.no_default_arguments(); // Setting basic info about the app args.help_usage = format!("Usage: {} [OPTION]... [TEST]\n", args.arguments_passed[0]); args.help_name = "Test App".to_string(); args.help_description = "This is a test description".to_string(); args.help_version = "v1.0".to_string(); // Adding sections into the help screen args.add_help_section("TEST SECTION:", "\tthis is a test section!\n"); args.add_help_section( "SECOND TEST SECTION:", "\tthis is another test section!\n\tWith multiple lines!", ); // Adding arguments into the app args.add_argument("--print-stuff", "display \"stuff\""); args.add_argument("--print-param", "display whatever you pass as an parameter"); // This is how you execute something when no arguments were passed if args.no_arguments_passed() { args.display_help_screen(); } // This is how you ignore other arguments when the default (help, version) or wrong ones were passed else if args.default_arguments_passed() || args.wrong_arguments_passed() { } // Here you handle the rest of the arguments else { if args.passed("--print-stuff") { print_stuff(); } if args.passed("--print-param") { print_param(args.get_parameter_for("--print-param")); } } // Executing Argpars parser and exiting from the app with a return value std::process::exit(; }